Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 28, September 1984
At the Annual General Meeting the President reported that the past year had been active and fruitful, thanks to the interest and support of members. Average attendances at the monthly meetings were about 25.
Trips - There have bean two one day trips. On 8 October 1983 a visit was made to Matamata, with visits to the Te Aroha Museum and Waharoa Marae en route. On 29 February 1984 a visit was made to the New Zealand Co-op. Dairy Company factory at Kerepehi, Glen Afton Colliery, Cooks Winery, Te Kauwhata and Miranda Hot Springs.
Museum - Special displays have included the Girl Guide display in August 1983 and the display of Maori artifacts. In addition there is a permanent display of shells bequeathed by Mrs Duffy. A volume of Historic Buildings in New Zealand, South Island edition was given by Mr Roy Blair.
Events - May 1983 Talk - Miss Roanne Stout, Rotary Exchange Student, U.S.A.
June 1983 - Talk - Mr Robin Astridge, Pres., Federation of Hist. Societies.
July 1983 - Talk - Mr Tom Morris, Experiences in the Merchant Navy.
Aug. 1983 - Talk - Mr Barry Maughan, Exchange Teacher to U.S.A.
Sept. 1983 - Talk - Mr Chas, Townshend, "Hats and Globetrotting".
Oct. 1983 - Trip - To Matamata.
Talk - Rev. Dr Ted Holland, Education in U.S.A. and Nuclear Pollution.
Nov. 1983 - Luncheon at Racecourse with 80 attending.
Dec. 1983 - Wine and Cheese evening at Museum.
Feb. 1984 - Talk - Mrs M. Brown – Genealogy.
Trip - To Ta Kauwhata.
Mar. 1984 - Talk - Mrs Vera McMillan - China.
Apr. 1984 - Annual General Meeting.
The Wine and Cheese evening in December was attended by 50 people. Mrs Elaine Barron and Mrs Mona Townshend were paid tributes for their services to the Society. Each received a gift. Mrs Barron was made a life member of the Society.
In his annual report Mr Cunliffe said that he was hoping to have all the Society's films put on video tape to preserve them for future generations.
Morning meetings had been commenced last Winter when Mrs Margaret Wells made her home available. These had proved most successful and had attracted a number of new members. With the approach of warmer weather, meetings were once again held in the Arts Centre and Museum in the mornings.
Speakers included:
May: Mrs Hilary Timanus giving members the history of the Waihi Arts Centre and Museum.
March 1984 : Mr Owen Morgan - the history of the Waihi School of Mines.
April 1984 : Mrs Margaret Wells reporting the Conference of Hist. Societies at Ohura attended by Mrs Wells and Mrs Dolly Heath.
Several field trips were undertaken during the year :-
In October a very interesting bus trip was taken to Papakura and the Howick Fencible Village.
In March a trip to Thames with the party then proceeding to the Raupara Water Gardens at Tapu.
An afternoon in April was spent at the Waikino Museum.
The death of Mr Sonny Hovell, late of Christchurch who was a life member of the Society, was recorded at the October meeting.
In appreciation of their work for the Society life membership has been granted to Mrs Elaine Barron and Mr Gary Staples.