Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 21, June 1977

TWO years have passed since the celebrations marking the Centenary of the opening of Ohinemuri, were held at Mackaytown. This was a time for looking back and now as the district moves into another century of progress, the leaders of our community look and plan ahead.

So too must a Historical Society look ahead in order to preserve the past. Members of the Committee continue their efforts to obtain a museum. A museum is a place to keep the material things of bygone days, and our Journal the place to record the stories and memories of people. To date, some 384 main feature articles have been published, the majority under the very able editorship of Mrs. Nell Climie, B.E.M. The number of distant members who belong to the Society in order to receive the Journal shows the value of a good journal.

The first part of this Journal, with articles relating to the Waihi District, has been edited by Mr. A. C. Hanlen of the Waihi Historical Society. The latter part of the Journal has been edited by myself with assistance from our former editor, Mrs. Climie. This assistance given is greatly appreciated and also the help of other committee members who obtained articles and prepared them for publication.

Although the editorship of the Journal has changed the great need of any editor remains the same; the need for articles for publication. Do you have a story to tell but feel unable to write it? Then jot down the "bones" of the story and send it to the Society. It would surprise many, just how a story can be made from just a few facts and incidences. The need for articles is very real and this request is made in earnest. What is history? What may not seem like history today soon will be, and by then the facts will be remembered by fewer. Many events are taking place day by day. Now is the time to record these events.



I would like to commend all Committee members who have served or are still actively supporting our Societies. In Waihi where the work has been especially heavy because of the sponsoring of the "Miners' Reunion", Mr. Hanlen took over the editing of the Waihi Section of the Journal, and in spite of ill-health, Mrs. Rosborough continued in her dual position as Secretary/Treasurer. I do hope, as she does, that someone will relieve her and find the work as rewarding as she did. Paeroa has been most fortunate, not only in retaining Mr. Thorp as President and Mrs. Townshend as Treasurer but in the appointment of John Strange, one of our youngest and keenest members as Secretary. Also, in Mr. Gary Staples, now the Editor of the Paeroa section of the Journal, we have another young man of great competence and surely this augers well for the Society which has depended largely on its older members who are still available in an advisory capacity.