Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 21, June 1977

Cod fish Blocks 2 lb 1/3

Salt Ling - per lb 8d.

Salt Salmon 8d.

Tinned goods

Fresh Herrings, 8d. per tin

Kippered Herrings, 10d. per tin

Herrings in tomato sauce, 10d. per tin

Salmon - large tins from 10d.

Lobster, 1/8 per tin

Every tin guaranteed of best quality.

Waihi Workers Co-operative Society (Ltd)

Brash and Feather 1905

Having bought the goodwill of the oldest established Pork Butchery business in Waihi, beg to announce that they are still prepared to supply the best of small goods made from Dairy-fed Pork only.

All orders receive strict attention. Try our German Sausage, makes delicious sandwiches, equal to ham and at one-third the price.

Bakers and Confectionery

Small goods, as usual, 16 for 1s.

Milk bread, 3d. per loaf

Malt bread 3d. per loaf

Bread 3½d. per 2lb loaf

Currant Cake, 10d. per lb: best quality

Currant Cakes, 6d. and 1s. each

Customers waited on daily, and Goods delivered to any part of the borough.

Robert H. Holmes, Main Street, Waihi

Walter Phillips & Co. Main Street Waihi

Just landed, 3 Bales latest Wall Papers, from 6d. per roll upwards. Dadoes, nice assortment of new design. Oilcloths and Linoleums, in endless variety, some really choice patterns. Tiled and plain registered grates, Fancy mantelpieces, Tile Hearths. All selling at reasonable prices. Ranges in stock consist of Champion, Orion, Dover, and Lukes famous wrought iron stoves.


Leave Tauranga, Mon. Wed. Fri. 8 a.m.

Arrive Aongatete " 11 a.m.

Leave " 11 a.m.

Arrive Katikati 12 noon

Leave " 12.30 p.m.

Arrive Athenree 1.45 p.m.

Leave " 1.45 p.m.

Arrive Waihi 4.00 p.m.

Academy of Music

Monday and Tuesday April 3rd and 4th

Reappearance of the popular favourites

Steele-Payne Bell-ringers

(The original Payne Family)

Ever new, bright and Sparkling

Bigger, better and Brighter Than Ever

Popular Prices - 2s and 1s Children Half Price

R.T. Tregaski Representative