Karangahake School – 1891. Miss Patterson – Head Teacher, Mr Dave Dunlop – Pupil Teacher
Back Row Boys: -, -, Dan Sheehan, Alf Shepherd, Harold Shepherd, Norman McGruer, -, -, (not known).
Second Row Girls: Mary Sheehan, Kate Barrett, Lily and Allie McLoughry, Essie Dodd, Josephine Barrett, Katie Sheehan, Alice Dodd.
Third Row Girls: May Pennell, E. McLoughry,-, Esther Pennell, Sarah Collett, Ada Bunting, Lizzie Sheehan, May Shepherd, Mary Davidson, Matilda Dodd, Lena Pennell, Emma Collinson, Marion McGruer.
Fourth Row: Lewis Goiss, Jack Bunting, Florrie Casley, Nellie Goiss, Kate Collett, Zilla Pennell, Mary Goiss, IVY SHEPHERD, Maggie Sheehan,-, Dick Casley.
Front: Charlie Davidson, -, Bill Pennell
KARANGAHAKE the years of the gold 1875 -1935