Waihi Tennis Club AGM 1923 p1

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Waihi Tennis Club

Held in St James’ Hall

20 Sept 1923

Present: Mr Green in the chair. Mesdames Coutts and Walmsley. Misses Kidd, Brown, Wilcox, Muir, Nisbet, Paterson, Worth, and Potier. Messrs Mitchell, Morton, Ross Thompson, Cummings and Dobson.

This being the first annual meeting of the new club formed on Sept 27th 1922 there were no minutes of a previous annual general meeting.

Annual Report and Balance Sheet:

Proposed by Mr Ross and seconded by Mr Morton, that the committee’s Annual Report and Balance Sheet be adopted. Carried unanimously.

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Election of Officers:

The following were nominated:

President: Mr E.W. Green Pro. Mr Morton, Sec. Mr Ross

Vice Presidents: Mr S.H. Walmsley Pro. Mr Ross, Sec. Mr Thompson

Mr A.E. Ross Pro. Mr Green, Sec. Mr Cummins

Secretary and Treasurer: Mr W.J. Cummins Pro. Mr Morton, Sec. Mr Ross

Committee: Mrs Coutts Pro. Miss Brown, Sec. Miss Kidd

Mrs Staples Pro. Mr Green, Sec. Mr Thompson

Miss J.B. Kidd Pro. Mr Green, Sec. Mrs Coutts

Miss M.S. Muir Pro. Mr Cummins, Sec. Mr Thompson

Mr G. Chappell Pro. Mr Green, Sec. Mr Ross

Mr J. Walker Pro. Miss Paterson, Sec. Mr Dobson

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Auditor: Mr A.E. Ross Pro. Mr Green, Sec. Mr Mitchell

Selector: Mr Chappell Pro. Mr Ross, Sec. Miss Muir


Subscriptions: In accordance with his notice of motion of Sept 6th Mr Ross moved –

That the first two lines in Rule 14 be amended to read "The annual subscription is £1-10/- for men and £1 for ladies plus 2/6"**. Seconded by Mr Thompson.

Mr Ross, in speaking to his motion pointed out that the clubs liabilities are £32-5/- and the estimated expenditure for the coming season £22-4/-, a total of £54-9/-. With subscriptions at £1-10/- for men and £1 for ladies the estimated receipts are £50, leaving a deficit of £4-9/-.

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With judicious administration this deficit might be reduced and, perhaps, wiped out altogether.

The president further reviewed the clubs position and recommended the adoption of Mr Ross’ proposal. The motion was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.

New Members: Resolved that the following new members be admitted.

Mrs H. Akeven [?], Misses V. Adams, G. Brady, L. Robinson, D.A. Hatton, M. Fagan, L. Gracey, Messrs E. McLeay, E. Speak, McPherson, L. O’Grady, W. Nerry.

Opening Day: Resolved that the fixing of Opening Day be left in the hands of the committee.

Social: Proposed Miss Muir, seconded Miss Brown that the club hold a social on the night of the Opening Day.

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Owing some doubt as to the possibility of the club’s securing a hall the motion was withdrawn and the matter left in the hands of the committee.

Confirmed: Signed by Chairman, E.W. Green

Date: 16.10.24

** This appears to have been crossed out, ie the original proposal was to charge £1-2/6 for the ladies, but that was subsequently argued as only £1.