Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

A section of the large crowd attending the 1930 annual race meeting.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The first L and P Bottle with Sherryl Watt in the centre of Paeroa, 1968.
Paeroa's Icon: L and P Bottle
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The former National Bank gold refinery building.
There Was Gold Within These Old Walls
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Inside the first Masonic Lodge building.
Lodge Ohinemuri NZC No. 107, Paeroa
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Past Presidents and Stewards of the Ohinemuri Jockey Club at the annual race two-day meeting in March, 1939. Back row: J. Ryall, M. Crimmins, J. Clarkin, F. Tierney, W. Morrison. Middle row: H. Dent, T. Considine, F. Flatt (president), J. Poland (secretary), T. Barrett, P. Vuglar, H. Bush. Front row: E. Fathers, P. Brenan (chairman), W. Towers, J. Brenan, P. Grace, W. Neil.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Looking down one of the six brick-lined 7m deep kilns at the Victoria Battery site. The opening at the bottom gives access from the service tunnel.
Visit To Historic Victoria Battery
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

KOMATA REEFS, c 1908. A view of the settlement from the upper valley looking down towards the Komata Reefs Mining Company's processing battery. In the foreground is the railway linking the mine to the battery.
Inside Front Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

KOMATA REEFS, c 1908. The Komata Reefs Mining Company's processing battery. Top left side is the ore train reaching its destination.
Inside Front Cover
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Paeroa president Lud Sparks (left) thanks members of the Victoria Battery Society for hosting an interesting visit.
Visit To Historic Victoria Battery
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Left: Rosemary Morgan greets friends on November 25 attending the unveiling of the Owen Morgan Memorial Fountain in Gilmour Park. Right: Mrs Morgan unveils and officially turns on the fountain. Assisting her, on the left, is Sel Baker, chairman of the Waihi Ward Committee, and right, Hauraki District Mayor John Tredgida.
Owen Morgan, M.B.E., Waihi's Last Mayor
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Joe Mathieson has Midnight II under full power.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Mrs Townshend handing the volumes over to the Hauraki District Councillor, Bruce Gordon.
Ohinemuri Journals For Ngatea
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The Morgan family: Back row from l to r: Michael, Christopher, Matthew. Front row: Timothy, Deborah, and parents Rosemary and Owen in 1996.
Owen Morgan, M.B.E., Waihi's Last Mayor
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Mr and Mrs Owen Morgan in 1989.
Owen Morgan, M.B.E., Waihi's Last Mayor
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The race course, 1927.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The annual race meeting, 1924.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

Reconstruction of the race track, 1964. The old track is seen on left, the new circuit in the middle and part of the two-hill steeplechase track on the right.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The remains of the rock dam at the Elysian site.
An Elysian Place or The Hidden Basin
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

ST. MARY'S Roman Catholic Church, Paeroa, held special services to mark its 125th anniversary on December 8, 2006. During the 1870s the population of Paeroa grew with the rapid development of the Ohinemuri goldfields. Members of the Catholic faith joined forces and in 1881 they purchased land from the local Maori and erected St. Mary's Church on its present day site. The original church (above) was called Te Puru o te Rangi—Gateway to Heaven. It was replaced by the present church in 1968. St Joseph's School was opened in 1900 adjacent to the Church.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The public stand under construction in the mid-1960s.
Horse Racing in Paeroa Goes Back 131 years
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

The Waihi Hospital c 1908. It was officially opened in 1903.
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 51, September 2007

ss Waipu on the Piako River run in 1924.