Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 20, June 1976
The following reasons were listed in a Pamphlet issued in 1919 by the Waihi Citizens Beach Committee to show why every Ratepayer in Waihi should vote for the Borough to purchase the Beach property, then privately owned.
1. The project is one of the best in the interests of the people.
2. Public ownership will permit attention being given to the health, recreation, water-supply and sanitary matters.
3. Provision could be made for a Children's Playground.
4. The Beach provides the cheapest holiday resort for Waihi people.
5. Waihi Borough has already spent nearly £4,000 on a road.
6. Council was mistaken in not taking Mr. Stewart's property when offered at £300 in 1913.
7. An adverse vote now, could mean permanent loss.
8. The Beach will be a paying proposition.
9. No need to fear the 3d. rate required by law.
10. It is the intention of the W.B.C. to treat the loan as the two Water Works Loans when £21,000 was raised and a rate of 1/6 in the £ was never collected because Revenue was equal to interest and sinking fund.
11. Necessity to prevent the Beach becoming monopolised by well-to-do outsiders.
12. With Municipal ownership the Beach Road could be improved.
13. Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Stewart said they would sell their land to private persons.
14. The Warden, Mr. Young said, "The land at the Beach is privately owned down to high water mark. Provision should be made whereby residents of Waihi could obtain a secure tenure on reasonable terms. The total Govt. valuation of Mrs. Shaw's 1,762 acres is £5290 and of Mr. Stewart's land it is £40 per acre. Evidence estimates it is worth £46 per acre, or £3,105 in all. Rents received for sections should be sufficient to pay interest on the amount awarded. Development and maintenance in connection with the scheme could be paid out of revenue.
15. Dr. Ewart Brown said, "Speaking from a health point of view I consider the Beach a very good asset to the public and more especially to the miners."
16. Dr. Short confirmed the above.
17. When the Waihi people own the Beach it is proposed to ask various unions to confer with the Borough Council to devise the best workable scheme and administration.