Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 14, October 1970


May 1970: Mr. A. Beck and Mr. P. Jones showed slides and gave commentary on Karangahake, Old and New. This proved to be one of the best evenings members have had.

June 1970: Old cars and transport was the subject chosen by Mr. A. Carter. An informative and humorous talk.

Our display at the first Trades Fair held in Waihi consisted of a colonial dining-room-kitchen which was very favourably commented on by many of the visitors (3,700 in total) and this exhibit without doubt created further interest in our Society.

July 1970: Mr. Norman Morton recalled old days in Waihi, especially municipal affairs, and listeners were sorry when his address came to an end.

August 1970: Our Editress, Mrs. Nell Climie, B.E.M., was with us as speaker; her subjects - Karangahake and her Investiture. The talk was instructive and full of detail, and the display of photographs completed a night to remember.

The meetings have been well attended, taking into consideration winter weather and influenza. Our membership remains very good and there is certainly no lack of enthusiasm.



Our Annual meeting was held in April when Mrs. Climie, B.E.M., spoke of the Investiture by H.M. the Queen, on 13th March.

May - Mr. Allan Beattie's talk on the history of South Africa proved most interesting and educational.

June - A display of old articles and discussion on same was enjoyed by all.

July - Meeting cancelled on account of illness.

August - Mr. O. Morgan spoke on "History and Development of Waihi" and his own industry in manufacturing dental amalgams and gold alloys for use by dentists and school dental clinics throughout New Zealand and overseas. (Reported in Journal).

Membership - Our membership comprises 19 Family, 5 Life and 215 ordinary members making a total of 239 members.

At considerable cost, a glass case has been made and installed in the Paeroa Public Library for housing small historical articles.