Diamond Jubilee of the Ohinemuri County 1885 - 1945
Council's Appreciation
Assistance from Public Works
Paeroa is indeed fortunate in more ways than one in being the headquarters for the district of the many Govt. Departments. The heads of the Departments in Wellington have acknowledged, and wisely so, the geographical centre that Paeroa is, and established offices in the town to cover a wide district. This has been a distinct advantage to the persons and organisations at Paeroa who have had occasion to have business associations with those Departments. There are very few, if any, who appreciate this more than the Council and executive officers of the Ohinemuri County Council.
On this, the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee, the Ohinemuri County Council and its executive officers desire to send their greetings to the officers in charge and the staffs of the local offices of the many Government Departments at Paeroa with which the Council has been associated during the past years, and to express thanks and appreciation through the medium of this booklet to them, not only to those of the present, but also of the past, for the assistance and co-operation given the Council and executive officers at all times, and the pleasant and courteous relations that have always existed between them. Without sorting out any in particular, mention must be made of the Public Works Department. There is no other Department that the Council has had to contact more than that Department, for the reason that they are so closely allied in their work.
Every year as far back as records show, the Council has had financial assistance from the Department in the way of grants for new roads and bridges, and also since 1924 the Main Highways Board has subsidised, through the Department, expenditure on maintenance and construction of Main Highways. The total must now amount to many thousands of pounds over the past years. All this has necessitated the Council being in constant touch with the Department, and practically on every occasion the Department's engineers and staff have always shown keen interest in the Council's welfare and the desire to co-operate and assist as much as possible. The engineer at present in charge, Mr. M. J. Thomas, together with Mr. L. Oldham, Highways Overseer, and the present staff, are by no means exceptions, and they have always been found eager to co-operate and assist. This spirit of goodwill has not remained at the Paeroa office of the Department, but has extended to the district engineers and staff at Auckland, and also to the Minister and the heads of the Department at Wellington. The thanks of the Council goes to them one and all.
Neighbouring Local Bodies
Co-operation and Friendship
At this time of Diamond Jubilee celebrations the Council and executive officers of the Ohinemuri County Council desire to send greetings to the Councils, Boards and executive officers of the neighbouring local bodies, and to express thanks and appreciation for the spirit of co-operation and friendship that has always existed between them.
Particularly it is desired to mention this County's parent body — the Thames County Council, its offsprings the Waihi Borough Council, the Paeroa Borough Council, and the Hauraki Plains County Council.
The other neighbouring local bodies are the Piako County Council, the Tauranga County Council, the Te Aroha Borough Council, the Tirohia-Rotokohu Drainage Board and the Thames Valley Electric Power Board.