Samuel and Ellen Chalton, Netherton
The lives and descendants of Samuel and Ellen Chalton, founders of Netherton, and of Samuel’s brother John Chalton.
Arrived New Zealand 1860.
The information in this is a summary. I have a huge amount of supporting documents such as birth certificates, death certificates, wills, Baptismal certificates, newspaper cuttings etc
I also have approximately 150-200 family photos.
If anyone notices any errors or omissions, please let me know.
The England Chalton family tree has been researched back to the late 1600s and the family tree of Samuel's mother, the Nangreaves has been researched to around 1500.
by A S Chalton, Oct 2018.
[See also: "Netherton's Name" in Journal 40 for further discussion on the naming of Netherton]