Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 16, June 1972
Another year of progress is recorded. Thanks to Guest Speakers.
MEMBERSHIP stands at 272; 5 Life members 28 Family members& 239 ordinary m.
MEETINGS: were held regularly each third Monday of the month and Field days during the Summer proved very popular.
MAY '71: Members brought many interesting and historical articles to the meeting for discussion and these aroused public interest when displayed in the Waikato Savings Bank window.
JUNE: Mr. R. Murdoch - The art of wood carving was explained and some beautiful pieces were on display. JULY: Slides evening - Mr. G. Staples showed slides of the far north with others of local interest and of the New Plymouth trip.
AUGUST: Mrs. Young's talk on "How our Landscape is Formed" proved interesting.
SEPTEMBER: Maori Culture Club presented songs and dances preceding Dr. Sinclair's excellent talk: "The Culture of the Maori People".
OCTOBER: A talk by Mr. I.D. Parlane - "A Brief Look at the history of Paeroa Maternity Annex" and "Memories of a County Cheese Factory". Enjoyed by all.
NOVEMBER: A most interesting Field Day to Clydesdale Museum, Matamata.
JANUARY '72: A visit from Auckland Maritime Society consisting 40 members.
FEBRUARY: Field Day to Coromandel. Our thanks are due to Mrs. Dutton, our guide, who ably pointed out the historical places.
MARCH: "Trip to Florida USA" was Mr. Bob Hughes' subject.
APRIL: Annual Meeting. Our President Mr. Thorp spoke regarding 1st World War. I wish to thank members for attending meetings which is most encouraging,
In presenting the 8th Annual Report, I am happy to stress the continued spirit of co-operation and interest in the Society. Our membership stands at 247 made up of 5 Life-members, 78 family groups and 164 others. Our bank balance is healthy and I would suggest that the $60 in donations be placed into the funds of the Museum Extension Committee.
Our Speakers during the year again provided a variety of subjects.
Mr. Porter spoke on - "The Origin of the Maoris".
Mr. J. Adams on - - - "Early Farming in Waihi".
Mr. O. Pipe - - - "A Resume of Mining in Waihi".
Mr. & Mrs. Connell - "An Overseas Trip".
Mr. F. Carbutt - - - "History of the Waihi Fire Brigade" and
"Bus Driving in the Early Days".
Mr. L. Adams - - - - "Motiti Island". - Articles on Early Waihi Beach were read.
Mr. Cordell Clarke spoke on Brazil where he has spent many years.
While some of the subjects seem remote from the objects of our Society, it is interesting to note that several of the Speakers were ex-Waihi Residents who were prepared to travel long distances for the benefit of their fellow members. We thank them all whole heartedly and are grateful also to those members who have attended meetings so consistently. A Field Day to Rotorua was a great success and the Curator of the Holden Bay Museum gave us V.I.P. Treatment.
As we decided last year only one Journal was produced (in June) and as usual Mrs. Climie is to be both congratulated and thanked for her efforts in this direction. I would again appeal to all members to help. We must remember that a large proportion of absentee members belong to the Society because of the Journal and we assure them that we are grateful for their support. Once more our Senior Citizens Day was a resounding success. This year it was held in the Presbyterian Hall because of increased numbers. Our thanks go to those who not only helped but entertained our guests.
Throughout the year the Historical Society and the "Waihi Art Centre and Museum Association" have co-operated in the planning of the Museum Extensions and finally a plan has been approved by both Committees and the W. Borough Council. It will add approximately 600 sq. feet to the display area and will be built at the back of the eastern side of the building. The extension will include toilet facilities and will allow accommodation for the Society's documents, books and photographs, hitherto unavailable for perusal by members. We thank Mr. Morgan and Mr. Adams for their valuable help.
During the year, Miss G. Brady, our assistant Treasurer sold her Seddon St. business which had been our depot for local subscriptions. We sincerely thank her for this service and are grateful to her successor Mrs. B. Wilby (Boutique) for her offer to help us in this way. Finally, I must conclude on a personal note and say how grateful I am to all members who have been so helpful to me and made it a pleasure to be their President.
(We regret Mr. Hanlen's retirement from the office of President of W.H.S. - a position he has filled with distinction for 3 years). Ed.