Tramway to Victoria Battery - The Rake

For the year of 1894


To be submitted to the Shareholders at the ordinary general meeting, to be held at the cannon street hotel,. london, E.C., on Friday, the 7th day of June, 1895, at 12 o'clock noon.

The Directors present herewith Statement of Accounts duly audited for the year ending 31st December, 1894.

In addition to the water power used at the present mill [Waihi Battery – E], extensive water rights have been secured which will give an available power of about 400 horse power in winter season, at a point about 4½ miles in a direct line, and by tram line about 5½ miles from the Martha Mine.

For the year 1897


Waihi, February 11th, 1898.


A general plan, showing the Company's property at Waikino and the general position of the buildings and works has been made, a copy of which has been sent to you. Several photographs showing the various works whilst under construction, and also in their more finished state have also been sent.

All these works at the close of the year 1897 were in a very forward state, very good progress having been made in all branches of the works. As in the preceding year, wherever possible and advantageous, all these works have been done on contract, 47 contracts having been let, of which at the close of the year 41 had been completed.


This line, which at the close of 1896 was only laid for a length of three miles, has been completed throughout, and is now in thorough working order. It has been well ballasted, the locomotive and quartz trucks having been employed for that purpose, and having conveyed many thousands of tons of metal. During the latter part of the year practically the whole of the stores, machinery, &c., required by the Company at Waihi have been forwarded by this means, thus reducing our expenses for carting. For the future the whole of such goods will be conveyed by this route, which will tend still further to reduce expenses.


During the year this line has been taken in hand and completed to the necessary distance (about 1½ miles) to enable firewood to be got out. A contract for 5,000 tons was let at a very satisfactory price, about half of which was cut at the end of the year, since which time the contractor has been delivering at the kilns steadily. The greater part of this line has been laid with heavy rails, either 28 or 40 lbs. to the yard.


This work has been carried out during the year, and the engine for hauling the quartz up fixed in position. For this purpose the traction engine, bought some time since, and which has been put to a variety of useful works, has been employed. The consumption of fuel will be very small. Three turntables have been constructed, one at the bottom and two at the top of incline, which work easily.


These kilns, six in number, each having a capacity of 500 tons, have been excavated, and at the close of the year the first three were bricked and practically finished throughout. The necessary drives connecting them with the stonebreakers were also finished. The kilns have been covered over by a suitable shed with iron roof.


The erection of the two Gates Crushers was well in hand and that of the engine for driving them completed. For supplying the necessary steam a Babcock & Wilcox boiler has been erected and tested with a pressure of 200 lbs., which strain it stood satisfactorily. The boiler has been covered in and a start made with the building covering the breakers. The tramways from the breakers to the ore-bins and the return line from the bins to the breakers have been finished.


The erection of this building has been begun and completed during the year. It is covered throughout of iron, and is a well lighted, roomy, and conveniently arranged building nearly 300 feet in length. The whole of the foundations are of a most solid and substantial nature, a large amount of stone work and concreting having been put in.

The whole 100 head of stamps (in one line) have been erected and all the conveyors, feeders, shafting pulleys and belts have been fixed in position, as also have two exhaust fans with their connections, and two elevators. The fixing of the trough conveyor between the elevators and the lining of ore bins was in hand at the end of the year, as was also the second turbine, the first having been completed as well as one of the two Pelton wheels which are required. Work in connection with the pipe conveyor to the tank shed was also in hand, but had been somewhat delayed owing to the Contractors being behindhand with the delivery of the pipes. The erection of the turbine and dynamo for electric lighting will be finished shortly.


The erection of this building, over 270 feet long by 114 feet broad, which, with the precipitating room attached, is of iron throughout, has been begun and completed during the present year. It is a very substantial and convenient structure with a double span roof.

The vats, of which there are ten, were in a very forward state at the close of the year, seven having been finished and filled with water, the remaining three being very near completion. These vats, as before stated, are 50 feet by 40 feet with a height of 4½ feet, inside measurements, all built in a most solid manner for permanent work, having a capacity of 150 tons each, so that 1,500 tons can be under treatment at one time. The filter bottoms of the first three had been finished by the end of the year and a start made with the filter cloths, after which the vats are all ready for use. All the necessary pipe connections had been made with the first five vats.

The Precipitating Room was also well in hand and three precipitators put in, as also the two vacuum cylinders, vacuum pump and two solution pumps.

A dwelling house has been erected for the use of the clerk, and the Waihi Office connected by telephone with the Waikino Office.

The saw mill early in the year was thoroughly equipped and has been invaluable in connection with the new works.


High Pressure System.—During the year the wooden dam on the Stoney Creek Race has been constructed. The remaining earthwork on all the high pressure races has been completed, slips removed and the races thoroughly puddled where necessary. Two flumes where the race crosses the road have been put in, the intake of the race completed, and all other flume work done, as well as a considerable portion of the necessary 1,600 feet of piping. The water from the Mangakara was available as motive power by the end of the year, and the whole power should be available as soon as it is required. The contractors for the supply and fixing of the 1,200 feet of pressure pipe have completed their contract, and the water was let in for testing. As there was some leaking the contractors were instructed to give the pipes another good coat of tar, which they have now done.

Low Pressure System.—The masonry dam on the Ohinemuri River has been finished and is a very strong and substantial dam. It is not likely that we shall have any trouble in connection with it in the future.

The two large flume crossings over the Ohinemuri have been taken in hand and finished during the year, both being strong pieces of work. The rest of the race has been completed, and any slips removed. The water has been let into it and run down for about half the total length. As the bulk of these races have had a summer and winter's weathering, I do not anticipate that there will be nearly as many slips or leakages as would otherwise have arisen.

The iron syphon pipe, 475 feet in length, at the close of the year had been practically completed by the contractors.

This race was also in a sufficiently forward state to allow of its being used as soon as required.

For the year 1898


Waihi Gold Mining Company, Limited,

waihi, 10th February, 1899

The Chairman and Directors,



I beg to submit my Report on the operations of this Company during the year ending 31st December, 1898.


This mill was started at the end of February, the full number of 100 stamps being dropped on 2nd March.


The main line from the mine to Victoria Mill has been maintained in first-class condition.

A connection to it is being made from No. 3 Shaft, we having now obtained the necessary right of way.

After careful consideration it was decided not to depend on one locomotive, consequently a second one has been built in England and is now being put together here.

For the year 1899


waihi, 23rd February, 1900.

The Chairman and Directors,



I beg to submit my Report on the operations of this Company during the year ending 31st December, 1899.

A shed for repairing the rolling stock has also been added.


The main line from the Mine to the Victoria Mill has been maintained in very good condition.

During the year the line has been connected with No. 3 Shaft. This extra line is just about half a mile in length.

A new locomotive, similar to the old one, except that it was provided with a bogie, was obtained and has been in use. The old one has also had a bogie fitted on to it with satisfactory results.

At Waikino the firewood tramway has had short extensions made to it, and the necessary rights from two or three holders of freehold land have been obtained for extending the line in a new direction in which a good supply of firewood and mining timber can be obtained.

The total quantity of firewood consumed by the Company for the year was 41,281 tons, costing £10,169 15s. 1d., which is equivalent to 4s 11.1d per ton of wood.

During the previous year the total quantity was 36,141 tons, costing £9,255 3s 10d., equivalent to 5s 1.4d. per ton, so that a saving of 2.3d. per ton of wood has been effected.

A special reserve ore paddock has been made at Waikino, and now amounts to over 7,000 tons of quartz. This is outside of the ore in kilns, hoppers, &c., so that in the event of an accident occurring to the railway, there would still be a considerable supply on hand which would allow of time for effecting repairs.


At the end of May your instructions were received to extend the Victoria Mill by at once putting in foundations for a further hundred head of stamps and the necessary treatment plant for wet crushing.

A third locomotive of rather greater steam capacity than the two now in use and 50 more side-tipping trucks were ordered, and the necessary rails for connecting the railway with the stone-breakers and for providing a loop line for the trains to pass. Contracts were let for the formation work of the new line. The stamp foundations were immediately taken in hand and completed by the middle of October. They were made very substantially, a very large amount of concrete being put in so as to prevent any possible trouble in the future.

Just previous to these instructions, half-a-million superficial feet of kauri logs were acquired from a neighbouring mine, which proved most useful for carrying out these works.

The existing saw mill at the Victoria Mill was enlarged so as to permit of the timber being cut into the necessary sizes for battery framing, &c.

Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining the necessary mortar blocks 18 feet in length, it being the beginning of winter, and these timbers being difficult to obtain and to get out of the bush in the wet weather.

An order was also placed with Yates & Thorn for a 520 H.P. Steam Engine which will be capable of driving the whole mill of 200 stamps by steam.

Three Babcock & Wilcox boilers are also being obtained.

At the present rate the mill building is nearing completion, and the other works are being carried out with the utmost dispatch.

For the year 1900


waihi, 19th February, 1901.

The Chairman and Directors,



I beg to submit my Report on the operations of this Company during the year ending 31st December, 1900.

Tramway and Water Race Maintenance shows a very small increase, partly due to the re-laying and ballasting of the line from the Mine to the Mill.

New Races Maintenance Account.—Although embracing the new Owharoa "Falls Race shows a slight decrease in cost per ton.

The only addition to the race system made was the construction of the Owharoa Falls race, about one mile in length, the water being brought in by means of an open channel until the commencement of the pressure pipe 28 inches in diameter and about 350 feet long. The power from this is used for driving the Stonebreakers for the wet crushing and for supplying the plant with clean water.


The main line from the Mine to the Victoria Mill has been maintained in very good condition. During the year a few of the older rails, which showed signs of wear, were replaced by new 401b. steel rails, the old ones being employed on the other tramways.

The section from No. 3 Shaft has been made use of.

A loop line to allow of the trains passing one another midway between the termini has been constructed.

Between the double line at this point a coal hopper has been erected so that coaling can be done should any delay occur to one of the trains.

An application was lodged at the Warden's Court for permission to divert and use a small stream for the purpose of feed water for the boilers. This permission has since been granted.

An additional locomotive of somewhat increased boiler power and 62 new side tipping "Hudson" iron trucks have been procured, which raises the total rolling stock for conveying ore on the railway to 3 locomotives and 122 side tipping trucks.

For the year 1901


Waihi, 27 th January, 1902

The Chairman and Directors.



I beg to submit my Report on the operations of this Company for the year ended 31st December, 1901.


The water races have given very little trouble during the year and have been maintained in good order.

In the Waikino high pressure system a slip occurred during August in the Mangakara race. This was made good by using some lengths of pipe line which is kept in stock for this purpose.

On the Waikino low pressure race at the end of the year, some earthwork was commenced so as to strengthen the banks, with a view of the race carrying more water when it is available.

The cost of maintenance of the races, dams, pipes, &c., for the year was only 2d. per ton of ore crushed, being lower than the preceding year.


The main line has been maintained in good condition.

The carrying capacity of the ore tracks is being increased by raising the ends, which will be an improvement.

During the year the permanent rolling stock has been increased by the addition of 12 side tip ore trucks, 6 coal trucks, 4 goods trucks and 2 pairs of bogies.

Some of the wooden trucks which had previously been used for goods trucks have been worn out and become unsuitable for quick running.

Owing to the danger of cattle getting on the railway it was found necessary to fence a portion of it near the Waihi end. Upwards of a mile and a half has been fenced and cattle stops put in.

Several additions to the bush tramways have been necessary and have been made.

The total length of these firewood tramways is 13 miles 32 chains, made up as follows :—

System supplying firewood to Mine ... ... 1 miles 14 chains.

"    "   to Waihi Mill ... 5   "    69   "

"    "   to Victoria Mill ... 3   "    29   "

13   "   32   "

The construction of a coal hopper at Waikino by which the necessity of bagging coal will be avoided, was commenced towards the close of the year and is now well advanced.


The increasing amount of coal consumed, and the large amount of stores which come forward, has rendered it advisable that the Company should have its own wharf at Paeroa.

Consequently a freehold section of between two and three acres fronting the river was acquired and a coal hopper has been constructed. This will obviate the necessity of bagging coal.


During the year the "Caloric" special Claim of 50 acres was surrendered.

The bush reserve of 400 acres at Waikino was sub-divided and taken up in 20 firewood licenses of 20 acres each.

Eight additional firewood licenses at Waikino of 20 acres each were also applied for and granted.

Two firewood licenses of 20 acres were also acquired, which are commanded by the Mine firewood tram system, and an extension of 74 chains on that tramway was applied for and granted by the Warden.

Two "special sites" of 5 acres each for bye-washes on the Waihi low pressure system, and a 5-acre "special site" embracing the quarry near Waikino, were acquired.

For the year 1902


waihi, 24th January, 1903. The Chairman and Directors,



I beg to submit my Report on the operations of this Company for the year ending 31st December, 1902.


Generally speaking, the water races have given but little trouble; no large repairs have been necessary, and such breakaways as have occurred have not seriously interfered with the treatment plants.

All the Mills now have independent steam-power; but owing to the changes from dry to wet crushing the demands upon the water power have increased, as, apart from what is required for the actual crushing, power is required at various points in the treatment plant as well as for the actual treatment itself, to a greater extent than was necessitated in the dry crushing process.

About the middle of the year a leakage occurred in part of the pipe-line of the high pressure race supplying the Victoria Mill, due to the pipes settling in consequence of some slips.

At the end of June there was an exceedingly heavy rainfall for twenty-four hours, resulting in a severe flood which caused some slips.

The carrying capacity of the water races has been increased.


The main line has been maintained in good order during the year. It was found advisable owing to the large amount of traffic to strengthen it by adding puriri sleepers with bedplates and fang bolts on the curves. The bridges and culverts were thoroughly inspected, and some slight repairs which were necessary have been carried out. Some new goods wagons and coal trucks have been added to the rolling stock. Permission to construct a branch line connecting the main line with the Union Mill was obtained from the Waihi Borough Council. Part of the line is on one of the Borough roads.

The earthwork was completed by contract.

The line has been laid with 40 lb. rails, which were taken from the firewood lines, 26 lb. rails from the old line connecting the Silverton and Union Mines with the Union Mill, which line is not now required, being used to replace them.

The length of this line, exclusive of sidings, is 40 chains.

Towards the end of the year the third locomotive has been constantly in use.

Practically no extensions have been made to the bush tramways.


The coal hopper which was erected last year has been brought into use. A suitable house has been provided for the Wharfinger. A shed for stores and a jetty have also been erected.

The proportion of coal used as compared with wood for fuel has increased very much during the year, and the amount of the fuel required in the future, which will be mainly if not entirely all coal, will still further increase.


A saw-mill area of 200 acres was applied for and granted by the Warden. The bush embraced in this area is commanded by the Company's firewood tramway connecting with the Victoria Mill, where the Company's saw-mill is situated.

The Railway connection between the main line and the Union Mill has also been granted by the Warden.


The construction of the Government Railway from Paeroa to Waihi has not made much progress.

The line is practically completed as far as Karangahake, but has not been opened for traffic; it would still be useless for us until the frame bridge over the river is completed.

The driving of the long tunnel at Karangahake has not been kept going to the extent that it might have been.

Between the tunnel and Waihi very little work of any kind has been done, and at the moment only a few men employed.

For the year 1903


Railway.—It will be remembered that for several years the Company have been endeavouring to induce the New Zealand Government to make a railway from Waihi to Paeroa to connect with the existing line. This was started some time ago, but the work progressed very slowly. The Company therefore again approached the Government, and after protracted negotiations the Government agreed that upon the Waihi Company subscribing £75,000 for 3 per cent. Debentures, issued at 93½, repayable at par in 1911, they would undertake to complete the railway in 1905. Seeing that it would be a great advantage to the Company in saving of freight for the railway to be completed, and seeing also that the investment was a good one, the Company agreed to this. The £75,000 was to be payable in three instalments of £25,000 each. The first instalment is included in the Accounts, the second instalment was paid on 24th March, and the third will be paid in September, 1904.


Waihi, 21st January, 1904

A third turbine of 100 h.p. which was in stock has been erected and brought into use during the month of August, and since then very little steam power was required. The necessary length of 300 feet of 24-inch wrought iron pipe line was obtained second hand, in good condition, from one of the neighbouring mines.

A winding drum was placed in position on the Incline Tram in place of the traction engine, which was required for conveying the heavy parts of the "C" pumping engine from Paeroa to No. 5 Shaft at the Mine.


The repairs necessary to the water races have, with one exception, been very light. This exception was on the main high-pressure race supplying the Victoria Mill, where a breakaway of the ground channel occurred towards the end of May, cutting off most of the high-pressure water from the Mill.

The race was temporarily repaired with pipes, and a contract let for over 300 feet in length of timber fluming for £237, which was carried out satisfactorily.

Some small repairs were made to the bye-wash on the Waihi Mill low pressure race, which was rendered necessary owing to the fretting away of the ground channel.

The carrying capacity of the Victoria Mill low pressure race was increased so as to permit of its carrying a larger volume of water when available, to supply the 100 H.P. Turbine which was erected. The banks were heightened and strengthened where necessary for a distance of about 2 miles, and the sides of the timber fluming heightened.

The water power available has been greater than usual, the rainfall, which has been heavy, having been fairly evenly distributed throughout the year: during November and December, which are usually very dry months, the rainfall was unusually heavy. On the other hand, there has been an absence of floods, and what heavy rains there were did very little damage.


The main line between Waihi and the Victoria Mill has been maintained in good order during the year. Some of the old 40-lb. iron rails were renewed by new steel rails of the same weight.

A large amount of general stores, coal, broken metal, sand and cement for the foundations of the new pumping engine at No. 5 Shaft, as well as the machinery for that pump itself and for the Waihi and Union Mills, have be transported over the line during the year.

The three locomotives have been constantly in use.

During April, one of the locomotives was derailed, but no damage was done.

At the end of the year, a contract was let for under carriage-frames for additional rolling stock, consisting of two large bogie trucks and twenty wagons and trucks.

These will be built at our Victoria Mill Workshops. The locomotives and rolling stock generally are in good order.

The old wooden-framed goods wagons have been replaced by iron-framed waggons of larger capacity.

As the timber trestling on the tramway connecting the Mine and the Waihi Mill had become rotten, it was done away with, and earthwork formation constructed in its place.


A "Special Site" of 5 acres embracing the ground in the vicinity of No. 6 Shaft was applied for early in the year and granted by the Warden.

A "Special Site" of 5 acres for the purpose of a "Magazine" situated on the Union section of the property was applied for and granted.

Two Sawmill areas of 200 acres each, in the Waitawheta Valley were applied for and granted, one in November, 1903, and the other on the 20th January, 1904. An addition of upwards of 1½ to 2 miles to the Bush Tramway connected with the Victoria Mill will ultimately be required to command the further of these.

A firewood area of 20 acres, commanded by the tramway connected with the Waihi Mill, was applied for and granted.

This is chiefly required for the supply of mining timber.


Towards the end of the year considerably more activity has been shown in the construction of the Government Paeroa-Waihi Railway; the construction of the long tunnel at Karangahake has been kept going, and latterly the formation work of the line between that and Waikino has been taken in hand.

During the last two months of the year, owing to the completion of the railway and traffic bridge at Karangahake across the Ohinemuri River, and the finishing off of the line from Paeroa to Karangahake, coal has been conveyed by rail as far as Karangahake, and carted thence to Waikino, effecting some reduction in the cost of carriage.

In August two officials of the New Zealand Government Railway visited Waikino in connection with the exact route past the Company's works, and the question of the amount of compensation to be paid to the Company was then gone into. It will be necessary to move two of the Company's smaller dwelling houses, and one or two minor alterations will be necessary. The line will traverse the Company's freehold area at Waikino.

For the year 1904


Waihi, 25th January, 1905


With a view to increasing the carrying capacity of the Waitekauri high pressure water race a tunnel 730 feet in length has been driven, thus cutting out half a length of 2,000 feet of pipe line, the pipes thus set free to be used in duplicating the length which will remain. This work is nearing completion.


The main line between Waihi and the Victoria Mill has been maintained in good order. The last of the old 40 lb. iron rails have been taken out and replaced by new steel rails of the same weight. The bridges and culverts were examined during the stoppage of the Mills and any repairs that were necessary have been effected; additional rolling stock of increased carrying capacity for the conveyance of general goods has been added.

The erection of the Coal Hoppers at the Victoria Mill in connection with the Government Railway is nearing completion.

The Bulltown Tramway, over which part of the Mining Timber required at the Mine was transported, has been taken up, the bush having be worked out.

New areas of bush have been secured in the Ratarua Gully, and a survey of a line upwards of 3½ miles in length has been made, and contracts let for the formation works. This line does not involve any very heavy work, and the rails formerly used on the Bulltown tram will be available for it.

Areas containing a considerable quantity of kauri timber and other mining timber have also been secured in the Waitawheta Valley; the bush tramway connected with the sawmill at Victoria Mill has been extended between two and three miles, and a bridge over the Waitawheta river has been constructed; the final section of this line is in hand.


Three sites for byewashes on the Waitekauri high pressure water race have been granted, also race deviation by means of tunnel referred to above.

An area of 130 acres of kauri bush, and a sawmill area of 200 acres in the Waitawheta Valley, have been granted; a 20-acre firewood license in Walmsley's Gully has been re-granted.

The necessary title for the extension of Tramway to the Ratarua Gully has been granted, also a sawmill area of 200 acres, three other areas of 200 acres each being reserved, and which can be acquired one by one.


The construction of the Government Railway from Paeroa as far as the Victoria Mill is nearing completion, and will probably be opened for goods traffic by the end of March. A substantial amount of the formation work between the Victoria Mill and Waihi has also been made, and there is nothing to prevent the line being completed to Waihi within a few months after it has been opened as far as the Victoria Mill at Waikino.

For the year 1905


Waihi, 18th January, 1906.


The main line between Waihi and Waikino has been maintained in good order.

It was desirable to have a new locomotive of increased power for the transport of ore and general goods, in addition to the three locomotives which have been constantly in use. The new locomotive "Waikino" was received at the end of the year and has now been put together and tested, with satisfactory results.

As the bridges and culverts will have to carry an increased weight they have been examined and are being strengthened where necessary.

Additional rolling stock has been obtained.

A short line connecting the Government Railway line with the Company's coal hoppers at the Victoria Mill has been constructed.

The extension of the bush tramway to the Ratarua Gully, over three miles in length, has been completed, opening up a good bush for the supply of the necessary mining timber, whence part of the requisite supply is now being obtained.

A small extension has also been made to the old (Walmsley's) bush tram, which is also supplying part of the mining timber required.

The final section of the Waitawheta tramline extension referred to last year was completed, and the rails have been laid during the year just closed, on this section and also on a considerable length which was formed during 1904.

Large quantities of mining timber, logs, etc., have been obtained, the logs being sawn up at the Company's saw mill at the Victoria Mill into the various sizes of building timber required.


The sawmill area of 200 acres in the Ratarua Gully was surrendered and re-granted. This was done so as to include an area of 20 acres which it was desirable to have in.

Three areas of 20 acres each in the Ratarua Gully were applied for and granted.

Two sawmill areas of 200 acres each, in the Waitawheta Valley, which had been denuded of timber, have been surrendered.

Three areas of 20 acres each in the Waitawheta Valley have been applied for and granted.

Two sawmill reserves of 200 acres each in the Waitawheta Valley have been applied for and granted.

Two small freehold sections through which the Waitekauri high pressure pipe line runs have been acquired.

A special site for a quarry of 2½ acres on the Taieri Creek was applied for and granted.

Application has been made for a water race deviation and two small special sites in connection with the alteration of position of penstock and supplementary pipe line of high pressure race, Waihi.

A small freehold bordering the Waikato River was also acquired.


The construction of the Government Railway from Paeroa as far as the Victoria Mill, Waikino, was completed by the end of March, the first train of coal trucks reaching there on the 2nd April. The opening of the line to this point has lessened the difficulties attending the transport of the large quantity of coal and other goods required by the Company.

The extension of the line to Waihi was completed a few months later and the line was opened for traffic on the 9th November.

With a view to providing additional power to allow of the gradual expansion of the Company's Works which has been going on and is likely to continue, considering the very satisfactory manner in which the Mine has continued to develop, further examination has been made of the water power available in the neighbourhood; after careful inspection of various sources of power, a scheme for transmission of power from the Waikato River was decided upon as being the most suitable; by the adoption of this scheme all the power likely to be required could be generated and transmitted to the Company's Works.

Application has been made to the Government for permission to carry out this scheme, and in the interests of the Company, the mining community, and the Colony itself, it is very much to be hoped that the necessary authorisation will be made.

For the year 1906


Waihi, 17th January, 1907. . The Chairman and Directors,


The main line between Waihi and the Victoria Mill, Waikino, has been maintained in good order, and a portion of the track has been re-laid with heavier sleepers.

An extra siding has been put in at the coal hoppers and water tank half way between the two termini, and the three rail siding is being extended to the boiler shed.

The new locomotive "Waikino" has been running regularly.

The additional power which it has, has proved advantageous.

One of the locomotives and several trucks were derailed during the year but the damage done was very slight.

To cope with the increased tonnage which will be required at the Victoria Mill when the extension of the tube mill plant is completed, material for additional rolling stock has been ordered and will be constructed in the Victoria Mill Workshops.

An extension of about a mile and a-half has been made to the Ratarua bush tramway and upwards of 3 miles of the line ballasted.

An extension of half a mile has been made to the tramway in Walmsley' Bush.

The tramway into the Waitawheta Valley was also extended for a distance of about three quarters of a mile.

Two rights for an extension for a total distance of 161 chains in the Ratarua tramway, were applied for and granted.

The first timber area of 200 acres in the Ratarua Valley having been cut out was surrendered, a fresh area being substituted for it, and a further reserve of 200 acres secured.

Two new timber warrants of 20 acres each were also secured.

One of the 200 acre timber areas in the Waitawheta Valley was also surrendered, a new one taken up, and a further reserve of 200 acres secured. Two timber warrants of 20 acres each in the latter valley were abandoned.

Four "special sites " of 5 acres each in the neighbourhood of the Powder Magazine were applied for and granted.

Application has been made for a further timber area of 70 acres of kauri bush in the Waitawheta Valley, but has not yet been dealt with..

Application has also been made for a right for extension of tramway in Walmsley's Valley, and for a timber warrant of 20 acres in that locality; these have not yet been granted.

For the year 1907


Waihi, l3th February, 1908.


Very little work has been necessary on the water races during the year. The intake to the Homunga race has been rebuilt in solid ground at the Dam.

The Taieri race broke away in bad ground and has been cut further for about three chains in length.


The main line between Waihi and Waikino has been maintained in good order.

The line has been extended to the hoppers at No. 6 Shaft, the soil of the excavation being used to strengthen the banks on main line.

Forty additional quartz trucks have been constructed at the Victoria Mill Workshops.

An extension of about 90 chains has been made to the Ratarua Tramway system.

The Waitawheta Bush Tramway has been extended.

For the year 1908


Waihi, 10th February, 1909.


The water races have been kept in good order.

The tunnel on the Waihi Low Pressure race has been re-timbered where necessary, and an old wooden flume about eight chains above the battery byewash has been removed, the race being cut back into solid ground.


The main line between Waihi and Waikino has been maintained in good order.

An extension has been made between the main line by No. 4 Shaft and the Waihi Mill to facilitate the transport of coal and stores without interfering with the quartz traffic.

A considerable quantity of hard metal from No. 5 Shaft tip has been used for ballast, this being much better material than that obtained from the Quarry.

The Ratarua Tram has been extended 76 chains on the lower branch.

For the year 1909


Waihi, 10th February, 1910.


The water races have been kept in good order.


The main line between Waihi and Waikino has been maintained in good order.

For the year 1910


Waihi, 17th February, 1911


A good deal of work has been done on the water races ; fluming and dams have been repaired and strengthened.

The flood in March carried a great deal of silt, stones and old timber into many parts of the races, but no very serious damage resulted.


Work has been commenced and pushed forward at the Hora Hora Rapids.

The cutting for the ditch is well under way, the site for the Power House has been cut down and excavations commenced for foundations.

Contracts have been let for 6 Turbines and Generators.

The route for the Transmission line has been felled and burned off where it passes over the Ranges.


WAIKINO, 31st January, 1912.

Water Power.—

This showed a falling off in the latter part of the year, necessitating the use of steam. The peltons and turbines are all in good condition and required little attention in the way of repairs.

One of the 200 B.H.P. Vortex Turbines was opened up during the Christmas stoppage and the rotor taken out for inspection. This machine had been running continuously for the past 12 years, and considering the enormous quantity of tailings from the Waihi Mills which has passed through the wheel, it is in excellent condition.

The only wear noticeable has been in the bushings of the packing boxes and glands. A few of the vanes of the rotor showed a little slackness, but in every other respect the wheels are in good running order.

The No. 1 Turbine (200 H.P.) has been running for 15 years, and appears in about the same condition.

The No. 3 Turbine (100 H.P.) has been running 11 years, but does not require anything in the way of repairs.

It was thought that perhaps the pumice drift would cause wear on the Rotor vanes of the Turbines being installed at Hora Hora, but from the conditions of the Turbines at Waikino, there is little to fear in that respect.

Water Races

.—The Low Pressure, Waitekauri, and Taieri Races have been supplying a fair percentage of the power used during the year; and their condition generally is good. One break in the Waitekauri section occurred in June, necessitating a deviation of about 3 chains of the race.

The country through which the Taieri Race passes is not at all reliable, and frequent small washouts occur.

Where too bad to puddle, it is secured with pipe fluming.


.—The Main Line between the Mine and Works is in good running order. Nothing beyond general maintenance has been necessary during the year. At the No. 1 Station Yard the lines were re-graded to suit the altered bend of the No. 1 hopper, and new rails laid down.

At the No. 6 Shaft the lines had to be lifted in places 2 feet owing to the settlement of the ground.

The branch line to the Union Mill was taken up and the material stocked.

With the decreased tonnage, one of the locomotives has been put out of service.

We are now running two on quartz and one on yard shunting and haulage of goods to Waihi.

Yours faithfully,


Superintendent Engineer.

The wings of the Masonry Dam supplying the Low Pressure Race were carried up an additional six feet as a protection against high floods.

During the Christmas stoppage, the three races were thoroughly gone over from end to end, and all slips and overgrowth removed, and timber work in tunnels repaired.

For the year 1914


Waihi, N.Z., 20th January, 1915

E. G. banks, esq.,


Dear sir,

I beg to report on the work carried out in the following departments for the year ended 31st December, 1914.

Tramways.—Repairs were carried out to the Main Bridge over the Ohinemuri River during the Christmas stoppage, and various culverts overhauled.

For the year 1916


Waihi. N.Z.

The Chairman and Directors,

waihi gold mining company, limited, . london.


I beg to submit my Report on the operations of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 1916.


Owing to settlement of the ground, it has been necessary to re-grade the lines running into Nos. 1, 4 and 6 yards.

In May a heavy flood occurred, causing damage to our tramline and bridges in the Waitawheta Bush.

The rainfall was exceptionally heavy during the year, necessitating a good deal of work on all our tramlines.

The main line from the Mine to Waikino has been kept in good order and a number of sleepers renewed.

For the year 1917


Waihi, E. G. Banks, esq.,


Dear sir,

I beg to report on the work carried out in the following departments during the year ended 31st December, 1917.

Tramways.—A considerable amount of repair work on the Permanent Way, between the Mine and Waikino, has been necessary owing to the heavy rainfall during the year.

About two chains of Tramway was washed away on the Waitawheta Bush Tram, in May, during a flood.

For the year 1918


Waihi. N.Z.

February 15th,


E. G. Banks, esq.,


Dear Sir,

I beg to report on the work carried out in the following departments during the year ended 31st December, 1918.


—A new boiler made locally has been fitted to the locomotive " Albert."

The Tramway between the Mine and Victoria Mill has been kept in good order, but owing to shortage of labour the rolling stock has not received the same attention as in previous years.

Owing to the settling of the ground in the vicinity of the No. 1 Shaft Hopper, and the difficulty of pulling the trucks out of this Hopper, mechanical haulage has been adopted with satisfactory results. The engine operating the hauling gear is driven by compressed air from the Mine Compressing Station.

For the year 1919


waihi, N.Z. February 14th 1920.

The Chairman and Directors,

waihi gold mining company, limited, london.


I beg to submit my Report on the operations of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 1919.

To ensure adequate supplies of good mining timber, we have purchased about 500 acres of bush land in the Mamaku district; this is about 80 miles by Government railway from the Mine, and the timber will be conveyed to the railway over a tramway 4½ miles long, which we are now building.


Waihi, N.Z.,

February 11th, 1920.

E. G. banks, esq.,


Dear sir,

I beg to report on the work carried out in the following departments for the year ended 31st December, 1919.


The locomotive "Waikino" was completely overhauled. The boiler tubes on the "Victoria" were removed so that a thorough inspection of the boiler could be made by the Government Inspector. Owing to shortage of labour in this department, the repairs to the rolling stock are behindhand.


—Owing to the difficulty in obtaining timber in the district for mining and milling purposes, we have been compelled to acquire a " bush " at Mamaku, some 80 miles away. This necessitated a tramline from Mamaku Station to our bush, a distance of about 4½ miles, with the necessary sidings, loading platforms, etc.

The tramline has now been laid into the bush and timber is being delivered. The work was handicapped owing to the New Zealand Government Railway restrictions, which came into force last July and continued until early in December.

For the year 1924


Waihi gold mining Co., ltd.,

Waihi, N.Z. 2nd February, 1925.

The Chairman and Directors,

Waihi Gold Mining Company, Limited, London.


I beg to submit my Report on the operations of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 1924.

Heavy floods during April caused an extensive wash-out on the tramway to Waikino, and considerable damage to some of the water races, resulting in a loss of 1½ days' crushing.