Karangahake School and District 70th Jubilee 1889-1959
Karangahake School and District 70th Jubilee 1889 - 1959
In welcoming the many ex-pupils and ex-residents.... to Karangahake for our big weekend, may we add a.... thought for the many others who have passed on t....the elderly and ailing who are unable to be with us, and all....our friends too far afield to make the journey.
Our Jubilee has meant a great deal of work for....community but my association with this committee has been an exceptionally happy one. We have worked as a very harmonious group and covered mountains of work and solved hundreds of varied problems. Our one thought throughout has been for the most enjoyable and memorable weekend possible for all.
I am sure all will wish to join with me in thanking the secretary, who has undoubtedly borne the brunt of the work involved, the treasurer, who has so capably carried out his duties, the two ladies who have produced this magazine with such excellent results, the two members in charge of catering and the two ladies in charge of accommodation.
Our thanks are due also to the men on our general subcommittee who have been responsible for all matters outside the province of the aforementioned. They have done a great deal of work. Thanks must also go to those many willing persons who have assisted in an unofficial capacity, especially the ladies of the district helping with teas, etc.
In conclusion, may I wish you, one and all, a most happy and satisfying weekend. We will all thoroughly enjoy your company.
Sincerely yours,
Chairman, Jubilee Committee.
[some words are are missing from the original, denoted: ..... - E]