Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

(by Graham Watton)

From time to time the question is asked: Has this building or site an Historic Places Trust designation? But first: What is the Historic Places Trust?

The New Zealand Historic Places Trust Pouhere Taonga is New Zealand's leading national historic heritage agency. Its mission is to promote the identification, protection, preservation and conservation of the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand.

The Historic Places Trust is seen as the guardian of the nation's historic heritage places, it is charged by Parliament with identifying, recording and caring for the nation's significant ancestral sites and buildings and ensuring that these are passed on to future generations. In doing this, it works with thousands of New Zealanders, including its 25,000 members, 21 branch committees and many other agencies nationally and locally.

Archaeology is all about the discovery, recovery and interpretation of the surviving evidence of past human activity in its context in or above the ground. The NZHPT has the responsibility under the Historic Places Act, 1993, for the conservation and protection of archaeological sites in New Zealand.

In world terms New Zealand's history is relatively young, in protecting heritage we retain a sense of belonging—a physical reminder of where we have come from and what our children can look back on, with pride, as we do today.

NZHPT is a leading advocate for heritage. The heritage landscape of our communities is important to how we see ourselves—socially, economically aesthetically and culturally. The Trust works with private owners, developers, councils, iwi and other organisations to deliver quality outcomes for all.

The Trust strongly supports the conservation and promotion of Maori heritage—actively assisting whanau, hapu and iwi to preserve their taonga through advisory and on-site services.

The Register of historic places, historic areas, wahi tapu and wahi tapu areas is the national Register of New Zealand historic and cultural heritage. It is established under the Historic Places Act, 1993, and maintained by the New Zealand Historic Places trust. The register is divided into four parts:

1. Historic places include archaeological sites, ship wrecks and historic buildings and structures.

2. Historic areas are groups of related historic places.

3. Wahi tapu are places sacred to Maori in the traditional, spiritual, religious, ritual or mythological sense.

4. Wahi tapu areas are areas of land that contain one or more wahi tapu.

Historic places are further divided into two categories:

1.Category I status is given to places of "special; or outstanding historical or cultural significance or value".

2.Category II status is given to places of "historical or cultural significance or value".

It is important to note that many of the registered historic places are on private property and therefore not necessarily open to the public—permission is needed from the property owner before making an entry.

Now to the Hauraki District Council area. There are 28 recorded buildings and sites registered within the district council.

They are:

Band Rotunda: Paeroa Domain.

Battery Foundations: Waikino (Victoria Battery Site).

Bridge: Karangahake (traffic, walkway).

Presbyterian Church: Waihi (Moresby Ave).

Crown Battery Ruins: Karangahake.

Kopu Bridge: Kopu, (over Waihou River).

Martha Mine No.5 Pumphouse: Waihi (Seddon Street).

Martha's Kitchen: Waihi. (14 Hazard Street).

Miners' Café: Waihi (Seddon Street).

Historic Maritime Park Museum: Paeroa (former Waitekauri Post Office, Public Works/Ministry of Works office).

Museum and Arts Centre: Waihi (54 Kenny Street).

Post Office: Paeroa (corner Normanby Road and Princes Street).

Powerhouse : Waikino (Victoria Battery site).

RSA Club: Paeroa (former Royal Mail Hotel).

Rob Roy Hotel: Waihi (Seddon Street).

St. John's Anglican Church: Waihi (corner Gilmour and Seddon Streets).

Victoria Battery Cyanide Tank Holders: Waikino.

Waihi Courthouse: Waihi (61 Kenney Street).

Waihi Gold Dredging Plant and Tramway: Waihi (Lawrence Road).

Waihi Gold Mining Co. Cyanide Tanks: Waihi (Union Hill, Barry Road).

Waihi Hospital: Waihi (corner Victoria and Toomey Streets).

Waihi Railway Station: Waihi (Maddocks Street).

Waihi Railway Station Historic Area: Waihi.

Waihi Railway Station Sheds WW570 and WW390: Waihi (Maddocks Road).

Waihi-Paeroa Gold Extraction Co. site: Paeroa (Mill Road).

Waikino School of Mines: Waikino (Old Waitawheta Road).

Woodstock Pumphouse and Battery: Karangahake.