Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 13, May 1970
(An abridged extract from "Waihi Daily Telegraph", Thursday March 24th 1904)
It will be, however, of interest to mention the dimensions of the larger portions of the plant. The high pressure cylinder is 60 inches in diameter with a 6 feet stroke, and the lower pressure cylinder (weight 22 tons) is 110 inches in diameter with a 12 feet stroke, and the plunger pump is 23 inches in diameter, with a 12 feet stroke also. The pump, going at the nominal speed, raises water at the rate of 1500 gallons per minute to a height of 1550 feet. The company's "A" pump at no. 2 shaft is capable of lifting 1000 gallons of water to a height of 1000 per minute, and the "B" pump, which is working at the no.5 shaft, is capable of raising 800 gallons per minute. Thus it will be seen that when, if it should be necessary, the three pumps are being worked simultaneously from the two shafts, nos. 2 and 5, the pumps, running at a nominal speed, will raise water at the rate of 3300 gallons per minute, to heights of 1000 and over 1500 feet respectively. If taxed the pump will be capable of raising close on 2000 gallons per minute to a height of, say, 2000 feet.
Putting the Machinery into Position. Placing the low pressure cylinder and beam into their respective positions required, on account of their weight, no little consideration. The latter, when riveted up, and in readiness for its resting place, weighed 52 tons, equivalent in tonnage to a N.Z. Express engine, including the tender. This weighty beam had to be moved a distance of 30 feet, which was accomplished by making a road of heavy timber on a slope with iron rails on top, and jacking it along with three timber jacks.
Concrete Foundations. The concrete foundations to carry the enormous weight of machinery, and to obviate vibration when in motion, extends to a depth of 101 feet below the collar of the shaft, and is 50 feet by 30 feet.
Steam Power. The steam will be supplied to the plant from four Babcock boilers, which will provide a heating surface of 1500 feet to each boiler, and supply steam at 160 lbs. pressure. The boilers are rated nominally at 500 horse power collectively for the boilers, but with economical engines will be capable of supplying 1000 horse power. The height of the smoke stack from the ground is 108 feet, and in diameter 5 feet, and circumference 15 feet. The boilers are supplied with brick arches so as to obtain better combustion, and these will also lessen the volume of smoke. The stack was raised into position in one piece and is the largest of the kind in the district.