Ohinemuri Coal Mines

Coal at Waihi

We learn that a valuable seam of coal has been found at Waihi. An old miner, named Gordon, made the discovery while out prospecting some months ago, but as the prospects of the Waihi District at that; time were not very bright he kept the discovery a secret. Recently he took Mr W. Crimmins into his confidence, and Crimmins, seeing the importance of the discovery, advised Gordon to secure the ground. Accordingly they applied to the "Warden for a mining lease, and got it. Mr Russell, manager of the Waihi Gold Mining Company, hearing of the find went up to examine the locality, and so well satisfied was he with the prospect that he offered Crimmins £500 for his share in the lease. We understand that the seam is so situated that a shoot will convey the coal right into the Company's battery.

Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 2530, 30 June 1890, Page 4

Coal find

Waihi, Thursday. — A well known prospector has just returned to Waihi and states that he discovered seams of coal at Waitewheta, ranging from one inch to a foot wide. Samples he brought in burn well; he has applied for a lease. The find is 2¼ miles from Waikino.

Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 4211, 11 October 1901, Page 2

[near Dickey's Flat. Note the spelling of Waitawheta - E]