Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 39, September 1995



The President, Mrs Margaret Wells, reported at theA.G.M., that meetings had been well attended with some very interesting programmes. These included:

Mr Fred Hall .............. Yorkshire

Mr Owen Morgan ........... School of Mines

Mrs Moira Malone ........... Hetherington House

Rev Neville Smith ........... Anglican Church Camp

Mr Turnbull ............... Fell Engines

The Federation of the Historical Societies held their Conference in Paeroa in March 1994 and the A.G.M. was attended by the President and Treasurer. The visitors to the Conference also visited the Waihi Museum and were entertained by members of the Waihi Society.

Mrs Wells extended the Society's sympathy to the families of members who had passed away. The members were: Mrs Dolly Heath (President of the Society, 1980-81); Mrs Sybil Lawrence; Mrs Muriel Carbutt; Mrs Ida Robinson and Mr Eric Rowe.

Thanks were expressed to the Committee, to all those members who had assisted in the functioning of the Society, to W.A.C.M.A. for the use of their rooms and to Trust Bank for its grant towards the cost of the Journal.


The President, Mr Arthur Reid, reported at the A.G.M., that the Society had concluded another year of progress and varied activities. The National Conference of the Federation of Historical Societies in March 1994 and the function to celebrate the Society's 30th anniversary had been the highlights of the year.

The President said that the Museum continues to be a source of interest, both to local people and travellers. It was hoped to soon be able to house the back issues of the local newspaper at the Museum and it is planned to have them available for research.

The annual luncheon in December was well attended, and on this occasion Mr & Mrs Innis-Brown related their travels in India to see the work of the Leprosy Mission. The monthly meetings have not been attended by many members, leading to a reluctance to bring in speakers for such small audiences.

He thanked the committee members and all those who had assisted the Society.

Monthly Activities: (up to the time of the A.G.M.)

February 1994 . Meeting with Mr Clover of Hauraki Plains. - A.G.M.

March ...... The Conference

April ....... Mrs Simpson, "A Kaipara Harbour Voyage".

May ....... General Meeting

June ....... Mrs V McMillan, "Mexico"

July 1994 .... Mr Sam Orr, video, "Bush Railways".

August ...... Mr Brian Sayer, "Diving".

September .... Celebration of 30th Anniversary.

October ..... Mrs R Dixon, "The VE Celebration in U.K."

November .... General Meeting.

December .... End of year Luncheon.