Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 9, May 1968

It is pleasing to note that the membership now stands at 222, including 68 families and 3 Life members. The monthly meetings continue to be well supported and very interesting addresses on local and district history have been well received. A tape on the history of Queenstown and Skippers was a welcome change. Our sincere thanks are due to those speakers who so willingly gave their time. The Senior Citizens afternoon get-together held on October 7th instead of during the pre-Christmas rush, was an unqualified success and the pleasure it gave to the older folk made the effort well worth while. We are indebted to those artists who again so willingly gave of their time.

Two enjoyable Field Days were arranged during the year, one to the Beach, Bowentown, Athenree, Woodlands, KatiKati, and the other to Te Awamutu. The visit to the Pas, Redoubts and Churches in the Te Awamutu district was very interesting and this aspect of our activities is one that should be kept steadily in view. Our Visitors from the Whakatane and Tauranga Societies on Saturday, 3rd February, were entertained to morning tea, addressed on the history of Waihi, taken on a drive around the town and escorted to Karangahake where they were guests of the Paeroa Society.

The Journal is being maintained at a high standard and I am sure that each issue is eagerly looked forward to by our members. I would, at this juncture, like to express our gratitude to our Editor, Mrs. N. S. Climie, for the work she puts into its publication and I would ask any members who can write an article, no matter how short, to do so and forward it to her.

During the past year the smooth running of our Societies has been, in no small measure, due to the loyal co-operation of our committees and your Presidents are deeply grateful to them. I regret that, owing to health reasons, I am not available for re-nomination for this important office and I would make an earnest request to members to continue to support our Societies by attending the meetings, putting forward suggestions for subjects for talks, field trips or other matters of interest and by volunteering to address the meetings, so that the rich history of the district be kept forever to the fore. In conclusion I would be pleased to see continued support given by our members to the Waihi Arts Centre and Museum Association.


(We deeply regret to learn of Mr. Morgan's illness. He has done monumental work on our behalf and it will be difficult to replace him. We here record our appreciation and gratitude and wish him a speedy and lasting recovery. Ed.)