Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The St. John's Anglican Church, Waihi, which was opened in December, 1906. The original church was built in 1894.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Fisher Bros'. bush gang pose for a photograph deep in the Kahikatea Forest at Netherton, c 1903. The huge trees were brought by tramline to the Waihou River, rafted together, and floated down river to various timber mills.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Alf Jenkinson's Douglas Motorcycle.
A Motorcycle Tour to South Island
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Lining up for their first drink in their new RSA Club are, from left, Charlie Moore, Bert Lucas and Ray Taylor.
Paeroa Returned Services Association
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Arthur Curtis' Indian motorcycle.
A Motorcycle Tour to South Island
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

A view of confluence of the Ohinemuri and Waitawheta Rivers at Karangahake about 1900. Left foreground is the Woodstock Battery centre foreground, the Tramway Hotel, which was destroyed by fire in September 1906. The smoke is coming from the Woodstock Battery pits [kilns - E] in which the raw ore was "fired" to burn off the impurities before entering the battery for processing. The building in the middle ground was single men's boarding house.
Inside Front Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The last Auckland-Taneatua passenger express to be pulled by a steam engine enters the Paeroa Railway Station. c 1960.
Thames-Waikato Railway Beginnings
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Mr and Mrs McCaulay's home surrounded by water.
Coastal Plains Inundated by Tidal Flood
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Members of the Netherton Hack Racing Club prepare for the inaugural meeting on January 1, 1907, to be held in Mr W. Moore paddock. From the left Charlie Stevens, Dave McKee, Fred Adamson, Barney Johnson, Joe McKee, Fred Wyatt, Walter Moore, Joe Pennell, Frank Moore, Steve Fisher, Arthur Robinson. The club raced on New Year's Day every year until 1910 when a change in the regulations governing horse racing, forced the club, along with many others of a similar kind, to close.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The original Seddon Memorial at the intersection of Seddon Street and Haszard Street.
Seddon Memorial
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Paeroa Butcher John Walls (standing at the his shop entrance) receives a delivery of meat by J. Gordon, Carrier, from the Paeroa Abattoir, which was situated opposite the Pukerimu Cemetery on the Paeroa-Waihi Road. Jim Caple, a local stock drover, is seated on his horse.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The Paeroa Camera Club, c 1900, on a field trip on the east side of Old Te Aroha Road (Rotokuho Road) at Rotokohu.
Inside Back Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Paeroa Golf Club past president David Gray checks New Zealand's only Lone Pine descendent. (Hauraki Herald photo.)
Only Link of Its Kind Left
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The Paeroa Post Office was opened on May 27, 1926, by the Prime Minister Hon J. C. Coates MC.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The Paeroa RSA Club was officially declared open by the NZRSA President Sir Hamilton Mitchell, KBE (right) when he unveiled a commemorative plaque. RSA Club Chairman Arthur Fletcher is on the left with Paeroa RSA President Pat Goonan in the middle.
Paeroa Returned Services Association
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The new fence erected by the Paeroa Jaycee Chapter and is in place today
Paeroa Swimming Baths
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The original front fence of the Paeroa Swimming baths.
Paeroa Swimming Baths
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

A view of Mr and Mrs Powell's farm.
Coastal Plains Inundated by Tidal Flood
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The ps Kopu was floated from its watery grave of some 45 years in 1979 in the "Dead End" at the Historic Maritime Park into its present position. View from bow.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The ps Kopu was floated from its watery grave of some 45 years in 1979 in the "Dead End" at the Historic Maritime Park into its present position. View from the stern.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

Hoppers at No. 1 shaft of the Waihi Gold Mining Company's Martha Mine. The opencast section of the mine can be seen in the background. Locomotives, with loaded wagons of gold-bearing quartz, are heading down "The Rake" line to Waikino and the Victoria Battery for processing.
One of the Largest Processing Batteries
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The Rob Roy Hotel was the first to re-open in Waihi on July 1, 1926, after 17 years of Ohinemuri County being dry.
The Years Ohinemuri County Was "Dry"
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 53, September 2009

The Royal Mail Hotel before it was taken over by the Paeroa Returned Services Association.