Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 35, September 1991



The President, Mr Arthur Reid, presented his report to the Annual General meeting, stating that the Society had concluded another year of varied activity. The museum had continued to be a source of interest to a wide section of the community, particularly schools and overseas visitors.

In June 1990 members of the Society took part in the function to mark the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the library. Later in the year the offer of two ladies from Tauranga was accepted to stage a show called "Fashions of Yesteryear". This was part of the Society's "1990" celebrations as was the participation in the Samuel Marsden re-enactment. A video of the event was made for the Society by Mr Graham Ball. (This event is fully recorded elsewhere in the Journal) In October a "Small Museums Seminar" in Tauranga was attended by Mr Arthur Reid, Mr Reg Hughes, Mrs Irene Hughes and Mr John Strange.

During the year Mr J Russell and Mrs E Heslop passed away and the Society extends its sympathy to their families.

Mr Reid thanked the Treasurer, Mrs Mona Townshend for her dedication to her task as Treasurer (22 years) and stated the Society's finances are in a very good position. A grant had once again been received from Trustbank.

In his concluding remarks he thanked the Society Officers, Committee and others who had supported the Society and those who carried out duties at the Museum.

HIGHLIGHTS May 1990 - April 1991

May 1990

Speaker - Mr Raymond Haysom - Investigating Pa sites Te Awamutu area.


The film "How do you do Mr Governor" was viewed.


Speaker - Mrs Townshend - Her trip to Canada.


Speaker - Mrs Angela Morrison - Her trip to Ireland to research history of the Morrison Family.


The arrangements for the "Marsden" re-enactment were explained by Mr Dick Rakena and Mr Selwyn Te Wani.


Executive members reported on the "Small Museum Seminar".

Yesteryear Fashions and luncheon.

Visit to Chelsea Sugar Refinery and Botanic Gardens.


Samuel Marsden re-enactment.


Annual Luncheon. Speaker Mr Ian Parlane - Weather forecasting.

February 1991

Annual General Meeting.


Visit to Rotorua. Speaker - Mrs Irene Dixon - Her trip to Britain.


Speaker - Mr Lud Sparks - Collecting Postcards.



The president, Mrs Margaret Wells, in her Annual Report stated that the Society's meetings had been very well attended and members had enjoyed some very interesting items on the program. These included the talks by Mr Ken Sutton, (early reading) and Mr Jim Courtney, (Kaimai Tunnel). At one meeting five minute talks where given by Mr Fred Carbutt (Theatres in Early Waihi), Mr Fred Pratt (The Flu Epidemic), Mr Nev Smith (Funerals I have conducted). A "Bring and Tell" also provided an interesting meeting.

In addition there have been two bus trips. These were to Rotorua including a visit to Train World and the Agrodrome, and to Matakana Island. The Matakana Island trip was for most the highlight of the year. The Opotiki Society visited Waihi and were welcomed by the Waihi Society in the Museum. The Society wound up their year with a morning tea in November.

The Society are appreciative of the kindness of W A C M A for making the facilities available to hold meetings at the museum. In her concluding remarks Mrs Wells thanked the Society officers and committee for their efforts in making the Society a success.