Waihi Municipal Water Supply Dams

Waihi Borough Council Diamond Jubilee 1902-1962

P 147




Waihi is indeed fortunate in having an abundant supply of water so near at hand, yet for many years after a town had been established most households drew their water from backyard wells or rain water tanks. By having the "rights" on all the suitable streams, from which water races were constructed, the mining companies made a waterworks impossible. This state of affairs, however, weighed heavily on the Waihi Company's conscience, for it allowed some water to be pumped from its holding ponds into a small reservoir at the top of Martha St. This was reticulated in the central area of the town, while the hospital was allowed to draw from the Waitete water race near Hollis' bush.

As the population grew, and the town became a Borough, so also did the need for something more permanent, and before long the Company permitted the Council to build the present reservoir in Walmsley's Stream. The Hon R. J. Seddon turned on this supply on March 13th., 1905, and for many years it proved quite adequate. However, with the resurgence of house building, septic tank installations and the requirements of industry during the last 15 years, the water available quickly fell short of the demand. The destruction by fire of much of the native bush in the catchment area hastened this situation.

Irksome restrictions now became unavoidable each summer, but this was remedied in 1957 when a loan of £27,000 was raised by the Borough Council. As well as enabling many miles of worn-out street mains to be replaced, this money made it possible to double the intake of water by tapping the upper Waitete Stream.

Meanwhile, to meet the ever increasing demand for water, the Council has reserved the catchment areas of two more neighbouring streams [most likely to be the two eastern tributaries of the Waitete; headwaters of both are "protected" by Water Supply Catchment zones in the District Plan - E].

From Waihi Borough Council Scrap Book, 1902 –1904

Held at Waihi Library

Source: NZ Herald (?)

Date: May 1903


Waihi, Monday.

During the Premier's visit to Waihi he received several private deputations. He was also interviewed by His Worship the Mayor and borough councillors on several important matters affecting the welfare of the community.

The question of gazetting the gold duty was first; introduced to the Premier by the Mayor, who, in support of the contention that an Order-in-Council was necessary, quoted sections of the Municipal Corporations Act bearing on the Question. His Worship also reminded the Premier of his promise given in Auckland that the Order-in-Council would be gazetted, referring also to the promise given by Sir Joseph Ward in the same connection. The Premier, in reply, said the Secretary for the Treasury and the Crown law officers had reported that. it was not necessary for the gold duty to be gazetted, and as the Government had stated that the gold duty in Waihi belonged by legal right to the borough, and as the Government had already given an assurance, which he could substantiate, they had no intention of diverting any portion of the gold duty from its legitimate channel, the Waihi Borough Council, and the residents should be satisfied, especially as the gold duty had been regularly paid to the borough since its inception. It was time enough to complain when the money was not forthcoming.

The waterworks loan of £15,000 was the next question introduced, the Mayor pointing out the urgent necessity for a pure water supply, and the inadequate supply they had now to put up with, which was practically useless in case of a big fire. The Premier said that the chief difficulty in the way of granting the loan was that the security, owing to the unsatisfactory tenure obtaining in Waihi, was not considered so good as in a settled district, where good titles prevailed. He thought the time was opportune for the Government to introduce a measure that would give present occupiers a good title to the surface without in any way interfering with the several mining companies' mining rights below the surface. This would also encourage owners of business and residence sites to build more substantial buildings. With better titles they would be able to secure the money necessary for carrying out such imperative works as water and drainage. He would see what could be done in the direction indicated.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

17 June, 1903

Public Notices

Waihi Waterworks.

Loan Granted.

An Advance Ready on Application.

Last evening the Town Clerk of Waihi received the following official intimation of the granting of the waterworks loan ;—

"The .£15,000 loan for the construction of the waterworks is now available. An advance on account of loan will be paid on application being made.

"R. J. collins,

" Sec. Treasury."


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday October 2, 1903

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


The Engineer reported and recommended as follows:--

Gentlemen, - I have the honour to report as follows:--

1. Water Supply.—I have inspected the various possible sources of water supply with the results that Walmsley's creek, I find, is the most suitable. I have made an estimate of the proposed work as nearly as can be made without survey and finished plans, and find that it will cost upwards of £14,000 to bring the water into town and reticulate it through the principal streets. It is my intention now to go on with the preparation of the necessary engineering survey of the scheme, with the view of obtaining the required data to permit of the various works being put in hand. I would recommend that an area of about 900 acres within the watershed of Walmsley's creek be reserved as a water conservation area for this Borough.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

November 13, 1903

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


"Water Works.—I am now prepared to issue specifications for the supply of piping and other material for these works, and would recommend that tenders be advertised for all of it, except the wrought iron spiral riveted pipes which are solely manufactured by Mephan Ferguson the patentee, and who will receive the order direct. These are the cheapest class of effective pipes made, the cheapest to handle and lay, thus making their use for the head mains most desirable."


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday, November 27, 1903

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


H. P. Barry wrote stating that the Waihi Company would give the borough-two sluice heads [one sluice head equals one cubic foot per second - E] at Walmsley's Creek but would object to any of the water so given being used for purposes of motive power.

The Town Clerk said that when interviewed by him Mr Barry had said that as long as the borough required only one sluice head the Company would have no objection to the water being used for motive power, but if they took two heads, the Company would object to the water being used for any other than domestic purposes.

Cr Katz asked what was the meaning of "domestic purposes." Would such a condition prevent people watering their gardens with the water ?

The Mayor said he did not think it would.

The Town Clerk explained that by law the borough was entitled to one head from each creek for domestic purposes only.

Cr. Saunders asked if the present scheme could be augmented by the tapping of any other neighbouring stream.

The engineer said the amount of water could be increased by raising the height of the dam, and storing the water up in the rainy, season, or by tapping the Mataura stream. The former would be the cheaper plan.


December, 1903

The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Waihi Borough Council.

Special Meeting

Waihi Company and Borough Water Supply

The special meeting of the Waihi Borough Council, with reference to the questions of the water supply and the appointment of arbitrator to represent the Borough in matters in dispute between the County, was held last evening in the Miners' Union Hall. There were present Councillors Slevin, Foster, Henderson, Saunders, Newth Finn, Brown, Campbell, Katz, and the Borough Engineer.

Mr H. P. Barry, representing the Waihi G.M.Co , was also present on invitation.

The Town Clerk apologised for the unavoidable absence of His Worship the Mayor, who was ill, and also for that of Councillor Ryburn who had been detained on other business.

Mr Finn was unanimously voted to the chair.

The minutes of the previous special meeting were read and confirmed.

The chairman, in introducing the business of the meeting, explained that the Waihi Gold Mining Company held certain rights over the water area in question, but were willing that one sluice head should be used for the benefit of the public of Waihi, as provided for in the Act.

Mr Barry stated that he was quite willing that the borough should have the use of one sluice head without any conditions being placed thereon. His company had the rights to all the water after one sluice head, but if a second sluice head was required it should only be used exclusively for domestic purposes. He should like it to be understood however, that if the first sluice head was used for motive power, the borough could not claim a second sluice head for domestic purposes. It was very nice no doubt for tradesmen to have the right of motive power to drive sausage machines, etc,, as well as for domestic purposes, but when others had to go short it was not a matter of what one would like.

The chairman here referred to the clause of the Act affecting compensation.

Mr Barry replied that in that case the borough would pay more to the Company than the water was worth to the man they gave it to.

The chairman remarked that the Council was only anxious to conserve the rights of the public as to the water supply.

Mr Barry replied that they must take what was considered reasonable and not what they liked.

Cr. Foster referred to the question, as discussed at the last Council meeting, of tapping another creek, with the object of procuring two sluice heads, including the one from Walmsley's creek.

Mr. Barry said he considered that would make no difference. His company had the right over that, and he did not think the Council would have the right to another sluice head by such means. At any rate it would be a matter of some expense. One sluice head was a liberal supply for the township at present, but if the population increased to say 20,000 inhabitants, the present arrangement would not interfere in any way with future action on the part of the Council to procure a greater supply. As a business transaction he should say the best thing to do would be to take the one sluice head, and go on to the second, if required for domestic purposes. If the population increased to such an extent that it would be necessary to have a larger supply, then it would be time to make an application for such increase. He had taken no legal opinion upon the matter, but he considered it was not a question to submit to law, because if necessary he could take the water out 100 feet below the dam, where it would be of no use for borough purposes. He considered it was a matter which would be better settled in a friendly manner.

Cr Saunders asked for a definition of the words "domestic purposes." Did it include the watering of gardens?

Mr Barry replied that the practice of watering gardens could be very much abused. He considered the use of a hose would not be included in the meaning of "domestic purposes." Persons could wash their gardens away with a hose, and if every gardener watered with a hose the consumption of water would be great. He considered the use of a watering pot the only legitimate means as coming within the meaning of "domestic purposes." The one sluice head would be sufficient to provide for all that.

Cr Campbell asked whether the one sluice head would be free of any conditions.

Mr. Barry replied that he quite admitted the right of the Borough to one sluice head without any conditions, but the Council could not sell that sluice head for motive power, and then come and claim another one for domestic purposes. He pointed out that the agreement must safeguard the company's interests in certain respects.

The Chairman said that he thought the position was clear enough. One sluice head could be obtained free of all conditions, but Mr. Barry wanted it to be understood that if a portion of it were used for motive power, and a second head was required for domestic purposes, then the Council would have to drop the portion used for motive power.

Cr Katz asked that in the event of a dry season what would the Council's position be with regard to the sluice-heads.

Mr Barry said that the creek had never been known to be dry. It was only some six months during the year that the supply was at all narrow.

Cr Foster said he understood that the matter would have to go through the Warden, and that an agreement would be drawn up so that the matter of conditions etc. would be made perfectly clear. It , seemed to him that the Council was quite secure for some time to come in the matter of the water supply.

The chairman pointed out that a memorandum of agreement would be drawn up and submitted to the Warden.

Mr Barry remarked, that it would be necessary to submit it first of all to his company's solicitors.

At this stage Mr Barry said he would like to withdraw if there was nothing else to put before him.

On the motion of Cr Campbell, seconded by Cr Foster, a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Mr Barry for his attendance.

Mr Barry then withdrew.

Cr Brown moved that steps be taken to apply for one sluice head from Walmsley's creek for public use, and that a sub-committee, consisting of His Worship the. Mayor, and Councillors Finn, Campbell, Foster and Saunders be appointed to confer with the solicitors and draw up a memorandum of agreement with regard to the second sluice head of water allowed by the Waihi Company (three to form a quorum).'

This was seconded by Cr Slevin and carried.


The Chairman pointed out that the Council had not obtained any rights for a water area, notwithstanding the fact that the Council was spending a considerable sum for a water supply. He was considerably surprised at this.

The Town Clerk replied that the area had already been surveyed and applied for to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, but certain delays had taken place.

The Chairman said that application could be made through the Warden's Court.

Cr Saunders moved that the Council apply to the Warden for the water conservation area already surveyed and applied for to the Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Cr Campbell seconded, and the motion was carried.

This terminated the question of the water supply.


Source: The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday December 11, 1903

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


The above Committee reported : --

"Your committee on this subject have to report that an agreement is being prepared by which the Borough will acquire the exclusive right to divert one head of water at the point now pegged out as the site of the dam, to be used for any municipal service, also the right to divert a further quantity up to two sluice heads, provided that when the amount diverted exceeds one head, water shall not be used for motive power. These rights to vest in the Borough as first rights on the water, and to be placed on record in the Warden's Court. A clause will be inserted giving the Borough power to lay the pipes on the Company's tramway grant on such terms and in such places as may be arranged between the Borough Engineer and the Waihi Company."

The report was adopted.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Wednesday, December 23, 1903

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


Mephen Ferguson, of Melbourne, submitted by cable quotations for wrought iron pipes in connection with the water supply.

The Engineer said that the pipes were largely used in Victoria and were very serviceable, and only about half the cost of cast-iron pipes.

On the motion of Cr Campbell, seconded by Cr Slevin, the offer was accepted.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday, February 5, 1904

Public Notices


Notice is hereby given that all private connections with water mains will be cut off on and after Saturday, the 13th February, 1904, This has become necessary owing to the careless waste which has been carried on.


Borough Engineer.

[This refers to the existing water supply – E]


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday, February 5, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


J. A. Pond, Government analyst, forwarded the following report on the analysis of water intended for the Waihi water supply :—

"On the 23rd ult. I received from your Engineer a sample of water for analysis. This was contained in two stoppered Winchesters which had been chemically cleaned and the sample taken by your Engineer in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. As desired I have made an analysis of the water, the results being as follows :

Appearance in 2ft tube

Faint Greenish White

Ammonia, free


grs per gal

Ammonia, alluminoid


grs per gal

Nitrogen as nitrates


grs per gal

Oxygen absorbed in 4 hours


grs per gal

Chlorine as Chlorides


grs per gal

Phosphoric acidas phosphates

small trace


Hardness before boiling (Clarke's deg.)

0.75 deg


Hardness after boiling



Smell at 100 deg.



Total solids



Microscopic examination of deposit

Vegetable debris, diatoms, siliceous particles


"The samples, after standing, were very clear and bright, with only a trifling amount of sediment of a light, flocculent character."

"This is a first class water, and if the sample submitted is a fair average of your supply it would be a difficult to find a better one. It must not be forgotten, however, that at this period of the year all upland waters are at their best if running, there being no freshets to disturb organic sedimentary matter, while most of the small swampy deposits are cut off from the supply. Therefore, although the analysis shows this to be a water of exceptional purity, very careful observation will be required to see whether it retains this position. It is a water of marked softness; the total solids are very low, while the dissolved organic is exceedingly small, and these characteristics show that its value is high, not only as a potable water, but also for boiler purposes."

The report was received.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday, February 19, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


The report of the Engineer was is follows.

"Present Water Supply.—I would recommend that the water be turned on for domestic purposes for one hour each day, as otherwise owing to the large consumption and waste there is danger that a supply will not be on hand if required for fire extinguishing purposes. Recently, upon finding it impossible to keep the supply up, and finally an empty reservoir, I was forced, for the safety of the town, to shut the water off altogether."


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday October 14, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


Cr. Donaldson moved that the Premier be invited to perform the ceremony of turning on the water. They were indebted to the Government for receiving under favourable conditions the money required for the work, besides which it would do the place good to invite the Premier.

Cr. Henderson seconded.

Cr. Katz said that as the water would only be laid on at the start in the main streets, the general supply would not be turned on for some time. But if the Premier was to perform the ceremony a good chance would be given to the Liberal and Labour Federation to entertain him. The expense should not fall on the Borough Council. He had not forgotten the slating the Council had received when they entertained Sir J. Ward.

Cr. Campbell moved as an amendment that Mr. Herries be also invited.

Cr. Saunders seconded.

Cr. Katz considered that this would be a slight on the member for the district. It would be asking him to play second fiddle to "King Dick."

Cr. Campbell said that Mr Herries had done his best for Waihi, while the Premier and the Minister for Mines had done nothing. He did not believe in cringing and crawling to the Government for justice. The Government had never been asked to do anything tor Waihi that was not absolutely due to it, nor had they done anything but the barest justice. They had had three Ministers in Waihi at different times, each of whom had made promises, and after making them the borough had been put to great expense to get them to keep their word. It was an insult to the Government to lead them to think it was necessary to crawl and cringe to them in order to get fair play. Those who were crawling to the Premier never had the courage to blame the Government for anything. He would now withdraw his amendment, and move a fresh one, that Mr Herries be asked to perform the ceremony.

Cr. Katz seconded. He claimed to be a Liberal, and saw in Mr. Seddon one of the finest men he had met. But there were people of all shades of opinion in the Community, and to some of them the name of Seddon was as a red rag to a bull. Mr. Herries represented the majority of the electors, and was entitled to respect.

Cr. Donaldson said it would be a mistake to pass the Premier over for Mr. Herries. There were times when it was better to put their feeling in their pockets and consider the general good of the community. They ought to respect the position that Mr. Seddon held.

Cr. Newth said that he favoured inviting both. If Mr. Seddon could not come to Waihi the ceremony could then be performed by Mr Herries.

The Mayor said that before the invitations were sent he would like the Council to agree on the question of expense. If they asked Mr. Seddon the members who favoured Mr. Herries would object to the cost, and the other side would perhaps do the same if they invited Mr. Herries.

Cr. Foster objected to the insinuation that the Councillors were so narrow-minded.

Cr. Katz objected to expenditure of money in entertaining anybody. Everyone ought to pay his own share. He would pay for his, but he objected to using Borough money for such a purpose. If the Liberal and Labour Federation wanted Mr Seddon to present their charter they ought to entertain him and not ask the Council to do it.

Cr Campbell withdrew his amendment, and it was agreed that both the Premier and Herries be invited.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

22 October, 1904

Public Notices


Burgesses who are within the area to be supplied with water are requested to make application for connections forthwith. Pipes will be laid in the following streets :—Broadway, Waihi-street. Walmsley Road, Barry and Mataura Roads, Stafford-street, Dobson-street, Gray-street, Junction Road, Kenny-street, Clark-street, Gilmour-street, Mueller-street, Haszard-street, Tauranga Road, Silverton Road, Victoria-street, Moresby Avenue, Martin Road, Walker-street, Kensington Road, Toomey-street, Rosemont Road.

Houses and lands within 100 yards of water mains will be charged a water rate whether the water be taken or not.


Town Clerk.

Council Chambers,

Waihi, Oct. 22, 1904


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday October 28, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


W. H. Herries, member for the Bay of Plenty, wrote stating that he would be pleased to attend the ceremony of turning on the water.

Cr Foster asked if any reply had been received from the Premier.

The Mayor: No.

Cr. Foster said he was not surprised that the Premier had not replied. He would not be surprised if he did not reply at all. He thought it a fitting opportunity of moving a resolution in reference to the misleading reports in the Auckland daily papers of the discussion at the last Council meeting on the question of inviting the Premier to perform the ceremony. He would now move "That this Council regrets the unfair and misleading reports of our last Council meeting as published in the Auckland papers dealing with the proposition inviting the Premier to officially open the water service. "In moving the motion he said there was no reflection on the reporters. He was satisfied they had sent fair and impartial reports. The reports had apparently been curtailed in the offices. He considered it was a scandal to journalism that such misleading reports should appear. The resolution inviting the Premier was a wise one, to which any Council would agree. The Council was not responsible for the words used by Cr Campbell, and he thought that gentleman was hardly responsible for what he said, and that he afterwards regretted saying what he did. Owing to the misrepresentation the impression had gone forth that the reports represented the feeling of the public of Waihi.

Cr Donaldson seconded. He was exceedingly sorry that cause had been given for the motion, and was serry that the gentleman in Auckland who curtailed the reports should make them so misleading. It was better to tell a good lie than half a truth. The half-truth which the Auckland papers had told had put the borough in a most unfavourable light. In their condensed form the reports were very misleading. Another Auckland paper, basing its remarks on the misleading reports, had criticised the tone of the discussion. In the local paper the report had been fair, as the pros and cons were both given, which was all they could reasonably expect, but when it was all cons and no pros it was unfair. The reports in the Auckland papers had conveyed a wrong impression. The fact that the reason for inviting the Premier was because he had given them the money was carefully suppressed. The Government had lent the money on much better terms than could have been obtained in other quarters.

Cr. Saunders, said that in inviting the Premier they were offering an insult to the Mayoress. They could do without the Premier. He had given them a loan, but he had given loans to other bodies as well, so that no thanks were due to him. The granting of a loan was a matter of business, and had nothing to do with sentiment. The Government thought our security was good, and they had the money to lend, and so we got it. If Mr. Seddon were to be asked to come to every place in the colony to turn on water, open public schools, etc., he would be everlastingly running about, and would never be at home. He was sorry Cr. Campbell was not there to defend himself.

The Mayor thought Cr Campbell had exceeded himself.

Cr Slevin thought the passing of the resolution would have a beneficial effect. Cr Campbell had not opposed the motion at the last meeting on account of sparing the Premier the trouble, but out of opposition to the idea of inviting him at all.

The motion was then put and carried.

Cr Donaldson then moved that a copy of the resolution be sent to each of the Auckland Daily papers and the Premier.

The motion was seconded and carried.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

November 11, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


Mr. R. J. Seddon, Premier, wired thanking the Council for inviting him to perform the ceremony of turning on the water, and stating it was impossible at present to fix a time, but he would communicate later.

Cr. Campbell said he was sorry that in his absence and with a weak Council he had been roughly handled by Cr. Foster at the last meeting. He considered the references made to him were most un-British. He thought the matter had been settled at the last meeting he attended. and was surprised to hear it had cropped up again. He wished to state he was quite responsible for what he said, and did not regret having spoken as he did. Complaints had been made that the reports of the meeting in the Auckland papers were misleading. The reports were quite correct. As to inviting Ministers, he contended that when Ministers came here it was the duty of the people to entertain them as became their position; but that should only be done when they paid visits in the interests of the people. What did Ministers come for? They only came at election times, to interfere with the liberties of the people.

Cr Foster said that Cr Campbell had harped on the idea that the motion was moved before a weak Council. He seemed to think it was weak because he was not there. But how did he (Cr Foster) know he would not be there? The motion had been written out hours before the meeting and Cr Campbell should have done his duty and attended the meeting. His remark that he thought Cr Campbell was not responsible for what he had said was the most charitable view he could take of it. He (Cr Foster) had stated that the Auckland papers had given a misleading report, and he said so still. Did Cr Campbell think that if he had been at the meeting he (Cr Foster) would not have moved the motion? He would have moved it if twenty Cr Campbells had been there.

Cr. Campbell: Why did you use my name?

Cr. Foster: In speaking to the motion I had to use it. I did nothing in a corner. I would like Cr. Campbell to understand that.

The matter then dropped, and the wire, was received.


The Waihi Daily Telegraph

Friday November 25, 1904

Report of the Waihi Borough Council – Fortnightly meeting


The Mayor moved "That a water supply rate for three months, commencing on 1st January 1905 be made and levied on the annual value of all rateable lands and buildings within the Borough of Waihi as follows:

" Where the annual value does not exceed £12 10s per annum:—a rate of 10s per annum.

" Exceeding £12 10s and .not exceeding £100 of such value, 5 per cent. per annum.

" On second £100 of such value, 4 per cent per annum.

" On third £100 of such value, 3 per cent per annum.

" Exceeding the third £100, 2 per cent per annum,

" Upon all lands and buildings to which water can be, but is not supplied, situated within £100 (sic) yards from any part of the waterworks:—half the above, rates, payable in advance in one sum on 15th January, 1905.

" Extraordinary water supply :—in terms of by-laws."

The motion was seconded and carried.


Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers. Report of Commission Appointed to Enquire into Silting of:


P 101

Henry Douglas Morpeth (Town Clerk of the Borough of Waihi) examined:

30. Mr. McVeagh.] Your borough has waterworks?—Yes.

31. These cost, how much?—Twenty-one thousand pounds. That is the amount we borrowed, but they have cost a little more since.

32. I think the money was borrowed at 4½ per cent., which includes interest and sinking fund?—Yes, for a term of twenty-six years.

33. The Chairman.] Does this stand in your books as a full Sum of £21,000 to the end of twenty-six years?—Yes; that is the amount inscribed in the books of the Treasury.

34. Although a portion of it is repaid?—Yes.

35. So that really it is not fair to state that it stands at the present time at £21,000?—Of course, we do not know what is interest and what sinking fund. It has only been current about four or five years, and the amount of sinking fund accrued in that time will not be very large.

36. Mr. McVeagh.] How is the payment of that water loan secured?—There is a rate pledged, and the gold duty is hypothecated.

37. What is the rate?—One penny and a tenth on the capital value. When the loan was raised we worked on the capital value; now we rate on the annual value.

38. Mr. Cotter.] Is that included in the return of revenue?—No, because it is not struck.

39. Mr. Mitchelson] Why do you not collect it?—It was never intended to be collected. It was only struck to comply with the provisions of the Loans to Local Bodies Act.

40. Mr. McVeagh.] You have no drainage system, in your borough?—No.

41. Is that an imperative need?—It is a crying need.