Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 16, June 1972
The recent sale of a house in Consols Street Waihi, reminded an old resident that "Porky" Banks once lived there. Mr. Banks was once the Proprietor of a Pork Butchers Shop in Seddon Street (now Dean's Bldgs.) He also recalls as a kid buying faggotts of Pork about 4" x 2" - 2d pies, and how an order of Pork would be cooked; ready by mealtime anyday including Sunday. The service was quite remarkable, although other Butchers sold Pork too. Apparently the forerunner of a modern Delicatessan [Delicatessen - E] the Pork Butcher must have competed successfully for my informant concluded with the remark: "The old B---made a few bob too".