Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The Ab steam locomotives were extensively used on the Paeroa-Tauranga section of the East Coast main trunk line from 1940 into the 1950s. They were replaced by diesel-electric powered locomotives in the early 1960s.
"Rat-hole" Tested the Train Crew
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The Captain's Table.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

One of those duck shooting stories: Wally: "And Graham put the axe to his shoulder and said 'Bang'."
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The New Zealand Crown Mining Company was among the first to make extensive use of cement when building its processing battery at Karangahake. Seen here are the remains of the battery.
Chemistry and History Meet on the Coromandel
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

A dipper dredge dug out the canal ahead of itself by floating in the newly cut channel. Several of these dredges were used in the drainage of the Hauraki Plains.
From Swamp to Farm Land
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Doherty's Creek crossing between Mackaytown and Karangahake. Below the pedestrian footbridge there was an open ford for horses hauling their loaded wagons to Karangahake and further east to Waihi.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

One of several gangs of men who dug many of the drains on the Hauraki Plains.
From Swamp to Farm Land
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The former Waitekauri Post Office on site as the Historic Maritime Park's museum.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The Gerrand family (l to r): Front, Marion, Janet, Aroha; back, Jim and June and Bob is in the middle.
Early School Bus Days in Paeroa
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Kerepehi School, 1916
Early Days of Kerepehi Sports Meeting
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Komata Reefs Mining Co. battery, 1897—1913, recovered £420,515 worth of bullion.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The former Paeroa jail (centre), a traction steam engine (right), an anti-craft gun, and in the background, ps Kopu.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Mr W. Marsh's farm yard on the Paeroa side of Turner's Hill. c 1900.
Inside Front Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The McWatters family.
Back row (l to r): Glen Archer, Liza Archer, Jan Archer, Jacob Lyons-Booth, Marie Ralls, Meagan Savage, Christy Ralls.
Middle row: Adeline and Phillip McWatters, Rebecca Wilson.
Front row: Lily Savage, Ali Smit, Taylor Smit, Holy Archer, Jonty Smit, Ben Savage. Absent: John and Kristen McWatters, Drew and Carly.
Family Roots Are Deep in the District
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

mv Settler.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Captain Cook's obelisk alongside the eastern approach to the Kopu Bridge.
Captain Cook's Landing Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Outboard motors from the past.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Former Public Works Departments sheds built c 1913 will be restored by the Park Board.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The Reo school bus with Bob Gerrand. In the back are sons Keith (left) and Jim and their friend [probably a reflection of Keith - E].
Early School Bus Days in Paeroa
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Scotcher's Store, Kerepehi Landing, 1906.
Early Days of Kerepehi Sports Meeting
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The town of Shortland at the Thames Goldfields, published in the Illustrated News, London, September 25, 1869.
Inside Back Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

ss Greenbank.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

ss Scotty.
Historic Maritime Park Gathers Pace
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The first stone cairn erected to mark the approximate landing site of Captain Cook at Netherton. Gordon Fisher is a descendant of one of very early district settlers.
Captain Cook's Landing Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The "Waihou", a suction dredge assembled the banks of the Waihou River in 1914 (where the Historic Maritime Park is today) which removed the silt from the river bed and pumped it onto the banks to form the early stopbank system.
Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers and Goldmining
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

The Taneatua Express leaves the Karangahake railway station and about to enter the Karangahake tunnel.
"Rat-hole" Tested the Train Crew
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Waihi East End [CBD - E] from Martha Hill with the main street in the foreground. c 1900 [after 1905. From the picture book: New Zealand's Northern Goldfields - E]
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Waihi West End [CBD - E] from Martha Hill with the main street middle left. c 1900 [after 1905. From the picture book: New Zealand's Northern Goldfields - E]
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Waikino, c 1920, showing the Victoria Battery in the centre, with the hotel in the foreground.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 55, September 2011

Thirty years ago on Monday, April 13, 1981, this was the scene in Waikino after the township was virtually wiped out by a devastating wall of floodwater from the Ohinemuri River. The only building left on the river side of the main highway was a badly damage store. In the foreground a concrete block butcher's shop was demolished and the post office, next door, floated away only to be demolished when it struck the Owharoa Bridge, a kilometre down stream. The Waikino Hotel, on the right, had almost 2 metres of water through its ground floor.