Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

1969 Paeroa Tournament
Back row, from left: Wyn Clarke, G Corbett, G Maxwell, L Alley, M Baker, B Hunt, M Shaw, H Morrison, L Morrison, N Roigard, G Bain, J Button, N Nicol, E Lyes.
Centre row: M Jensen, E Kelly, J Lambert, G Wylde, T Brown, V Taylor, S Dance, M Bain, M Reynolds, F Yarrell, G Lee, F Roberts, M McGregor, D Morrison, I Denton, A Masters, D Robinson, M Beattie, M Nelson, A Rankine, L Galvin.
Front row: G Hight, P Pascoe, P Robinson, D McConnell, D Duthie, T Crimmins, N Barrett, L Green, G Blair, M Kidd, D Wather, Dolly Robinson, A Holmes, G Bates, G Neil.
Paeroa Croquet Club
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Mesdames Edith Dunstan, Flo Roberts, Mona Townshend, Molly Jensen, A Team, 1979.
Paeroa Croquet Club
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The Christmas Rocket, 1967, with Ray Hopping climbing up to his cabin.
Lemon & Paeroa Story
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

1900, 1920, 1940 and 1958 croquet dress styles are modelled on a winning float.
Paeroa Croquet Club
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The train on the Ohinemuri bridge is heading for Waihi. In front of the engine can be seen the post which will hold the Advance Starting signals. They will indicate to the driver which line the signal refers, the top arm the main line and the bottom, the branch. In the distant left, the home signal post, the signals guarding the Junction points, top arm main, and bottom, branch. These will disappear when the new signals are in use on 23 September 1912. Note the wires attached to the bridge. There are eight in all, sox for the new signals and two for the present home signals. These latter two will be removed when the new signals are in use. (Auckland Weekly News, 12 September 1912)
Signalling and Tablet System at First Paeroa Railway Station
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The Infants' Block, photographed by the author, in October, 1990.
Paeroa Central School Infants' Block 100 Years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Mrs Flo Roberts, Mrs Thelma Crimmins, Intermediate Doubles winners, Te Aroha Tournament, 1962.
Paeroa Croquet Club
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Lemon and Paeroa "Bottle", 1979.
Lemon & Paeroa Story
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The White family home, in Albert Street, Mackaytown, later known as Mrs White's Boarding House.
Leach - White Family
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The original two metre high, three-dish fountain Bradford Memorial on Primrose Hill, Paeroa.
Paeroa Memorials
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Belmont Road, looking from Wharf Street west, showing the tramway which connected Paeroa's centre to the Junction Wharves some 3 kilometres in the far distance.
Paeroa Street Names
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Back (left to right): Mr T J Loney, Ronald Burgess, David Graham, Geoff Mold, Scott Flatt, Brian Graham, Trevor Davies, Richard Turner, Mr R A Walls
Centre row: Michael Moloney, Michael Burgess, Graheme Williams, Frank Te Wani, Leonard McRae, Bruce Brown
Front row: Max Plummer, John Vercoe, Roger Clist, Roy Hopping, Dan Moloney, Wayne Selwyn
The Coulter Cup
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Back (left to right), Mr F A SAUNDERS (English, Social Studies), Mrs R M BATH (Librarian), Mr N J DOULL (Science, Maths.), Miss P SHAW (Office Secretary)
Centre Miss J M CRIMMINS (Maths., Science), Mr R D THOMPSON, Dip.F.A. (Art), Miss F HUISMAN (French, Social Studies), Mr R A WALLS (Metalwork), Miss M E ARBURY (Homecraft), Mr R A PAEPKE (Music), Mrs H MILROY (English, Social Studies)
Front Mr T J LONEY, M.A. (Head of English Department), Mr AH HUTCHINSON, M.A. (Head of Science Dept.), Mr J J JENSEN, B.A. Dip.Ed. (First Assistant), Mr H W B WEBBER. B.A. (Principal), Mrs G R MORRAN (Acting Senior Mistress), Mr C B ROWE, M.A. (Head of Social Studies Dept.), Mr W W RITCHIE, Woodwork Cert. (Woodwork)
John Jorgens Jensen
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Back (left to right) Douglas DORMER, Paul CALLAWAY, Frank COXHEAD, John POLAND, Gordon FULTON, John TUKAKI, Gordon HASLETT
Centre Mr John JENSEN (Coach), Jack WHITMORE, Roy NEIL, Kevin RYALL, Noel HANSEN, Les TURNBULL, Murray VUGLAR
John Jorgens Jensen
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Back (left to right): Ron Tubman, Ropata Te Moananui, Oho Nicholls, Watene Tukukino, Graeme Lee, Peter Axcell, Maurice Bain, Colin Jenkinson, Mr W H Fleming.
Centre: Terry Shaw, Morris Mead, Gary Marshall, Bruce Millar, Eddie Te Moananui, Max Bosselmann, Graeme Wheeler, Bill Ollington
Front Row: William "Butch" Baxter, David McGregor
The Coulter Cup
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Paeroa Rockets into Christmas
Cartoon from the Paeroa Christmas supplement, Hauraki Plains Gazette, December 1967.
Lemon & Paeroa Story
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Signalling and Interlocking Circular No 144 for Paeroa Junction.
It shows the position of signals and points worked from the signal box and the ground frame. The measurements at the top indicate the distance of the signal arms from the ground level.
Signalling and Tablet System at First Paeroa Railway Station
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

The present Bradford Memorial (foreground). The Gallipoli Pine and the Cenotaph on Primrose Hill c.1970.
Paeroa Memorials
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 48, September 2004

Looking south showing the directing signals protecting the scissors crossing at the centre of the station. In the distance, almost level with the edge of the verandah, are the starting signals for the main (top arm) and the loop or sidings (bottom arm). (S C Smith photo, postcard - Author's collection.)