Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 12, October 1969


Mr. and Mrs. Armour, among the best known-residents of Waihi, recently celebrated their Diamond Wedding when many relatives and friends visited them at their home in Silverton Rd. The first congratulatory telegram was one from a nephew in England, followed in quick succession by the Queen; the Governor General, Sir Arthur Porrit; the Prime Minister Mr. K. Holyoake and the Hon. A.E. Kinsella, D.C. Seath, and N. Shelton, who included the sentence, "Your contribution to the district in which you have lived for so long is one of which you can well be proud".(A very true summing up).

Mrs. Armour was born in 1886, the first of 13 children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worth of Waihi, and Mr. Armour, now 85 came here as a young boy when his parents moved from Tauranga. Later apprenticed to a Blacksmith he followed this trade for the rest of his working life, and after selling his business in Kenny St. to Mr. Furey he worked for many years on his own invention - a-double-purchase hoof-cutter which had a market all over N.Z. He is the oldest member of the Masonic Lodge in Waihi, has been a Forrester for over 60 years, a Rotarian for 12, and is a wonderful entertainer and historian.

Mr. and Mrs. Armour have been for three world trips - 1938, 1951 and 1957 when they visited Lucerne where 10,000 Rotarians gathered from all over the world. They have both been very active in all forms of social service, Church work and cultural groups such as the Music Circle which frequently meets in their horme, and their hospitality is notable both there and at their Waihi Beach Cottage where they have spent over 50 summer holidays. They have three daughters - Marjorie (Mrs. Dixon, Auckland); Sylvia (Mrs. Plummer, Paeroa) and Alison (Mrs. Broadbent, Hamilton) and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. The Historical Society is proud of Mr. and Mrs. Armour.