Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 33, September 1989



The past year had been a very interesting and active one with an average attendance of 30 members at each meeting, stated the President, Mrs Margaret Wells, in her annual report. Several new members had joined during the year.

The passing to their long rest of several long-standing members had occurred during the year. These were: Mr Dick Leach 91 years, Mr Fred Maer 89 years, Mrs Lucy Putan 85 and Mr Len and Mr Bill Butler.

During the year our Patron, Mrs Nell Climie, hadenteredHetherington House as a Resident.

A number of Waihi Historical Society members had received an invitation to the official launching of the up-dated "Mining in Waihi" by J B McAra which was held in the Waihi Arts Centre and Museum, convened by Ms Doreen McLeod. Mr and Mrs McAra who now live in Thames, were in attendance.

The highlight of the year was the official opening of the new Martha Mine by the Waihi Gold Company when the President, Mrs Wells, attended on an official invitation to the proceedings and luncheon.

A number of interesting field trips and been undertaken and included Motat and Eden Gardens, Waitekauri, Mystery Creek, and Waihi Community Marae and the Giant Pandas at the Auckland Zoo.

There had been some interesting speakers at most meetings, while members had spoken on various subjects and brought articles of interest to other meetings.

The year concluded in November with morning tea and a Roll Call of members telling of the first school they attended.

Thanks were extended to committee members for their attendance and co-operation with special mention of the Secretary, Mrs Connie Harper, who did not seek re-nomination due to continued ill-health. Thanks were also extended to the Treasurer, Mrs Nell Gardiner.


The President, Mr Sam Orr, in his report to the Society's Annual General Meeting, stated that the past year had been an active one and attendances at meetings, including Sunday afternoons, had been good. The finances were in a healthy position and the Society was again fortunate to receive a grant from Trust Bank Waikato. He noted that during the year one of the Society's foundation members, Mrs Annie Wheeler, had passed away and extended the Society's sympathy to her family. She had been the Society's first Treasurer, 1964 - 65.

Thanks were extended to the various Officers of the Society who had carried out their duties in a diligent manner.

Highlights : July 1988 - April 1989:-

July 1988

Miss Anne Barren spoke on her trip in the South Island


Mr John Strange spoke on his visit to Switzerland, Germany and Italy


Mr Lud Sparks spoke on postage stamps, tracing the history of the towns on the Main Trunk Railway Auckland-Wellington.


Mr and Mrs A Reid spoke on their trip to Alaska and America


Mr Jim Millar spoke on his duties as Public Relations Officer.

Bus trip to Martha Mine, Waihi


Society’s Annual Dinner - 7 speakers

February 1989

Annual General Meeting - Silver Jubilee Meeting


Mr Bob Hughes spoke on the Paeroa Amateur Athletic Club.


Mr Jim Quinn spoke of his recollections of the Murchison Earthquake in 1929.

Visit to Devonport Naval Base and Museum.

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At the May 1989 meeting the Society extended its best wishes to those members leaving on overseas trips. These were Mrs Mina Jones, Mr and Mrs Frank Russell and Miss Ann Barron.

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The Society congratulates Committee Member Rev. Gordon Kaa on being made an Honorary Canon of the Anglican Cathedral of St Peter in Hamilton.



President of the Waihi Arts Centre and. Museum, Mrs, Hilary Timanus, stated in her annual report that a good start had been made into the second quarter century.

As part of the Jubilee celebrations in July 1988, a successful Jubilee Art Competition was mounted and later a special comprehensive craft display. The Christmas Exhibition lived up to its usual high standard, enhanced by the very unusual pottery displayed.

Things had been moving in the Museum wing also. A new storeroom had given extra room in the museum with the third cell in the jail being opened. The new display featuring articles and information relating to the 1912 Waihi Strike was a popular addition to the museum exhibits. A new display is to be opened up in the front room of the museum.

The office was kept much busier these days as tourists come, attracted by the lure of gold. We have co-operated fully in this respect with the Waihi Gold Mining Company Information Office run by Ms. Doreen McLeod. The poor weather in January proved an advantage. The wind and rain prevented people from enjoying the beaches and many opted for the Museum and Art Gallery.

Recent additions to the souvenir department were Tee-shirts and Sweat shirts printed with the Museum name and a symbolic Poppet Head.

Mrs. Timanus concluded her report with thanks to the Council members and office staff for their support. She also paid tribute to Mr. Ted Grant for setting up the Strike display and for the new cupboards in the office. She made an appeal for help in the running of the building be it Sunday duty, painting, hanging pictures - anything at all would be most welcome.


At Labour Weekend this year, Karangahake will hold the School Centennial and District Reunion celebrations. A full account of events will be published in next year's Journal.