Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 20, June 1976

The editorial comment of any publication usually expresses the opinion of the Editor towards current events and is written by the Editor or with his approval. This Editorial is written without knowledge or approval of the Editor of our Journal, which is perhaps just as well, as otherwise it may never have seen print as its contents are eulogistic rather than policy.

The fact is that Mrs. Climie, our Editor for the last 13 years has in this issue, edited her last Journal for the Historical Society.

Change, while it is inevitable, is not always for the best and change for the sake of change is perhaps the worst kind of all. In this case failing eyesight has brought Mrs. Climie's decision to lay aside this burden which she has so willingly borne since the inception of the Society.

A labour of love can be a burden and being an efficient labourer makes the task even more burdensome. Those of us who read our Journal have appreciated it through the years but it is doubted if we are fully aware of the efforts that go into its creation. The cajoling of Articles from those who have a story to tell, the ghost writing of stories which have been verbal only, the search for appropriate photographs to illustrate the Articles, the miles of travelling to check on facts or to fill out an otherwise incomplete story, the correction of proofs, the organising of typing and printing, the collection of newspaper articles for future use - these are the things that our Editor has done since the inception of the Journal - twice a year for many years and latterly once a year.

From the beginnings of our Society Mrs. Climie has realised that the Society's strength has been the Journal because this is what links together the absentee Members who still have affectionate thoughts of their home town. If the Journal without Mrs Climie's guidance fails it will be an indictment upon us all, in fact, without the Journal the Society will wither away - and wither away; it will unless those who have knowledge of our past, willingly and readily, make it available for publication.

How can the Member with a story, do this? Easily! Ring up a Committee Member - stop them in the street - post a sheet of paper with your story on it or even a few notes, send in or bring along to Meetings old newspaper cuttings, don't burn those old photographs. One does not have to be an author to write an article, just send in, or tell someone what you know and the commas and capital letters will appear like magic.

In 1970 our Queen saw fit to recognize Mrs. Climie's efforts when she was awarded the B.E.M. Then Mrs. Climie, you graciously said that it was the Society which was being honoured and that you were but the instrument to receive that honour. However those of us who have worked close to you know that it was your innate modesty which prompted your comments - we knew that you did deserve it.

May you live long to enjoy without effort, the things you strived successfully to create. May we have the pleasure of your company and benefit of your wisdom for an equal number of years.

Mrs. Climie, we do thank you.