Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 36, September 1992

In October 1991 the Waimata School, near Waihi, held its 75th Anniversary.


Early in 1914 Mr Frederick Pratt, on behalfoflocal residents, made formal application to the Auckland Education Board for the establishment of a school at Waimata. The land for the school was donated by Mr Pratt and tenders were called at the end of 1915. In January 1916 Messrs F Browne and Sons' tender of £363 for the erection of a school was accepted. The school opened on 1 May, 1916 as the Waihi Plains School with a roll of 29. The sole teacher was Mr P J Lynch.

By 1920 there were two teachers at the school, Mr Large and Miss Gardiner but later the school varied over the years from a one to two teacher school. In 1926 Mr Birdsall started teaching there he and is well remembered for the Harley Davidson motorbike he rode. He raised funds for the school by sowing pine tree seeds and selling trees to farmers as shelter trees. He also started swimming lessons at Suttons pool across the railway lines. In 1927 the name of the school was changed from Waihi Plains to Waimata.

By the early 1950's the school roll had become more settled and a second room was added to the school, in 1952, as a permanent building. Earlier the Primers had been taught in the local hall. Soon after this a schoolhouse was built on the site. In 1959 a staff room was added and in 1960 the swimming baths were built.

The school and grounds were remodelled in 1987 at a cost of over $250,000. The original classroom was moved from its position and placed adjacent to the second classroom and office block. It was during this move, when the building was suspended a metre and a half high on the timber jacks, that the Bay of Plenty earthquake occurred, causing the whole building to sway back and forth. Fortunately the building did not fall and the move was completed without further incident. The inside of the buildings were completely refurbished and the space between the two classrooms was closed in and formed the library. A relocatable classroom for the third teacher was also added. The present roll (1991) is 62 children of whom 33% travel from Waihi or Waihi Beach to attend.


The weekend activities began on Friday night, 11 October 1991, with a wine and cheese evening at the Waimata Hall. On Saturday morning two bus loads took a tour of the Waihi Mine and then returned to the school for lunch prepared by the Lionesses. By mid day the Jubilee celebrations were well underway with nearly 200 people present including three of the first year pupils. These were Doreen Moore (nee McGrath), Fred Pratt and Gladys Clements (nee McCall).

The formal afternoon proceedings were conducted by Mr Alex Kelly, Chairman of the Reunion Committee. The assembly was welcomed by Mr Andrew Buckle, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Speakers included Hauraki Mayor, Mr Basil Morrison and the Waihi Community Board Chairperson, Mrs Joyce Fawcett. Following the speeches, Mrs Moore and Mrs Clements cut the Jubilee Cake and then present day pupils entertained with a Maori song and dance. Mr Fred Pratt and Jamie Warburton from the present junior class planted a tree. On Saturday night there was a cabaret at the War Memorial Hall and the reunion celebrations ended with a Church Service conducted by Mr Leslie Gordon at the school on Sunday morning.


Chairman: Mr J A Kelly

Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs J Smeaton

Committee: Mr B Atger, Mr A Buckle, Mr G Cowie, Mrs A Jordan, Mr R Jordan, Mrs C Mulhem, Mr D Smeaton, Mrs M Smeaton.