Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Belmont Road, Paeroa - 1912
Showing new Ohinemuri County Council building and old Fire Station, on site of present Post Bank.
Paeroa's Changes in One Lifetime
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

The cage from behind No. 6 Shaft now on display outside the Waihi Museum.
Martha Hill - New Mining Era
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Climie and Brown 90th Birthdays
Photo courtesy Thames Valley Gazette.
90th Birthday Honours - Climie, Brown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Miss Lilian Valder and Mr. Jim Rowland at the opening with Mr. Graeme Lee (back to camera) M.P. for Coromandel, in foreground.
Ohinemuri and Waitawheta River Gorges
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

The Loop Track - Karangahake Gorge Walkway.
Ohinemuri and Waitawheta River Gorges
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Frederick J Middleton, Angus McColl monument
Cemetery Headstones
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Mrs. Nell Climie Crossing the Walkway Swingbridge across the Waitawheta River.
Ohinemuri and Waitawheta River Gorges
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

At the request of the Historic Places Trust, entry to the inside of the Pumphouse has been provided by the Waihi Gold mining Company Limited. The plaque attached to the landmark building.
Part of the crowd gathered round the Cornish Pumphouse at the official re-opening of the Martha Mine.
Photos Courtesy Waihi Leader
Martha Hill - New Mining Era
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

One big wheel to another – project manager Roger Craddock with the poppet head wheel outside the Waihi Gold Company's office.
Martha Hill - New Mining Era
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Owen and Rosemary Morgan.
Awards and Presentations at Waihi
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Historic Fire Brigade Photograph, 1926.
Historic Fire Brigade Photograph
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Paeroa Fire Brigade Hand Reel
(Photograph supplied by CW Malcolm)
Historic Fire Brigade Photograph
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Part of the area round the Waihi Pumphouse which has been cleared and tidied up by the Mining Company and Waihi Lions Club to expose and show off relics of the old Martha Mine.
Leader Print
Memories of Martha Mine
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Resident Manager, Roger Craddock with commemorative plaque.
Gazette Photo
Martha Hill - New Mining Era
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 32, September 1988

Waihi Gazette Special Feature, June 1988.