Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Walsh Bros'. Avro 504K bi-plane at Waihi Beach. It was the first aircraft to land in the Paeroa area, in 1922.
Aviation and Paeroa Go Back 80 Years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The Bank of New Zealand, Paeroa, on the corner of Normanby Road and Victoria Street about 1900.
BNZ Building Fire
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Forty-four gallon oil drums and timber pallets form the stage from which the Kerepehi Brass Band entertained the large attendance at the annual Kerepehi Easter Monday Sports meeting in late 1940s.
More Memories of the Kerepehi Sports
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Miners pose for this photograph as they change shift at No. 2 shaft. Waihi Gold Mining Company, Waihi. c. 1900. [From the picture book: New Zealand's Northern Goldfields - E]
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The Mudford's de Havilland DH94 or Minor Moth.
Aviation and Paeroa Go Back 80 Years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The scene at Mudford's air strip on the final "fly-in" day when some 30 aircraft and 100 passengers flew in to say farewell in March, 1965.
Aviation and Paeroa Go Back 80 Years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The cookhouse was the focal point of the bush camps and seen here are the bushmen getting ready to travel into Whitianga for a "night on the town".
Looking Back on Early Mercury Bay
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The Hauraki Hotel, after it was moved from Waitekauri to Waikino in 1906 to replace the original hotel which was destroyed by fire in 1906. Three years later, after the prohibition vote was successful in 1908, this building was dismantled and the timber sold in lots to local farmers.
Waitekauri Hotels
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Manhandling a huge kauri log with timber jacks.
Looking Back on Early Mercury Bay
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The breaking-down bench, where the kauri logs were sawn into timber planks, before being cut into various sizes to meet orders.
Looking Back on Early Mercury Bay
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Kuri, a Polynesian dog which came to New Zealand with the Maori migration.
Rare Discoveries on Coromandel Peninsula
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

One of the last freight trains to wind its way down the Karangahake Gorge, c 1974.
Inside Front Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

A map of Mackaytown showing the sections of land owned by the early Milroy family (sections outlined in back line).
Milroys of Mackaytown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Jean, Jack and Grace Milroy.
Milroys of Mackaytown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The Milroy family and friends on the verandah of their first home in Mackaytown. From the left: Alexander Milroy, Annie Milroy, George Cairns, Ann Milroy, Alfred Stream.
Milroys of Mackaytown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The two of the four de Havilland Cirrus Moth 60 aircraft which landed at the Paeroa race course in October, 1929. The crews were seeking suitable landing strip in the district.
Aviation and Paeroa Go Back 80 Years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Front page of the Ohinemuri Gazette, 1893.
Missing Ohinemuri Gazettes
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

A map of early Paeroa showing the low hill (shaded) which divided the town into two areas, Paeroa (east or right) and Ohinemuri (west or left). The hill, from which Paeroa derived its name, commenced in the area of today's swimming baths and ran westwards to the Paeroa Fire Station. It was known as Fisher's Hill and was partially excavated for the main street in the late 1880s.
Paeroa's Early Beginnings
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The advert from one of the major firms in Paeroa in 1893.
Missing Ohinemuri Gazettes
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

New Zealand's first airmail stamp used by pigeon post.
Milroys of Mackaytown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The Karangahake band rotunda (centre), Volunteer Fire Brigade bell tower (right), Talisman Mine power-house chimney (left) and in the background the Waitawheta River Gorge. c 1910. The band rotunda was purchased by the Paeroa Beautifying Society in 1922 from the Ohinemuri County Council for 50 pounds (0) and erected in the centre of Paeroa. When the Paeroa Post Office was built in 1926, the rotunda was moved to its present site, opposite the Paeroa Hotel.
Inside Back Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Sports day on the Mackaytown Domain. c 1930.
Milroys of Mackaytown
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

The opening of St. John's Tamatera Church on Thursday, May 26, 1932. The inset is Rihitoto Mataia Nicholls through whose generosity the erection of the church was made possible.
St. John's Tamatera Maori Church
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 56, September 2012

Loading a Tiger Moth top dressing aircraft. c 1950.