Waihi Dredging Plant

Photographs - Present Day

A view from near the Ohinemuri River, showing most of the in situ foundations.

A view from near the Ohinemuri River, showing most of the in situ foundations. Steam engine mount centre picture, tube mill mounts centre and to left of picture, boiler house floor extreme right. 2005.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Two tube mill mounts in foreground, steam engine mounts top left

Two tube mill mounts in foreground, steam engine mounts top left. Vanners may have been housed in the area middle to back right. 2005.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Steam engine mounts to extreme right, tube mill mounts centre and left.

Steam engine mounts to extreme right, tube mill mounts centre and left. Waitete Stream in background. 2005

Waihi Dredging Plant
Tube mill mounts extreme left, steam engine mounts top right

Tube mill mounts extreme left, steam engine mounts top right. Jumble of displaced mounts at top middle of picture. 2005

Waihi Dredging Plant
Close up of tube mill mount.

Close up of tube mill mount. Note the rounded flint stones showing in the concrete at left of mount. 2005

Waihi Dredging Plant


Plan of Machine Mounts

Plan of Machine Mounts

Plan of Machine Mounts. Note the representational steam engine and tube mill, to aid understanding of the foundations.

Waihi Dredging Plant


Photographs - Historic

Waihi Dredging Plant circa 1904.

Waihi Dredging Plant circa 1904.

Dredge in left fore ground, barge below elevator at right, air-agitation tanks centre rear, flume top right. WACMA photo.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Waihi Dredging Plant 1904

Waihi Dredging Plant 1904.

Centre of picture shows the three elevators, dredge and "oil" launch to left, empty barge to right. Auckland City Libraries photo.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Waihi Dredging Plant 1908. Shows WGMCo.s masonry dam

Waihi Dredging Plant 1908. Shows WGMCo.s masonry dam.

Auckland City Libraries photo.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Waihi Dredging Plant circa 1904 (hand coloured post card)

Waihi Dredging Plant circa 1904 (hand coloured post card).

Inlet structure of WGMCo.s Victoria Battery low level water race in fore ground (dam not visible to left), Black Bridge on the rake line top right.

Waihi Dredging Plant
Waihi Syndicates Suction Dredge

Waihi Syndicates Suction Dredge, Auckland Weekly News, September 1909.

Waihi Dredging Plant