Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 42, September 1998
"Waihi Borough Diamond Jubilee, 1902 -1962 " A5 size, 170 pages, Published in 1962. $10 incl. P&P. Available from Mr G Staples, Box 92, PAEROA.
"Karangahake History" Published in 1989. Includes chapters on the history of Karangahake and Mackaytown. It contains many photographs and a number of maps. Size - A4. 92 pages. Available from Mr G Staples, Box 92, PAEROA. Price $26 including postage.
"Journal Index" A comprehensive index (25 Pages) for the Ohinemuri History Journal, covering Issues 1 to 37 is available. The index, with many cross references, contains over 1200 entries. It may be obtained from the Editor, Mr G Staples, Box 92, PAEROA. The cost is $10 including postage.
"Ohinemuri History Journal" Back numbers of many issues are available. Enquires to the Secretary, Paeroa Historical Society, 37 Belmont Road, PAEROA.