Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 27, September 1983

Mrs Ivy Thorp, Patroness of the Paeroa Society, was honoured at a farewell evening party held at her home in Rotokohu Road, December, 1982. Mrs Thorp, widow of the late Mr Fielden Thorp, one of the founders of the Paeroa Museum, left Paeroa to live in Auckland where she is closer to other members of her own family. Guests were welcomed by the hostess who later related stories from personal experiences she and her husband had shared on their various cruises round the Pacific Islands. Others who contributed to the evening's entertainment were Miss Clare Fennell (pianist), Miss Anne Barron who sang, and the Rev. G. Kaa who gave a reading "The Nun's Prayer" and also recited in Maori the 23rd Psalm.

The President, Mr Hamish Wilson, extended the best wishes of all members of the society to Mrs Thorp for her future life in Auckland and thanked her for her services. Mrs Reg. Hughes, wife of the Secretary, presented her, on behalf of members, with a pot plant, a pink gloxinia, and a beautifully iced Christmas cake.

In reply, Mrs Thorp said she hoped to keep in touch with the future activities of the society and thanked those present for their attendance. The evening concluded with supper.