Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 25, November 1981
Throughout the 25 issues of our Journal we have referred to our Ohinemuri Maori History and the advent of our first White people, particularly the Joshua Thorp Family who settled in 1842 at Puke near Paeroa. Their descendants are now many, and our late President, Fielden Thorp was a Grandson [see Fielden Thorp in this Journal - E].
The past twelve months have seen a number of events and happenings which make their mark on the historical record.
The major flood of April 1981, causing most damage in Paeroa and Thames, wiping out the historical craft shop in Waikino, will long be remembered.
Two publications, "The Floods" and "Flood Special" recorded in story and photos the impact of this disaster. Many past floods have been the subject of articles in this Journal. It is at such times we are reminded that history is made day by day, but often only becomes recognised as such with the passing of time.
Following the closure of the Paeroa/Waihi railway line, the tracks have progressively been removed. The end of an era of railway history, which, in its making, was a major engineering feat.
MINING - The industry which brought many of the original settlers, now makes news again.
The Journal has recorded all the major events of our district's past, and the need to write and record history as it is happening, should be kept in mind.
The issuing of this number 25 of our Journal has been fraught with major difficulties.
Since our first publication in 1964, we have had a wonderful production team in Mr and Mrs Barron, but, owing to Sid's illness, he finds he must give up business.
We greatly regret this, but extend to him and to Elaine our warmest thanks and good wishes.
Read Studies in Education No. 30 for No. 27