Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 38, September 1994
The President, Mr Arthur Reid, in his report to the Society's Annual General Meeting stated that the past twelve months had been a period of sustained progress with much planning and re-arranging of material in the museum plus the reception of over five hundred pieces of fine china. He said the museum is a storehouse for the history of our area for all to see and enjoy. Since the museum had been extended the attendance had increased considerably.
The President acknowledged and thanked Mr Reg Hughes, Secretary for the past eleven years, for his dedication to the task. This position has been filled by Mr Les Turnbull.
The financial assistance of the Community Board has been of great help in the transitional period as the Society adjusts to the expenses of management of a much larger property and Trust Bank Waikato's grants to support two specified projects each year is much appreciated. The efforts of Mrs Irene Hughes in jam making for sale at the museum had also raised a considerable sum.
The President offered his thanks to all members of the committee for their efforts on behalf of the Society and also to the members who had acted as attendants at the museum during the year.
June, July. August and September General Meetings
October Mrs McMillan related her experiences and impressions of Russia.
November General Meeting
December End of year luncheonfor members and visitors.
February AGM
March National Conference
April Mrs Mary Simpson spoke about her trip on the Kaipara Harbour
May General Meeting. Bus trip to Waihi Goldmine.
June Mrs Vera McMillan related her experiences on a tour of Mexico.
Mrs Margaret Wells, President, in her annual report, stated that meetings had been well attended with some very interesting programmes including:
Craig Bozzell - Geology
Elaine & Gary Staples - Wekas
Owen Morgan - Early Waihi
Mr Harris - Steam Trains
Viewing the Martha mine film
"Bring and Tell"
In November the book written by Mrs Cecile Read was dedicated to the Society. There had also been a bus trip to Kauaeranga Valley and a visit from the Otahuhu Society.
Mrs Wells expressed sympathy to the families of those members who had passed away during the year, they were; Mr Clarence Pratt, Mrs Connie Angle, Mrs Molly Chappie and Mrs Alma Radford.
Thanks were expressed to the committee members for the work they had done for the Society and to W.A.C.M.A. for making a room available at the museum for meetings.