Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 19, June 1975


November 1974 Dr North of Athenree spoke on Urewera Country - full of facts and a good speaker.

Field Day to Cambridge - Lovely day, educational, and What a welcome!

February 1975 Mr Jim Birse of Whangamata, whose subject was, "Grand Junction Power House" - a most enjoyable night, nostalgic for some, full of humour and stories of the past. Just tops!

Field Day at Huntly: We joined 200 members of other societies to see the "Old" and the "New" and learnt much from this outing.

March A talk on Paeroa and the part his family played in the, establishment, by Mr Fielden Thorp - interesting all the way through.

Field Day to Katikati 100 year celebration on 15th March. A bus load made the trip and had a fabulous day.

April: Annual Meeting - quite a good attendance. Society making steady progress - still holding members. Single 176, Family 60, Life 5. Finances sound, but officers hard to get. President and Secretary remain the same. It is regretted that subs have to be increased to: Single $2, Family $2.50, Life Membership remains at $30. All costs have increased. It is still good value for money, Journal alone.

Mr and Mrs W.H. Armour and Mr and Mrs B. Middlebrook were made Life Members. They are foundation members and have worked long and well for the Society. We are proud to have these fine pioneers. Mr and Mrs Middlebrook celebrated 60 years of marriage recently. Mr Armour will be 90 this month.

A valued member, Mr B. McAra, retired inspector of Mines has offered to write a book, "History of Goldmining in Waihi" - a complete record of our mines. Nothing like this has been attempted before. Photographs will be needed, so please send any you may have.

Maurice Roycroft, PRESIDENT Norma Rosborough, HON SEC. & TREAS.


SUMMER EXHIBITION: The pottery sold well as usual and a bulk lot having been purchased, there was a continual replacement of pieces so that a display was always maintained.

CHILDREN'S ART EXHIBITION: To recognise Miss Jefferson's name, it was decided to make two awards available to the schools for class exhibits. These awards took the form of art books to be added to the libraries of those schools which produced the best work in the Senior and Junior sections.

STAMP EXHIBITION: Mr. Armour, a well known collector has made a display available and it is on exhibition at present. This is most interesting for collectors - and others.

SEMINAR: What is becoming a six-monthly seminar of the Art Museums in our wider area was held in Turangi in March and representatives attended. The model of the No.1. Shaft will be available for loan within this circuit and a model under construction at Turangi will visit Waihi indue course. The next seminar will be in Tauranga.

CLERICAL STAFF: The clerical position has been upgraded and Mrs. Anne Bange has been appointed to this new office. We welcome her warmly as her interest in the Centre has always been so positive. Miss Manning retired in June and we thank her for her seven years of help.

The opening hours are extended to:-

Weekdays 11 a.m. -- 3 p.m.

Sundays: 2 p.m. -- 4 p.m.

PAEROA REPORT 1974 - 1975

Memberships 295 (255 ordinary, 34 Family, 4 Life and 6 Exchanges of Journal).

Annual subscriptions $2.00 and Family $3.00 are now due! We send special Greetings to our Treasurer - Mrs. Mona Beattie.

Activities: In May. A weekend at Taupo. (Reported).

June. A week's holiday in Greece - talk by Mr. D. Lee.

July Talk by Mr. H. Thorp - The Ohinemuri River.

August. Dr. Alan North - The Urewera Country and its National Park with slides and movies by Mr. D. Bell, Chief Ranger.

September. Talk by Mrs. Waldergrave [Waldegrave ? – E] - Tracings of Genealogical Tree.

October. Talk by Mr. James Thorp who was a delegate to the Grassmens Conference in Russia - "A Trip to Russia".

November. A Field Day in Cambridge with other Historical Societies.

December to February. Preparing the "Pioneer Village" for the Paeroa Centenary

March. A Field Day to KatiKati; saw Enactment of the arrival of the Ulster Settlers to KatiKati, during their Centennial Week.

April. Annual Meeting 1975 -- Discussion.