Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 36, September 1992
In February 1992 the Kerepehi Women's Division of Federated Farmers celebrated the 60th Jubilee with a function at the Hauraki Tavern.
The Kerepehi branch was formed in January 1932 after Mr McInnes (member of Federated Farmers) rode on his bicycle around Kerepehi canvassing farmer's wives of the district. Mr McInnes convened a meeting at which the following were present: Mesdames Shilton, M Fisher, V Strong, B McInnes and M Hill. An apology was received from Miss N Pearce. Mrs Shilton was elected first president and Miss Pearce the first secretary.
The branch has always been very active around the district and through the years have helped needy cases with clothes, preserves, vegetables etc. By running sales tables and card evenings they raised funds to provide further assistance. They have run classes in millinery and floral art, made a donation to Women Division's national Spitfire plane in the Second World War Years, held kitchen evenings for brides-to-be, farewells and welcome homes to local boys during war years. Every six weeks members collected money on the Kerepehi district to buy suitable things to pack into parcels and send to Britain and local men serving overseas.
Women's Division, through Mrs Shilton, made strong representation in many places, local and provincial, to Government departments for school bus services in the Kerepehi district. The Division took part in the successful deputation to the Commissioner of Crown Lands to secure a domain. Deputations also assisted in acquiring postal facilities, rural delivery service and a new post office. The branch also formed the first garden circle on the Hauraki Plains and assisted Maoris in the field of housing and health before these functions were carried out by the Maori Affairs Department.
Since 1977 the branch has had its ups and downs. Foundation member Violet Strong passed away in 1982 and many members came and went as the Hauraki Plains had a shifting population. A core of members still carried on the work as they have done for so many years. February 1982 saw members past and present gather at the Hauraki Tavern to celebrate the 50th Golden Jubilee. Today the branch has 10 members led by President, Colleen Reddy and it is one of the oldest branches in the Thames Valley.
The Women's Division of Federated Farmers was originally called the Women's Division of Farmers Union. It is solely a New Zealand women's organisation, although it is now affiliated with the worldwide Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW).
It was originally formed in Wellington when it was suggested by a Mr McAlpine to farmers' wives with their husbands for the Farmers' Union Conference that there was a real need for an organisation to help better the conditions of the farming community, especially the backblock wives and children. They often suffered through loneliness, illness and lack of help. From this appeal arose the first Women's Division Farmers' Union formed on 28 July 1925.