Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 10, October 1968

(To the tune of Tommy Atkins)

Did you ever hear of Waitekauri days,

Of its batteries and its mines at Kauri and the Cross

Of the folks who fairly set the town ablaze,

In the years Moore, Burch and Rooney each was boss,

Of the Maoriland, the Alpha, Jubilee -

Managed by Bill Cooper in Bill Christies time,

When Ryan, Draffin, Billy Rae were there

Giving cheer at Waitekauri every time.


Chorus: In the days when Waitekauri had its batteries and gold mines

Life was gay and in its glory diggers had a jolly time,

Sure its war cry too was famous, sung by folk of every clime,

In sweet dreams methinks I hear't "Waitekauri every time".


E. M. Corbett, Thomas Gordon, pioneers

Blazed the trail in seventy six mid bush and fern

Billy Nicholl, William Morgan raised our cheers,

True hearts of gold, brave men like these did earn

Great respect from those who sought the precious gold,

And those who worked round batteries and the mines,

What a wealth of information would unfold,

Could they talk of Waitekauri's early times.


Gordon Brothers ran the coaches, Deverell, Lawson did as well

Billy Maiden was another, now the Maoris, too can tell

Stirring tales of folk who travelled, and have crossed the border line,

Harry Rogers knew them all at "Waitekauri every time".


"Grace Darling" bossed by Draffin, and Ned Quinn,

At St. Hippos was Sam Farmer in command,

Boss at Te Aomarama was McLean,

At Alphas head Charles Collins took his stand

Shift Boss Tom Hunter worked near Harry Dance

Battery Superintendent Kidd at Golden Cross,

McLellan, Morrin, Clark each took their chance,

As Superintendents, Waitekauris gain, not loss.

Under leadership of Davy was John Murray, Jack Johns boy,

In same office all remember Ernie Edwards, Jack McCoy;

While Hynes, Fletcher, Brierly, had the lease of tramway line,

Trucking quartz from Golden Cross to "Waitekauri every time".


Lest we forget, lets talk of Jubilee again,

In the days when R. J. Sellon held command,

Fred Hollis was in charge, I might explain

His brother Bill bossed Young New Zealand

Hollis Brothers all were pioneers right through

And managed other mines about the hill,

The diggers all took notice of their views,

Likewise shift boss, famed bandsman named George Gill,


We mourn the friends whose lives were lost –

And with Graham and mate Wallace end our rhyme

But notwithstanding toil and heavy cost

They were stirring days at "Waitekauri every time".

Note: The original "Waitekauri Every Time" written by Mr. Edwin Edwards, Sen. was published in our 4th Issue [Journal 4: Waitekauri Every Time - E]. Many versions later appeared and this one was found among some old records.