Chook's Tracks
Mangakara Claim, Farrelly Road, Waikino
This is on the Mangakara Stream well up towardsthe headwaters.
Practically no information is now available regarding it but it was worked mainly by tributers in 1886 to 1903.
A battery of nine stamps and three berdans were erected on it in 1886 and several adits were driven but the only recorded crushing amounted to 234 tons of quartz which yielded 101 ounces bullion valued at £250.
Australian Claim
In 1888 a party consisting of Mssrs Chappell, Lockwood and McGuire erected a ten stamp battery in the Mangakara Stream on this claim. Their intention was to crush the mass of quartz boulders and wash dirt lying in Scotia Gully.
They expected to cut a reef from which the boulders had been shed.
The Company crushed 200 tons for 3 ½ ounces bullion and gave up in their efforts.
Half a kilometer down stream was the Elliots Tunnel which stopped in 1902 at 2,764 feet on its way to the Owharoa Reefs.