Karangahake School and District 70th Jubilee 1889-1959


Better known as "Scotty" throughout every country where Rugby League football is played. An international for 10 years he became even more famous as a selector, coach and manager.

At Karangahake about 50 years ago, a small but compactly built school boy displayed such striking talent on the field that he was promoted to senior grade and forced to match his skill with grown men. He came to regard football as a science and conducted his own research into the best methods of out-witting more robust opponents, proving that intelligence and courage are the first essentials. His fine play in a combined Thames-Goldfields side which met Auckland in a "Curtain-raiser" to an Australian-New Zealand Test, marked a turning point in his life. He was induced to go to Auckland (But we have followed his remarkable career ever since).

Active playing days over, Scotty became a Selector in 1926 and until he retired in 1952 he helped to name every New Zealand side (with the exception of one owing to business reasons). McClymont-taught footballers testify to the fact that he was also a wonderful coach. He had the rare gift of passing on his knowledge and possessed that elusive quality which enables a person of talent to inspire others.

Scotty has lived a very full life in every way, always being public-spirited and with that true religious sense that insures that he practices what he preaches. Moreover, he takes no credit to himself but attributes all good gifts to the great Creator of the Universe. He is a keen church worker and a director of the New Zealand Bible Training Institute. Having retired from his successful business he now gives more time to bowls, but is ever ready to help every good cause. (He is a member of a family of 11, all of whom will be remembered with respect and affection).

(The above is an extract from N.Z. Sportsman, Nov. 1955).

E. J. SEARLE, E.D., M.Sc., F.G.S., A.N.Z.I.C.

Son of Mr and Mrs W. Searle, attended Karangahake School until 1917, when the family left the district. He qualified as a Teacher and taught science at the Auckland Grammar School and later was appointed Senior Lecturer in Science in the Post Primary division of the Auckland Teachers' College. He is now Senior Lecturer in Geology at the University of Auckland and is the author of a book on the teaching of science and of a number of papers on geological topics.


Alma, the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs McGruer, was born in Karangahake in 1897 and had all her primary schooling here. At an early age she showed considerable musical talent and had a lovely singing voice. She took up music as a career and taught both the Piano and the Violin. Later she was Music Mistress at the Seddon Memorial Technical College in Auckland, and went to England to further her studies in 1930. While there, she did both Concert work and Broadcasting and in 1933 married Bob Lowe, who was also very musical. During the second World War he died overseas, but Alma stayed on in London doing War work. She became desperately ill and flew home to he with her people but lived for only a few months. Mrs McGruer died in 1956 and Maude two years ago. We hope to see Tui at the Jubilee.

A. O. DARE (Olie)

Younger son of Mr Fred Dare of Mackaytown, attended the Karangahake School 1922 — 1928. He had just turned 11 when, having gained his Proficiency, he began cycling to Paeroa in the 3rd Form. After passing U.E. he transferred to Waihi D.H.S. where he spent two years in the 6th Form, continuing to be an outstanding pupil and a very promising athlete. He was unbeatably fleet of foot and won several "miles" and "half miles," and cross country events.

We are not surprised that his career has been "off the beaten track." Appointed to the Navy Department in Wellington, he was transferred to Auckland and from there joined the Navy in 1940 as a Radio Mechanic in the Radar Branch. Following an intensive course at Auckland University he went to sea in the Monowai when it was an Armed Merchant Cruiser. Later he was commissioned and spent some months in the Islands, Colombo, and finally 18 months in Calcutta.

After demobilisation he completed his Accountant's Professional and resumed work at the Dockyard as Assistant Naval Stores Officer. In 1951 he was appointed to the Public Service Commission on inspecting duties and in 1954 to Rarotonga as Official Secretary, in 1956 to Resident Commissioner at Niue, and at the end of 1958 to Assistant Secretary, Department of Island Territories.

His wife and family have become accustomed to unusual modes of life and Olie is still called on to travel a good deal, but not on foot, though we remember that in pre-war days in Auckland, he won the Mile Championship and six-mile track races. Wherever you go Olie, Karangahake will be proud of you.