Karangahake School and District 70th Jubilee 1889-1959
We thank the many who have forwarded stories and photographs of early days, and are specially indebted to "Old Identities" who have given us valuable information and help, particularly Jack Bunting, Fred Dare, Ben Gwilliam and our veteran surveyor, Courtenay Kenny; also to Alf Jenkinson, whose "County Magazine" of 1945 was of great assistance.
By far the happiest part of the preparation of the Journal has been the warm welcome accorded us in the homes of the dear folk from whom we sought aid, and we are grateful to those who visited us when we could not go to them. We make no apology for devoting considerable space to their stories, for the history of a place is told in its people, and we have endeavoured to make this history as full and as accurate as possible. For any omissions we ask forgiveness.
The Committee is deeply grateful to Business and other Generous People who have assisted us financially in this quite big undertaking. They have made possible the Pictorial Section which gave us the greatest concern. With so much fine material available it was extremely difficult to select "just a few," but we hope these few will please you and bring back many happy memories.
I trust I may be forgiven for ending on a personal note. As an "Old Girl" of Karangahake, I would like to pay a special tribute to those members of our Committee who, though comparative Newcomers, have given their services unstintingly towards making the Jubilee a success. At the risk of their disapproval, I must mention Mr Nash our inspiring Chairman, Mrs Nash, a truly indefatigable Secretary, Mr Iversen, Treasurer and Miss Rickman, who has so ably and willingly assisted me. Other Newcomers to whom we owe deepest appreciation are Mrs Ellen Hamilton, who has so happily typed most of our copy and Mrs Grace Havill, who completed it. Grateful thanks also to the Poet Laureate, John Masefield, for his blessing, to our N.Z. Artist, Eric Lee-Johnson for advice, and finally to Wally Bellamy of the "Gazette" Office for his help and patience.
- Nellie Scott Donaldson.