Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 5, May 1966

In our first issue of the Journal two years ago, we explained how our Historical Societies came into being. As many members have joined since then, it may be opportune to restate the debt we owe to the Waihi Art Centre and Museum Association which planned our foundation. Its Constitution provides for "the publishing of Papers, Periodicals, Journals, Books, Reproductions or Photographs relating to the History of Ohinemuri and connected areas"; and its members pioneered this work.

It cannot be too strongly stressed that whereas most Historical Societies are still struggling to establish a Museum, we are apt to overlook the past endeavours which brought ours into being. Likewise we should ask ourselves whether we fully appreciate its present value as an epitome of the past, and a nucleus from which the culture of both to-day and to-morrow may be greatly enhanced.

The Art Centre and Museum deserve more than a casual glance perhaps when we show a visitor round; It needs our active support. Subscription to the Association has been kept low so that members of sections e.g. Historical, Geological and Art, may also subscribe to the Parent Body in order to maintain its facilities.

In Mrs. Martin we have an excellent Curator - Secretary who more than earns the small remuneration we can afford to pay her, and developmental work cannot go on without further effort. Therefore we commend to all our Members the idea of supporting a venture of inestimable value of which we may be justly proud.

Our warmest thanks are due to this Journal's Contributors whose research has been considerable. Their combined efforts have added another chapter to our story - and like Oliver Twist we dare to ask for more. By touching on our coastal areas we are pin-pointing a great natural asset common to us all. In our next issue we hope to record some Ohinemuri Maori History. Frequently an article serves only to introduce a subject which could be further developed. Please do not hesitate to add your contribution, even if it be just a letter to the Editor. We thank Members who have already paid their subscription for 1966 and remind others that it is now due, and is needed for Journal expenses.

On behalf of all Members who attended the recent "Goldfields Field Day" sponsored by the Waihi Historical Society we record unanimous appreciation of the wonderful team work of the Committee which made it such a great success. Their research, charts, talks and hospitality will be long remembered.

The Editor would be glad to receive back copies of the Journal should you no longer wish to keep them. We have numerous enquiries for them. Old pictures for publication would also be most welcome.