Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 18, June 1974
Membership: 247 including 5 Life, 71 Family, 171 Ordinary.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday - in Art Centre, Kenny Street at 7.45 p.m.
These have been as follows:-
MAY. Mr. E. Jordan of Katikati - "Maori History in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato".
JUNE. Mr. E. Richardson, Director of the Museum of Transport and Technology, "The Western Springs Museum".
JULY. Mr. E. Adams of Tauranga - "Genealogy". Ancestry traced from the canoe "TAINUI".
AUGUST. Mr. H. Armour - A selection of poems, and early entertaining.
SEPTEMBER. Mr. Geo. Brown - The pleasures and difficulties of lay work in Waihi and District - (Anglican Church.)
OCTOBER. Mr. B. Middlebrook of Waihi Beach spoke on Early days of Waihi and Katikati.
NOVEMBER. Mr. E. Cunliffe - "The West End" and its advantages over the "East End"??
Our Annual Old Folks' Day was again most successful, over 100 attending. We offer sincere thanks to the artists who entertained and the people who worked so hard for its success.
The stall at the A.& P. Show again drew much attention and we do thank that Association for its assistance.
We should like to mention the important part our speakers play in our year's programmes, and thank those who have in the past helped so much.
JANUARY. 1974. A static display at the Festival of Flowers Exhibition in the Memorial Hall.
FEBRUARY. Rudall Hayward's Film - "Rewi's Last Stand".
MARCH. Mr. E. L. Adams - Genealogy continued.
Visit to Clydesdale Museum - Matamata.
Membership's 306, 252 Ordinary, 43 Family, 4 Life and 7 free exchanges.
Annual Subscriptions are now due.
Treasurer, Mrs. M. Beattie, 15 Corbett Street, PAEROA. - Phone 8444. Paeroa.
MAY 1973. Field to Tauranga. Guide, Mr. Lionel Adams.
JUNE. Mr. G. Staples - "Research on Talisman and Crown mines".
JULY. Mr. H. Wilton - "The Pinnacles of Kauaeranga" with slides.
AUGUST. Mr. & Mrs. J. Reid - "Our Trip to Australia".
SEPTEMBER. Display & discussion of antiques & articles of historical interest.
OCTOBER. Mr. T. Morris "Experience in a tramp ship 25 years ago".
Mr. R. Ratliffe - "Family life in early days of Karangahake".
NOVEMBER. Pioneer Cottage display in connection with Rotary Project in Memorial Hall.
A Field day to Waiuku arranged by Mr. McKinnon and Mr. Day.
DECEMBER. Sub-committee met Paeroa Borough Council re negotiations for a Museum.
MARCH 1974. Visit to Thames to see New Museum. Courier, Mr. Isdale.
Mr. B. Gwilliam – "Wax from Peat".
Mr. G. Staples - "Model Stamper".
APRIL. Annual Meeting 22nd April 1974. Annual Report& Balance Sheet. Election of Officers.
Slides of past outings - Mr. F. Thorp.