Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 35, September 1991
NOELINE REID ................ The community service given by long time Paeroa Society member Noeline Reid was acknowledged with her award of the "Community Service Award". Mrs Reid has given her time and talents to many local organisations for a period of over forty years.
DOROTHY ROBBINS ........... A well known Paeroa resident, Dorothy Robbins died on 7 May 1991 at Ohinemuri Retirement Residence. She was the daughter of the late May and George Robbins. Miss Robbins, who was born in Paeroa on 1 August 1909 and lived all her life, apart from the past few months, in her home in Corbett Street, was thought to be the oldest Paeroa born resident. She was well known in her vintage Austin Seven car.
BRUCE ROBERTS .............. Long-time Paeroa resident and Society member, Mr Roberts celebrated his 80th birthday on 14 May 1991. Mr Roberts was born in Paeroa, lived in the district all his life, and was a builder by trade. He was an original member of the Paeroa Brass Band and Paeroa Orphans Club orchestra. Many voluntary organisations received his assistance over the years. He was one of the original drivers of Paeroa's first ambulance and the meals on wheels service.
FLO ROBERTS ................. In May 1991 Mrs Roberts received the honour of being made life member of the Paeroa Croquet Club. Mrs Roberts joined the club in 1950 and has served in all the administrative positions. Mrs Mona Townshend is the only other member of the Club to have received this honour.
NOEL THOMPSON .............. On the 23 April 1991 Mr Thompson retired from the Paeroa Fire Brigade after 40 years, two months and 17 days service. A farewell function was held on 11 May by the Brigade in honour of Mr Thompson and his wife Vilma. Mr Thompson was promoted to Chief Fire Officer in 1973, received the Queen's Fire Service Medal in 1982 and Paeroa Borough Council's Outstanding Citizen Award in 1986.
LAST TRAIN ................... The end of June 1991 saw the cessation of Paeroa's rail service to Thames. There are no plans at present to lift the rails.
CONTRIBUTORS DEADLINE .. . Contributors of articles for the next Journal should note the deadline date - 15 June 1992.
TATCO ......................... Elsewhere in the Journal is a history of the Thames Aerial Topdressing Company and the reunion. On 14 June 1991 just eight months after the reunion the Engineering division of Fieldair Holdings Limited closed its operations at Thames - yet another casualty of New Zealand's difficult economic times. A single Fletcher aircraft will remain based in Thames to service existing farmer customers but the removal of the aircraft servicing facility is the virtual demise of the company's operation at Thames. On Saturday 8 June the remnants of Fieldair Holdings (Northern) Limited gathered together with some ex-Tatco staff members at the R.S.A. in Thames for a "Last Supper".
CORRECTION .................. Journal 34, page 7, second paragraph. History of Netherton. Rev Samuel Marsden on the evening of Saturday 17 June 1820 (not as printed 27 June) passed up the river to arrive at Raupa Pa where, the next day, Sunday 18 June, (the anniversary of Waterloo, 1815), he preached the first sermon to the Maori inhabitants.
ALISTAIR ISDALE .............. Thames historian Alistair Isdale celebrated his 80th birthday on 16 June 1991. He was born to a Waipukarau farming family who later moved to Raumati where he commenced school. Before moving to Thames in 1943 he was first school teaching and later worked at the Parliamentary Library. In Thames he began New Zealand's first herb nursery before following a number of other occupations which included working as a lawyer, printing, accountancy, prospecting, mining agent, and museum curator.
KARANGAHAKE HISTORY .... Copies of the book, published in 1989 are available from Mr G Staples, P 0 Box 92, Paeroa. The book is of 92 pages, printed on glossy paper and includes chapters on the history of Karangahake and Mackaytown as well as present day historic walks. It contains many photographs and a number of maps. Price, including postage is $26.00.