Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 7, May 1967
now of Tauranga, is a son of that grand "old timer" (87) of Waihi Beach, Mr Bert Pipe, ex miner, borough councillor, beachcomber and "raconteur". Oliver spent his school days in Waihi and then for 12 years worked on Farms (Mangaiti, Manawaru, Matamata, Waihi and Kerepehi) plus a year droving. Subsequently he was at Waikino Battery for six years before moving to Karangahake (1937-38) where he bought the Irishtown store from Mrs Haslam, conducting a coal and grocery business, besides working at the New Dubbo Battery. This was forced to close during the War, one reason being the inability to import vital spare parts of machinery, and the plant was moved to Fiji. The store was also closed and later Mr Pipe moved it to Waihi Beach where he rebuilt it as a house, and lived in it for 16 years (now letting it at holiday periods). Besides some months in Military Camp Oliver sampled various jobs, qualifying, in his own words as a "Jack of all Trades". He has three daughters, (one married, one a Teacher, and the youngest at College). His wife is a member of the well known Deverell family of Waihi.
younger son of Vivian Morgan, and grandson of Thomas Gilmour was born in Waihi in 1919. He was educated at the Central School and the Waihi High School, and for four years was a student and laboratory assistant at the School of Mines, before spending 5 years in the radar branch of the air force. On returning to Waihi he developed and expanded a business begun as a side-line by his father in 1921, manufacturing dental filling materials. He has served for 14 years as a Borough Councillor, and the same time as a member of the Waihi South School committee. In 1946 he married Miss Rosemary Small of Palmerston North, and has a family of 4 sons and 1 daughter.
Shortly after the first World War, in early l9l9, Mr & Mrs P. Williamson acquired land in an almost unknown place called Whangamata. Access was by means of a narrow bridle track over the ranges from Hikutaia. There was however a steamer service from Auckland once in six weeks. By this means their furniture and other goods were landed and, with the help of neighbours, all the things were duly transported, by sledges etc., to the house and placed under cover.
Some days after these preliminaries, Mrs Williamson was met by her husband with horses in Hikutaia and they set off on their three to four hours ride to their new home. The house was just habitable, but there was a lot to do to make it reasonably livable. Roofing iron was unprocurable at that time, and a makeshift leaky roof sometimes caused discomfort. The house was situated on a hill and commanded an extensive view over the sea and harbour. There were therefore many compensations.
There were only a few other residents in Whangamata then, scattered over a considerable area. As is usually the case in such circumstances, there was an excellent spirit of friendliness and co-operation amongst the few settlers. A Settlers' Association was formed, and the needs of the district were constantly brought before the various authorities with a certain amount of success.
There was no school in Whangamata so, when their daughter became of school age, she was enrolled in the Correspondence School as one of the earliest pupils. With the help of her mother, it provided her with a very sound primary education as a basis for future studies.
During the post-war depression farming prospects became very bleak. Mr Williamson then turned his activities to forestry and planted many thousands of trees. The first planting was destroyed by fire, so he had to start afresh. Every year the plantation was extended and when the older trees reached maturity, he erected a sawmill. This is still functioning and provides timber for local needs.
Despite lack of roads and other amenities, Mr & Mrs Williamson always had faith in the ultimate prosperity of Whangamata. A favourite saying of theirs was "Man can make roads but not good beaches".
As the years rolled on good roads, electricity and other amenities came. Their visions of Whangamata ultimately becoming a popular sea-side resort have materialised. Nevertheless, they often have a feeling of nostalgia for the good peaceful and happy days of the past.
But when we visited their lovely bush-secluded home which yet commands an idyllic view of land and sea, we felt that they had surely realised a cherished dream.
came to live in Waihi when his father was appointed Accountant and Insurance Assessor at the Martha Mine in 1901. Mr Harper, Sen. was later to take a prominent part in the life of the town especially in connection with the Borough Council and School Committee as well as in the business capacity. His son Charles attended the D.H. School before being apprenticed to Hutchings and Ludwig, Builders, after which he was a carpenter at Waikino Battery. He then took up school teaching and he and his wife (nee Lesley Vallance - East School) continued teaching until they retired some years ago. A younger brother, David, was a first day pupil at the South School; he and his brother Stanley were apprenticed to Mr E.A. Clark Chemist, being the first apprentices outside the [Clark - E] family.
CHARLES WILLIAM MALCOLM, B.A., Dip. Teaching, (born PAEROA, 1905).
Parents lived in Paeroa since closing years of last century. Father (Charles Malcolm) came to Paeroa in 1897 - gold mining at Karangahake, Waitekauri and Komata. Mother born in New Zealand in January 1865.
EDUCATION Paeroa School 1911 to 1921. Auck. Teachers' College and Auck. University College,
PAEROA VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE. 21 years' service as fireman, secretary, and Third Officer.
TEACHING CAREER : PAEROA D.H.S. Pupil Teacher Assistant - 1922-23, 1925-37 – 14 years 10 months
NETHERTON Head Teacher 8 years.
WESLEY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Principal since 1953-1967.
There will be. considerable regret on Mr Malcolm's retirement this year. His service to Education has been outstanding as has been his service to us. We now hold a "Malcolm File' of valuable material which he states can be added to our records "when it suits you or when you are short of copy to fill a gap". A generous gesture indeed. He also says, "I have had my first 6 issues of the Journal bound into one volume, making an imposing and interesting book".
We extend our warmest good wishes to Mr & Mrs Malcolm who leave shortly on a visit to Europe.
915 Went overseas with t6th Waikato Regt. andtookpart in Gallipoli Operation; was wounded and invalided back to N.Z. 19l6. Worked at various jobs.
l9l6 Re-enlisted in Home Military Services and posted
Sept to Matamata Area with rank of Staff Sergt. on the Permanent Staff (now Regular Army).
Jan. 19l8. Transferred to Waihi, with Waikino and Karangahakeas two additional Drill Centres.
1932 Transferred to H.Q. Area II Paeroa, but still administered Waihi and the other small townships.
1937 Transferred to Rotorua, with Whakatane and Opotiki as visiting Drill Centres.
1939 Auckland with 3rd Auckland Regt. as Q.M.S [Quartermaster Sergeant – E]. During War spent 8 years in several camps and held various portfolios, being finally discharged from Ngaruawahia Camp where he held the appointment of Adjutant and Quarter-master (Commissioned).
1948 Obtained employment with Auckland Electric Power Board and remained with the body 11 years.
1959 Retired.
Hobbies: Gardening (Roses), Literature (Classics), Music (Symphonic Grand Opera, Art (Strictly Pre-Raphalite [Pre-Raphaelite ? – E]).