Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 24, July 1980

[all the extracts from the "The Daily Telegraph" 1920 are presented here - E]


For sale at Bowentown - Shanty - two large rooms furnished.

Price £25 - Apply Harris & Co., Agents.

September 20th, 1920


LOAN OF £4,000



The poll of rate payers taken yesterday on the question of the Borough Council raising a loan of £4,000 for the purpose of acquiring 70 acres of land at the Waihi Beach, as recommended by Mr H.A. Young, S.M., Commissioner appointed by the Government to enquire into the Borough Council's application for a grant of land excited much more interest than was generally expected and the opponents of the proposal had anticipated a closer contest. At the close of the poll, 7 p.m., a large number of people were in the street and 15 minutes later the Returning Officer Mr W.M. Wallnutt sounded the bell, a signal indicating that the result of the poll was available. Two or three minutes afterwards the result was announced as follows:




Central Booth



East End












Majority for proposal



Extract January 29th 1920



The Board of Trade rule that on account of the increases resulting from the unfavourable rate of exchange and also increased cost of transport and packing materials, increases in prices of petrol as fixed by Order-in-Council of July 12th 1918, have been found necessary. The maximum retail prices will in future be as follows.

Wellington - Per case of not less than 8 gallons, - Class A - 30/-, Class B - 25/-.

Per tin of not less than 4 gallons - 15/- and 12/6.

Less than 4 gallons, per gallon - 4/- and 3/6.

Similar prices to the above will rule at Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. For A Class petrol the price has been increased 3/- per 8 gallons.

Extract February 11th.



A match will be played between married and single on the Recreation Reserve tomorrow afternoon about 3 o'clock. The elevens will be selected on the ground from the following and other players who may be present and who are asked to give their names to their respective captains.

Single Men: Grimmer, Avery, Newth, Cherry, Webb (Captain), Dobson, O'Dwyer, McClune, Wotherspoon, Cochrane, Bestic, Clark and Glover.

Married Men: Laurel, Doidge, Leopold, Wallnutt (Captain), Manning, Corker, Saunders, Thomas, Harris, Hicks, Mullins, Dillimore, Quintal, Moon and Morris.





A transmission line to run from No. 5 Shaft down Seddon Street, and up Seddon Avenue to the Hospital. This line would carry current at a pressure of 2000 volts. At a point in Seddon Street, probably near the National Bank, transformers would be erected on one of the poles, stepping down the pressure to 400 volts for power and 230 for lighting. Low tension mains would run from these transformers to various parts of the town within, a radius of say, half a mile. The lighting of Seddon Street and Avenue would be carried out from these low tension mains and any consumers en route would be fed from these mains, and at the Hospital a second set of transformers would be installed for supplying power and light to that institution.

I estimate the cost of the scheme, including mains, transformers and switch gear and lighting for Seddon Street and Avenue would be £1650. This would not include the cost of connections to the various premises en route.

The capacity of the plant would be 50 horsepower, which I estimate would be sufficient for your requirements for some time to come. The transmission line however, has been designed to deal with twice this load.

It is not possible to give a close indication of the financial results until more detailed information as to the probable consumption is available. It may be said however that a scheme of this kind is usually not a payable proposition during the first two years of it's life. It would undoubtedly relieve the load on your gas works and benefit the Hospital to a considerable extent.

Extract from Report by Mr W.P. Gouram [W.P. Gauvain? – E] of Waihi G.M. Coy to Waihi Borough Council, Friday January 3rd, 1920.

(The first 70 consumers were connected in December 1924.) - EDITOR

In connection with the Golf Tournament at Hamilton which ended on Saturday it is interesting to note that the winner of the Amateur Championship of N.Z., Mr Sloan Morpeth, was a member of the Waihi Golf Club, and practically learnt all he knows on the local links. By winning the N.Z. Championship Mr Morpeth attains the highest honour which N.Z. can bestow in the sphere of amateur golf.

September 20th, 1920




A very great loss has occurred to the Bay of Plenty by the death of Mr George Vesey Stewart, founder of Katikati and neighbouring settlements, which occurred yesterday afternoon at Rotorua in the eighty-eighth year of his life. Mr Stewart had been ailing for several months, and paid frequent visits to Waihi for the purpose of consulting his medical adviser. A few weeks ago, acting under the Doctor's advice, he proceeded to Rotorua to obtain special treatment from the mineral baths, but unfortunately little or no benefit was derived from the change, and eventually symptoms of a critical nature became only too evident, placing his recovery outside the reach of medical skill and he passed away as stated above.

Mr Stewart was remarkable for his physical vigour and mental keeness and was the strongest personality in the Bay of Plenty district. He was a champion in the truest sense of the word of the interests of Katikati and Tauranga and initiated many movements for their advancement. One of the most recent was his strong advocacy of a harbour for Tauranga, which would place the district in a position enabling it to compete with most other places in N.Z. in the matter of receiving and accommodating the largest of vessels. He was not only a promoter of this great movement, but lived sufficiently long to see its consummation within reach. During the whole of his 45 years residence in the Bay of Plenty, the advancement of the district which he founded was always his first consideration. The claims of Katikati were brought before the Government constantly by his voice and pen and he seldom failed in his efforts. It may truly be said of him that noone in N.Z. has done more for the progress of his district than was done by Mr Stewart while he had the power to use his energies.

It was mainly through his exertions that Katikati was converted from an isolated wilderness into the prosperous district it is now. No one in N.Z. has had greater strength of purpose in carrying out any scheme tending to the welfare of a local public than had Mr Stewart.

The construction of the East Coast Railway, a scheme launched for the linking up the growing and flourishing districts from Waihi to Gisborne, affords another illustration of his strenuous work in promoting settlement on the tracts of fertile country throughout the Bay. This important line is now under way and it is hoped that the portion connecting Waihi with Katikati will be completed before long.

The above are only a few instances of the splendid and successful efforts which Mr Stewart put forward on behalf of the Bay of Plenty. During the last War he was prominent in the patriotic movement and did much towards raising the spirit of patriotism for which Katikati held so high a place. In social matters he was also well to the fore and at every opportunity brought the settlers of his district together in happy reunion. In local politics he held a record to be envied, while in general politics he was a candidate for the House of Representatives on two occasions but was not successful though his opponent in the first of the contests won by only nine votes.

The late Mr Stewart was born in Brighton, England in October 1832, and was the eldest surviving son of the late Captain Mervyn Stewart, D.L. of Martray, County Tyrone, Ireland, and grandson of the Right Hon. Sir John Stewart, Bart. P.C. and M.P. for Tyrone. He graduated at Trinity College Dublin. He was the founder of five "Stewart Special Settlements", at Katikati, Te Puke and Tauranga, and arrived at Auckland in September 1875 with the first party of Katikati settlers in the ships "Carisbrook Castle", "Dover Castle", and "Lady Joslyn", which had been specially chartered for the purpose, and brought from London to Belfast for embarkation of his North of Ireland party. Mr Stewart resided at "Martray" Katikati where be had a freehold farm of over 500 acres. On the 9th May 1876 he was elected chairman of the first road board and school committee at Katikati. He was also elected first Mayor of Tauranga when that town was constituted a borough. He was also for some years chairman of the Tauranga County Council, and was still a member of that body, to which he was elected at the time of the adoption of the Counties Act. Mr Stewart was a Justice of the Peace for County Tyrone, Ireland, and for N.Z. He married Margret Miller, daughter of Rowley Miller, D.L., County Derry, by whom he had five sons and three daughters, all living, with the exception of his second son, George Vesey, who was drowned when fishing off Katikati Heads.

Thursday March 4th, 1920.

(It is interesting to note that exactly 60 years later the railway connection mentioned is being dismantled. Mr Stewart's interest in local affairs was still manifesting itself on January 19th, 1920 when in a "Letter to the Editor" he expresses doubts as to the wisdom of the idea of the Waihi Borough Council borrowing £4000 to purchase 70 acres at Waihi Beach - ED.)




Between 4 & 5 o'clock on Saturday afternoon an outbreak of fire occurred at No. 6 Level in the drive west on the Empire Reef in the Waihi Grand Junction Mine. While the cause is not actually known it is naturally presumed that on going off shift at 4 o'clock some of the underground workers must have inadvertently left a lighted candle close to the timbers, or in a "spider" stuck in the timbers which would burn readily owing to the drive being clear of water and perfectly dry.

The fire was discovered by Mr A. Parry, one of the Company's pumpmen, who at the time was working sinking pumps below No. 8 level. His attention was arrested by the pungent smell of smoke. He immediately gave the alarm and mine officials, including Mr M. Paul, District Mining Inspector, were quickly on the scene. The dense smoke made it impossible to immediately locate the seat of the fire but this was done shortly afterwards by Messrs W. Morrison (Assistant Underground Manager) and J. Wotherspoon (Shift Boss) who brought along the company's appliances for coping with underground outbreaks. Donning smoke helmets they made their way into the drive and on reaching the burning timber they quickly got water playing on the flames. Owing, however, to the burning timbers overhead giving away and bringing down a fall of quartz they were unable to immediately suppress the fire which continued smouldering until Sunday morning. A number of miners assisting had exciting experiences owing to the presence of carbon monoxide gas created by the conditions underground, brought about by the fire. The gas was not detected in the early stages and the workers were taken by surprise. Several of the number had to be medically attended to by Dr. Brown who was in attendance throughout. Messrs W. Bloomfield and W. Pennell had to be conveyed to their homes on stretchers. All of those attacked were seized with violent vomiting but their unfortunate experiences were not serious.

Work at the mine resumed as usual this morning but work at No. 6 level will be held in abeyance pending the disappearance of the carbon monoxide gas.

Extract Monday March 15th, 1920.





(This is a very abridged commentary of a discussion between Mineowners Representatives and those of the Ohinemuri Mines and Batteries Union of Workers when a futile effort was made to reach a new industrial agreement acceptable to both parties, local businessmen, all unnamed in the article, were called on to provide local figures. This action also failed to achieve the end aimed at but should prove interesting to readers. - EDITOR)

* * *

— A woman who hesitated to pay £5 5/- for a box costume in pre war times was now prepared to pay £10 10/- for practically the same article.

— Calico which cost 6d per yard before the war was now selling at 1/11d with other cotton goods in proportion.

— Mens box suits which used to cost 70/- were now £6 6/- with higher prices in sight.

— Mens drill shirts have risen from 4/6d to 12/6d.

— A mans tailoured suit which was £5-7-6d was now £8 10/- for only moderately quality colonial tweed.

A local bootmaker explained that while there were plenty of hides in N.Z. they were suitable for only heavy upper leather and sole leather, and that the bulk of light footwear was imported.

— Mens boots prewar 27/-, now 50/-. Another line that was 25/-, now 45/-. Ladies shoe increases were of similar proportion.

The butcher interviewed saw very little variation in prices but owing to the increased costs, consumption had fallen, and that joints and cuts sold were smaller than pre war times. There was also a tendency to look for the choicer cuts of meat, with the cheaper, such as shins of beef being left.

The grocer gave the most detailed accounts. He made it clear that price advances within a few months would be between 20 to 25%, and that a number of everyday articles would be unprocurable. Unlike the butcher, he considered that housewives were not seeking expensive articles but tended towards economy. Taken all round there had been an average increase of 50% since 1912. The figures quoted first were the 1912 prices.

Butter per lb l/2d — now l/8d; Eggs 1/8d — 2/3d; Bacon 1/- - 1/10d; Condensed Milk per tin 6d - 10d; Zebra Paste 4d — 6d; Rolled Oats 1/1d — 2/4d; Sultanas 6d — 1/2d; Dates 3d — 9d; Cheese 8d — 1/3d; Potatoes per cwt 9/- — 16/-; Candles 6½d — 1/-; Neaves food per tin 11d — 1/9d; Soap per bar 11d — 1/9d; Tinned fruit 11d — 2/-; Matches per packet 4½d — 10d; Sugar per 12 lb bag 2/4d — 3/3d; Flour per 25 lb bag 3/4½d – 50d; Kerosene per tin 4/6d—11/3; Tea per lb 2/- — 3/3d; Oatmeal 2d - 5d; Cups & Saucers (one of each) 6½d - 1/8d; Derby Tobacco per lb (plug) duty not included 1/8d — 5/5d.

Extract February 13th, 1920.






The following shall be the minimum rates of wages per day, or per shift of eight hours, which shall be paid by the employers respectively to the persons employed by them in the capacity mentioned, that is to say:—




Miners working in drives or stopes



Miners working in drives or stopes with machines



Miners working in rises or winzes



Miners working in rises or winzes with machines



Shaft men with machine or hand steel



Chambermen (with 8d per shift extra for oilskin money in wet shafts)






Mullockers & Truckers Underground



Mullockers & Truckers On Surface



Pumpmen and Pitmen in Shafts



Tool Sharpeners



Timbermen (surface or underground)



Stamper Hands



Stamper Hands Assistants






Stonebreaker Men Feeding Crusher



Stonebreaker Labourers



Truckers In Batteries



Battery Repairers



Battery Repairers Assistants



Cyanide Men Working In Wet Batteries



Pressmen or Pressmen Working Cranes



Pressmens Labourers



Men Attending Sands or Settlers



Concentrates Treatment Plant (Man in Charge)



Concentrates Treatment Plant (Assistants)






Vannermen Assistants



Tube Mill (Man in Charge)



Tube Mill Assistants



Men Slacking [slaking – E] Lime



Surface & General Labourers



Blacksmiths Strikers









It is to be clearly understood that in the above wages there is already included a sum of 2d an hour in anticipation of an award decision on recommendation of the Arbitration Court expected to be made during the next 3 or 4 months in respect to the increased cost of living, and that no further addition is to be made for that reason to the rates of wages herein agreed to.

Extract Saturday April 3rd, 1920.


At the monthly meeting of the Waihi Hospital and Charitable Aid Board there were present Messrs W.J. Brown (Chairman), D. Donaldson, E. Morgan, P. Melrose, A.R. Richards, J.E. Slevin, and Rev. Olphert.

The Medical Superintendent (Dr. Ewart Brown) reported the following statistics for the month: Patients admitted 53; discharged 47; died 4; at present in Hospital 41.

The local Health Inspector (Mr T.H. Erwin) reported that 11 cases of infectious diseases had occurred since last month.

Accounts amounting to £573 were passed for payment.

July 29th, 1920.





In a secret ballot held on Saturday a decision to accept offers was made by a majority of 240. The poll was by no means as large as may have been anticipated, as with a total of 346 votes cast it would seem that not more then half of the men interested could have exercised their privilege. This to some extent is accounted for by men who had been drifting away to take up work elsewhere under the impression that an early solution was not likely but their numbers could not account for the discrepancy between Union members and the votes cast.


For Acceptance











Majority for acceptance - 240.

Extract Monday April 6th, 1920.





The housing problem threatens to become serious in Waihi at no very distant date as a result of the frequent sales of dwellings for removal to other parts. During the early stages of the recent strike there was a rush of would-be buyers of house property to the town and a warning to holders not to act hastily and find themselves repenting at leisure was issued by the "Daily Telegraph". So far as can be gathered there were not many sales during the dispute but a certain amount of business appears to have been done and it is understood that with transactions made prior to and subsequent to the dispute quite a number of houses, mostly of a desirable residential class, will be taken down and removed as soon as builders find it convenient to give attention to their demolition.

In view of the ever increasing prices of all classes of building material and the growing shortage of suitable timber, tempting offers are being made for dwellings in Waihi, and it is thus not surprising, to find an inclination on the part of landlords to sell properties, many of which were purchased for considerably less years ago than the amounts now offered. Only a day or two ago a house of five rooms of moderate size with a kitchen and small bathroom was sold for £425, another of similar size brought £400, while a third and smaller dwelling went for £305. In all of these instances it may safely be said, that apart from rent received during the periods of occupation the owners of the respective properties were making a substantial profit on the original outlay. Exception of course cannot be taken to the sales, it rests with the owners to act as they see fit, but it is quite clear that in consequence of the continued sales a scarcity of accommodation must come shortly, and that with the shortage rents must advance. For years past Waihi has, with the exception of Alexandra, stood lowest on the list of the twenty five leading towns in New Zealand in the matter of rental charges, but indications are that it will not remain long.

Monday April 12th, 1920.

(For technical details of house removal see Page 9, Vol. 22 - EDITOR) [see Journal 22: The Ashby Carrying Days - E]




In connection with the enquiry concerning the recent fatal fire in Barry Road, held before Mr W. Wallnutt, District Coroner, yesterday, the matter of straying cattle and horses was strongly commented on by the Coroner. He said the position was getting quite serious and was a menace to the general public and to the Fire Brigade particularly. It was quite apparent that as soon as the services of the pound keeper had been dispensed with people seemed to take full advantage of the fact and allowed cows and horses to wander about the street. On Sunday morning last he had been informed no less than ten horses had been counted in Morseby [Moresby ? – E] Ave at one time. Even for the safety of the Fire Brigade alone something should be done, and he considered that the Police should prosecute now that there was no poundkeeper. Under normal conditions the Brigade was called upon to take a certain amount of risk and it was most unfair that they should be subject to such grave danger as was met with on Saturday night. Had it not been for the presence of mind of Superintendent Steel, driver of the motor engine a very serious catastrophe might have occurred. The damage caused to the engine by the collision with a cow, including the cost of hiring another car pending repairs would run into between £50 — £60.

Tuesday May 18th, 1920.



Great interest is being taken in the amateur boxing tournament which will be held in the Kings Theatre under the auspices of the Waihi Boxing Association, and it is anticipated that there will be a very large attendance. The entries include the following names:

Waihi: C. Thorpe, J. Kennedy, J. Walker, W. Hill, N. Smith, W. Wallace, W. Dawson, R. Hovell, E. McMasters, R. Walsh and Montgomery.

Te Aroha: Whale, Nelson, Slacker, Shackey, Hogan, Joven, Flynn, Digger, Stanley and Donovan.

Waikino: Gilpen.

The local boys have been training hard at Moak Ford's school of boxing and they should give a good account of themselves tomorrow night. Special matches have been arranged between J. Walker (Waihi) and O. Whale (Te Aroha) and N. Smith and W. Hill. The latter match is for the Waihi Mines Championship. Both men have been training and mean business.

The various bouts will be refereed by Major A.T. Kenrick, the judges being Dr. Short and Mr Daldy MacWilliams. The official seconds are Messrs Rolf and Scott. The prices 4/-, 3- and 2/- with a limited number of stage seats at 7/6d, should be within the reach of all. Doors open at 7.30 sharp.

June 4th, 1920.


The old saying that "distance lends enchantment" was never more aptly to the point when applied to those people whose breath is laden with evil-smelling and offensive odours. Many persons appear most attractive at a distance but produce a feeling of pity and disgust when close to, because of the condition of their breath. For instance, it makes little difference how beautiful a woman may be or how charming her manner, if her breath is foul, her charm is gone, and she is at a disadvantage whenever she comes in contact with other people. Foul breath in women arouses in a man a feeling of repugnance and a desire to get out of the company of such a woman as quickly as possible, and even women will avoid her. It is, therefore, important for every woman who values her personal attractions to take such care of herself that this unpleasant and unnecessary complaint is avoided or corrected.

Men, women and children who are troubled with this complaint will drive their friends away more rapidly than with any other affliction. People do not realise their breaths are bad, because they are like those who are constantly employed among paints and varnishes - they get used to what is to others a most offensive smell. In nearly all cases this is due to Constipation and a Disordered Stomach. A coated tongue, a slight headache and feverishness are sure signs that the digestive organs are retaining quantities of impurities from which the system should be free, thereby causing the breath to become charged with the foul odour. In Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills there will be found a searching, cleansing remedy, which will drive the masses of decaying corruption out of the system.




A public meeting under the auspices of the Waihi Branch of the N.Z.R.S.A. was held in the Academy Theatre last night for the purposes of discussing the influx of Asiatics into New Zealand. The position has been viewed with such alarm that a Bill is being prepared for submission to the House of Representatives advocating either restriction or total prohibition of such immigrants.

The Mayor Mr D. Donaldson presided and stated that the Waihi Borough Council had passed a resolution advocating the above and had forwarded copies to the Prime Minister.

Mr Stewart Walmsley, President of the R.S.A. moved a motion expressing alarm at the continued influx of Asiatics and calling upon the Government to stop the influx. The mover explained that the situation was not a local one, but a Dominion-wide question.

Mr Parker, Council of Unions, seconded the motion and mentioned the lowering of standards of living of Asiatics permeated the work force of New Zealand, together with the possibility of monopolies being created in certain sections of the business world.

Five other speakers spoke in support of the motion on topics ranging from the effects of the importation of Kanakas into Queensland for work on the canefields to the possible results to Christian attitudes and ethics, and the necessity to keep New Zealand white.

The motion was unanimously carried. The Waihi Federal Band played selections on the balcony prior to the meeting and items were contributed in the theatre by an orchestra under Mrs MacWilliams.

Extract, August 2nd, 1920,


Headache is not a disease but natures warning that something is wrong. Frequent headaches proclaim the existence of some disorder of the body, generally of the digestive organs. Such headaches cannot exist when Chamberlains Tablets are taken. Their marvellous influence on the liver and bowels put an end to it every time. No other laxative every made can compare with Chamberlains Tablets for the relief of headache. Chamberlains Tablets are invaluable for the prevention and relief of biliousness. Sold by all storekeepers and chemists.





A shocking fatality occurred in the Rising Sun Mine at Owharoa yesterday afternoon, whereby a well known miner and prospector Thomas Liddle lost his life. As far as can be ascertained at the present time, it appears that the top of the winze at the No. 1 level, which provides ventillation for the low level, collapsed and that the Mine Manager Mr. J.S. Spearing, with the view of reinstating the ventilation, decided to put in two drives on either side of the winze to connect with each other.

At the time of the accident both faces were some twenty inches apart, Liddle and his mate (Dean) being in one drive whilst a miner named Michael Brean was in the other, it being arranged thus both were to fire their respective round of holes simultaneously, thus connecting the two drives. It appears that Brean's charges were fired first, and that Liddle who must have been standing close to the face of his own drive was killed instantaneously when the hole burst through, being struck on the forehead and upper portion of the chest. What misunderstanding led up to the actual fatality will no doubt be explained at the enquiry.

The deceased, who was a married man with a family, had previously been employed in the Rising Sun as a Shift Boss, but at the time of the accident had only been working in the mine about a week or two. Some years ago he owned the Veritas claim adjoining the Rising Sun, but subsequently sold out to the latter company.

10th July, 1920.





A special report prepared by Mr F.C. Bunyard on the Waihi Gasworks was presented to the Waihi Borough Council at its monthly meeting. It is a detailed report and is presented with a view to assisting the local authorities on the course to be followed in view of the anticipated introduction of electric power to the town. Mr Bunyard does not suggest any very radical changes but pointed out that the existing charges to consumers should be increased.

* * *

General: The manufacturing plant is now working near its full capacity. I would advise that you instal an electric supply which will enable you to postpone indefinately any enlargement of your gasworks. Undoubtedly the lighting, power and heating of the future will be electricity.

Prices of Gas: The price charged is not sufficient to cover present day costs of labour and material. All gasworks have had to raise the price of gas.

Street Lighting: I advise that the present system of street lighting by gas be discontinued and that electric lighting be installed. In such places where electric lamps cannot fixed it may be necessary to retain gaslamps.

Retort House: The coal stove requires repairs to the roof to keep the coal dry. The roof over the furnaces also needs repair.

Furnace No. 1: This furnace should be reset at once and made ready for use.

Furnace No. 2: In good working order.

Furnace No. 3: This is practically worn out and will not be economical to use much longer.

Yield Per Ton of Coal Carbonised: The indifferent quality of coal of late makes a good and consistent yield of gas impossible. Recently it was not possible to get more than 9500 cubic feet per ton. This is very low.

General: After looking over your plant and district I do not see any great saving can be made that will enable you to defer raising the price of gas.

Regarding the installation of electricity, it will be best if your present staff, with perhaps some slight alteration, could look after the electrical department, in conjunction with their other duties. It will not be possible to support another department economically.

Extract August 6th, 1920.

(The Waihi Gasworks commenced operations in 1906 and was closed in July 1952, - ED.)


If you are a sufferer go to your local Druggist and order "Concentrated Sourdall", price 4/6d per tin. This new remedy gives almost immediate relief and quickly effects a permanent cure. It penetrates to the actual seat of the complaint and has completely cured many cases which were considered hopeless. If your chemist does not yet stock "Sourdall" do not accept any substitute but send money order for a supply direct to the "Sourdall" Distributing Coy., 38 Station Road, Croydon, Surrey, England, and a package will be returned with full instructions.





That the land on and about the Waihi Plains is regarded by farmers from outside districts as comparatively cheap and capable of being brought under cultivation to profit at a cost much below that ruling elsewhere for similar land is becoming daily more apparent. Within the past few months quite a number of holdings have changed hands and in most instances the purchasers have been experienced agricultural and dairying men with the necessary capital to put the areas acquired into a productive state, the majority with the intention of milking for the dairy factory. The newcomers include farmers from Pukekohe, Cambridge, Taranaki, Manawaru, Thames Valley and Waihou.

The most recent sale reported is that of Mr R. Zinsli's farm of just on 100 acres, on the main Waihi-Tauranga Road, which was acquired by the seller rather under 2 years ago, at which time but little improvement had been effected on the area. During Mr Zinslis term on the property a substantial residence, with milking shed and other necessary outbuildings have been erected, and the bulk of the holding has been put down in grass. Himself an experienced farmer, Mr Zinsli, with a full appreciation of the requirements of lands such as the Waihi Plains, gave the ground liberal treatment in the matter of fertilisers and was not stinting in the quantity of grass seed to the acre, and although the weather conditions for some little time after the young grass came through were unfavourable, the results as a whole proved satisfactory. That that is so is demonstrated by the fact, that the buyer, Mr Roberts of Waihou paid over £30 per acre for the farm, thus indicating his faith in the future of Waihi as a dairying and agricultural district.

September 1st, 1920.

After thirteen years as Battery Superintendent to the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Company, Mr James R. Noble has resigned to take up the position of General Manager of Muirs Gold Reefs Limited, Te Puke. Mr Noble has spent between twenty and thirty years on the Ohinemuri Goldfields. After a couple of years practical underground mining experience he became first associated with the treatment side of the industry with the Cassell's [Cassel – E] Gold Extraction Company which introduced the cyanide process into New Zealand, erecting the first plant at which Mr Noble worked, at Karangahake. He was subsequently associated with the New Zealand Crown Mines, Woodstock and other Companies on the field in gold treatment, the greater part of the time as Battery Manager. Mr Noble, whose approaching departure will be heard of by his many friends with regret but who will doubtless be pleased to hear of the appointment, will not leave his present position for six months.

September 28th, 1920,




Mr E. Fitton president of the local branch of the New Zealand Co-Operative Dairying Association, made the following comments on matters pertaining to the Waihi Plains and the value of the land there. Mr Fitton has had upwards of 40 years experience in farming in Taranaki and other parts of the North Island.

In his opinion, subject to the proper treatment and despite the increased cost of fertiliser, the Waihi Plains could be brought into production at a much lover cost than other parts of New Zealand. The land was easily drainable but the main problem was to get rid of the sourness or acidity of the soil. To do this he suggested ploughing in the autumn and allowing the soil to remain fallow to the frosts until August when it should be limed with 10 cwt of lime to the acre. Next sow white turnips and after eating off plough again to a depth of no more than 4 or 5 inches. About February sow into permanent pasture with about 3 cwt of super or basic slag. From thereon topdress with about 2 cwt of manure in both spring and autumn

Mr Fitton suggested that Jersey Cows would be suitable for the district, but only if quick growing shelter belts were grown for shelter for the herds, which tended to be delicate and would be adversely affected by the Waihi Plains winds. Black wattle was suggested as the most suitable shelter. He said that the Dairy Association should be urged to establish a butter factory in Waihi in view of the fact that six to seven hundred cows were already being milked in the district. A site near the railway station was suggested as being central for most suppliers, and a creek was close by for drainage. The controversy in the past, over the siting of the factory should be resolved as soon as possible, bearing in mind that unity is strength, and that there should be better understanding amongst the settlers of the district.

Extract September 16th, 1920.

Athenree was very much alive on Saturday evening last when a large gathering of residents met at the residence of Mr & Mrs Rapley, by invitation from Mrs Rapley, the occasion being to raise funds for the Waihi Hospital Carnival. During the evening some excellent music was provided by Mesdames Clark, Cloutman and Giles, and dancing was kept up till nearly midnight.

Mr Cloutman, on behalf of Mrs Rapley, asked for donations for the coming event and £4-7-6d was collected. After supper a warm tribute was paid to Mrs Rapley for her zeal in bringing the people together.

August 26th, 1920.




The Farmers Auctioneering Company held a stock sale in the Waihi Municipal yards yesterday when about 700 head of mixed cattle were brought under the hammer and the majority found buyers, several lots passed in by the auctioneer being afterwards disposed of privately. There was a good attendance including some outside buyers.

In the event of a yarding as large as that of yesterday the firm might well consider the question of sending along two auctioneers, the one to open with the dairying section and the other to go on with the spare cattle.

The top price realised was £20 5/- for a Jersey Cow while a couple of other nice cows realised £19 10/- and £18 respectively, and other good sorts of springing heifers £15 5/-. Others ranged from £12 5/- down to £3 10/- for old end inferior cows, with springing heifers from £6 10/- to £9. Among the stores the highest figure paid for four year steers was £12 9/- (off turnips) and £10 14/-, while two to three year steers ranged from £6 10/- (good sorts of two year olds) to £8 17/-, and store cows changed hands from £4 10/- to £8 15/- according to quality. Yearling and eighteen month heifers made from £3 5/- to £6 and steers of the same ages sold from £2 5/- to £5 10/-. Calves were not in strong demand and changed hands from 7/6d to 20/-.

September 9th, 1920.



The annual musketry course for the Waihi Territorials commenced on Saturday last, when over 30 members of "B" Company, 6th Hauraki Regiment were exercised in their instructional practices at the local rifle range. The atmospheric conditions were perfect, the fresh rear wind having little or no effect at the close range viz, 200 yards. A good average was obtained on the days shooting and quite a number of trainees bid fair to become marksmen at the end of the season. Lieutenant H.T. Gibson and Staff Sergeant Major Paterson supervised the practices and were assisted by squads of markers and register keepers.

As most of the Territorial shooting during the war period was carried out on the miniature range, Saturdays parade promises a revival of long range shooting in Waihi, and incidentally the production of several young marksmen. The remainder of the company will be exercised on Saturday week and it is hoped to commence the class firing in November.

Monday, October 11th, 1920.



At a well attended meeting in the Council Chambers last evening it was decided to form a local cricket association. Mr W.M. Wallnutt was voted to the chair and opened the meeting. The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr W. Crawford Brown; Vice Patron, Mr D. Donaldson (Mayor); President, Mr W.M. Wallnutt; Vice Presidents, Dr. T.G. Short, Messrs S. Leah, E.G. Banks, H.T. Gibson, W. McConachie, and Mr A. Riley; Secretary & Treasurer, Mr I. Webb.

It was decided to hold the initial practice match at the Recreation Ground tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4 p.m. The matter of forming clubs was left in abeyance until the strength of cricketers and their location in Waihi was ascertained. It was also resolved to communicate with Waikino, with a view to renewing cricket in that township.

October 12th, 1920.




The Public Works Statement was delivered in the House last night by the Hon. J.G. Coates, Minister for Public Works. The following is an extract:-


During the year the Hora Hora Power Station was purchased from the Waihi Goldmining Company and was operated on behalf of the Department for the last five months of the financial year. The maximum load reserved for the Waihi Mine is 3300 h.p. out of a total plant capacity of 8400 h.p. Allowing one unit of 1400 h.p. as a standby and 1300 h.p. to cover special industries and losses, this leaves 2400 h.p available for distribution by the local authorities.

Four Electric Power Boards have been formed to undertake this distribution - viz., Thames Valley, Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Central - together with the Hamilton and Waihi Boroughs and as soon as the necessary plant is available for effecting the distribution the available power will be rapidly absorbed.

The greater part of the material for the distribution lines has already arrived but owing to shipping difficulties the delivery of the poles has only recently commenced and until more are available it will be impossible to commence the erection of the lines. An agreement has also been negotiated with the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Mining Company under which their spare steam plant is to be at the disposal of the Government over periods of heavy load or of breakdown, thus enabling the spare unit of 1400 h.p. at Hora Hora to be put into regular service and rendering this additional output available for sale.

Extract October 26th, 1920.



At the annual meeting of the Waihi Swimming Club held in the Borough Council Chambers, the annual report and balance sheet were received and adopted.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing season:

Patron, His Worship the Mayor; President, Mr S.H. Walmsley, Vice Presidents, Rev. Father Wright, Revs. E.E. Bamford, F. Greenwood, F. Tucker, Messrs E.A. Wilson, W.W. Rowe, P.G. Brady, Jas. Dobson, L. Murphy, W.H. Toy, S. Leah, W.F. Kennedy, W.M. Wallnutt, Drs. Short and Brown, A.R. Richards, C.G. Morris, A.H.V. Morgan, A.T. Ellis, Evan Morgan, J.F. Horn, J. Snell, G.L. Wurm, and J. Noble; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, H.A. Keven.

The Committee was elected as follows:- Messrs J. Mitchell, J.S. Phillips, J. Masefield, H. Wroe, J.F. Horn, J.J. Callaghan, H.T. Gibson, G. Paterson, C.T. Browne, T. Daley (competitors representative) and W. Weeks.

A letter was received from the Borough Council offering the club the use of the baths provided 5% of the net takings are paid to that body, and the club guarantee to look after the baths, and allow the public the use of them on payment of the usual fee. The proposal was accepted by the executive. The members fee was fixed at 2/6d for the season, the public other than members to pay 3d admission - children free.

The annual report of the season 1919-1920 stated that the committee felt the greatest satisfaction in submitting the report especially as the club was reformed after being practically defunct for several years. The season was only a short one, the first carnival not being held until February of this year.

The seasons operations were decidedly encouraging and were a financial success, the balance sheet showing a credit of £6-11-9d. Thanks was also given to Mr J. Toms, caretaker of the baths, to the Borough Council, and to the Federal Band.

Extract November 3rd, 1920.




The Directors of the Talisman Consolidated Limited, have decided to close down the mine as soon as the material in the underground workings can be withdrawn. This will probably take a few weeks to complete. It is understood that the mine has been run for some time past at a cost of £500 per months for no returns.

December 17th, 1920.