Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 4, September 1965

Early settlers no doubt reviewed time in months - the weary months taken by their ships to reach these shores; and then in years - the years since their arrival, the strenuous years of struggle to get established in a new land. But soon they were speaking of decades, and then, as children grew, of generations - the old generation of pioneers and that of their immediate descendants. The stream of time has flowed on, very few of the original settlers are any longer with us, few even of their children, but we, their grand-children are moved to record the events of the last half-century - and further of the fast approaching century.

In the Ohinemuri area we have only to note that it is 90 years since the opening of our Goldfields, and the birth of the first tentative township and small school at Paeroa, followed quickly by similar happenings near by, during the next decade e.g. Mackaytown, Waitekauri, Owharoa, Turua, Hikutaia, Karangahake, and then the Waihi School 75 years ago in 1890.

We note too that it is now 80 years since the constitution of the Ohinemuri County Council, and already 20 since it celebrated its Diamond Jubilee, commemorated by Mr. A.A. Jenkinson's excellent Historical Record. All we can do is to perpetuate such factual local History, and add to it, as relevant material comes to hand, thus keeping green the storied tree of our past, and increasing its stature by recording the more recent progress which will be history tomorrow.

Hence we are glad to publish in this issue of our Journal some of the highlights of the story of the Paeroa Borough Council since its inception in 1915 (a war-laden time that scarcely bore promise of progress). Yet the very difficulties presented a challenge that was faced with courage and fortitude by those who served to tend and nourish the struggling infant town. That they, and subsequent Borough Councils, have succeeded is evidenced by the present prosperity of Paeroa. Our joint Historical Societies extend to them our very good wishes and thank them for their help and encouragement in this venture of recording tales that are told and bear remembering. We thank too, our Contributors without whom we could not survive and the considerable number of people (some of them over 80 years of age) who have written to tell us of incidents of long ago. All such matter is filed for future use, and we are deeply appreciative also of old pictures which have come to hand. Thank you one and all.

The Waihi Members of your Publishing Committee have generously held over some of their articles in order that Paeroa affairs might be specially featured in this year of the Jubilee of the Borough Council and the Paeroa Members would like to record their gratitude.