Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 41, September 1997
The President, Mr Graham Watton, reported at the A.G.M. that the Society had experienced another year of consolidation. The financial position was sound and improvements had been carried out in the museum. Lighting in the old library section had been upgraded and planning for a catalogue of the photographic display had started. Three more display boards have been obtained to extend the number of photographs that can be displayed.
The Society's meetings were changed last year, from evening meetings to day time meetings and it has resulted in a great increase in attendance.
It was noted that the number of visitors to the museum had dropped and the new committee will be looking at ways to promote the museum.
Mrs Irene Hughes was given special thanks for making 1000 jars of jam and other condiments for sale at the museum, which had raised over $2500 in the past five years.
Mr Watton recorded his thanks to the committee and people who assist at the museum.
Activities for 1996:
February 1996 A.G.M.
March to July General meetings.
August Mr Phil McWatters - Early Paeroa businesses.
September 1996 Journal launch
Mr & Mrs Tom Carden - Their overseas trip.
October Members "bring & tell", 12 members spoke.
December Luncheon
Mr Graham Watton - Thames Valley Rugby reunion
Mr Les Turnbull - Newspaper adverts 1896
The President, Mrs Margaret Wells, reported to the A.G.M. that attendance to the meetings had fallen away but those who were able to attend had enjoyed the meetings.
Mrs Wells extended the Society's sympathy to the families of members who had passed away. These were; Mrs Maisie Pennell, Mrs Nessie Morris and Mr Jim Jennings.
Speakers during the year included;
Rev. Weldon Finlay Life as a Prison Chaplain
Mr Karl Christofferson Waihi Hospital
Mr Jim Pilkington Waikino Battery Site
Mr Fred Carbutt Waihi Fire Brigade
Martina Jangels Waihi Radio Station
There had also been a trip to Ngatea to visit the Gem Factory and lunch at Mr & Mrs Clover's home. Mr Clover gave a very interesting talk about the early Hauraki Plains.
The Society was visited by the Birkenhead Historical Society in August and the Waikato Historical Society in September.