Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 19, June 1975
The year 1975 marks the Centenary of the Opening of Ohinemuri for European settlement and mining. A Steering Committee, (Messrs N. Clark (Chair.) J. Warburton and R. Cowan (Dep. Ch.) W. Snelgar (Sec.) R. Morrissy (Treas.) G. Lee (Mayor) I. Lamond (Finance) J. Kennedy (Publicity) H. Tukukino (Maori Comm.) and B. Heath.) secured the co-operation of many Organisations and the week-long Centennial Celebrations drew hundreds of people to Paeroa. They came not merely to join in the fun but chiefly because they had some association with past years.
Some remembered notable Maori ancestors, or Pioneer forebears who established the first European settlements for a variety of reasons. The "Opening of the Goldfield" in 1875 brought not only prospective miners, but also prospective traders, farmers, artisans and professional people. Many of the visitors of several generations were probably past pupils of the School originally opened by Mr. John Ritchie one hundred years ago. The limits of our Journal render it impossible to report all functions fully but we hope to make a synopsis that will convey the spirit of a wonderful week.
We acknowledge our indebtedness to Mr A. M. Isdale, B.A. for a copy of his very comprehensive "History of Karangahake", compiled from reliable sources not readily available to the public. Both this work and the Research of Mr. Gary Staples will be invaluable for reference and further articles though their length precludes our using them in full for Journal purposes. They each represent many "work hours" as anyone who has written even one article must appreciate.
We apologise for the lateness of Journal 19, which has been compiled under somewhat difficult circumstances. Not only did the Editor fall by the wayside but our typist Elaine Barron had the misfortune to break her wrist. We are most grateful for help and good wishes.
I would like to add my appreciation of the kind letters and encouragement received over the years of our endeavour. It is with deep regret that I find I must curtail my activities and tender my resignation as your Editor, but my warmest interest is with you. Twelve years of this absorbing work have resulted in many close friendships and a great appreciation of the debt we owe to those whose stories we have related. Please continue!
Affectionately, NELL CLIMIE.
Mr. Walter Wylde writes:-
I have a complete file (18) of the "O.R.H. Journal" which I wish to give to the Paeroa His. Soc. I think it would be a pity to sell odd copies and suggest that they be bound in half dozens and kept as a record, perhaps in the Public Library. I will meet the cost of the binding if it is done in my life-time.
W. P. Wylde.
We would like to record our appreciation of Mr. Wylde's gift. As a Centennial gesture the three bound Volumes to date have been presented to the Paeroa Borough Council for Reference Library use. We thank our many contributors who have added some "threads to the tapestry"; and Mr. Wylde has been one of these. Born in Waikino where his father was an executive at the famous Victoria Battery he has spent all his life in the district. We are indeed grateful to him.