Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Australian, Dean Hunter, welcomes his New Zealand friend, Colin Townsend, to Chunuk Bair. On the left the Turkish media interviews New Zealand's Ambassador to Turkey, Mr Alan Cook.
Gallipoli 1915 - A Tribute
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

(From left) Author, Maureen McCollum, David Alley, Mr Malyon Robinson, Co-author, John (Jock) Spinks at the launch of HIKUTAIA - An Interlude in Time, held at the Hikutaia Hall, 11 June 2000.(Hauraki Herald photo)
Hikutaia History Recorded
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Home of Stanley Wellington and Bertha Elizabeth Bagnall and their clildren, Dorothy Chadwick and Shirley Helen, Hauraki Road, Turua, on Kerepehi Road corner. (Taken May 1985) The house was built in 1923 by Mr Innes (Innis?) of Kerepehi.
Childhood at Turua
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Book launch on Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli, 8 August, 2000
Author, Colin Townsend signing copies of his book. Mr John Price awaits his turn.
Gallipoli 1915 - A Tribute
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

A 1930 meeting at the Paeroa Race Course.
Memories of Thames Road
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

The crowd at the book launch. (Hauraki Herald photo)
Hikutaia History Recorded
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

The "cutting of the ribbon" to officially open the Administration Block. From left to right, Mr Roger McClay (Deputy Principal 1972 –1978), Mr Ben Gwilliam (the earliest ex-pupil, 1916 – 1922), Mr Brian Pratt (Principal since 1996).
Paeroa Central School 125th Jubilee
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Dorothy and Helen Bagnall, Turua, 1929. Wearing smocked frocks made by their Auntie Mary, Bertha's sister-in-law in Victoria, Australia.
Childhood at Turua
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Fig. 1. A north and partial view in 1997 of the tramway (Site T13/47) which ran between hoppers which once stood near the Number 1 and 2 shafts. The floor of the side-cutting is approximately 3.4 metres wide.
Golden Cross Mine Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Fig. 2. Looking northwest. A view in 1997 of the Number 1 shaft-head (T13/54) and the adjoining hoisting works site (right).
Golden Cross Mine Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Fig. 3. Looking north. Two intact tipheads at the north end of mullock dump T13/57 in 1997.
Golden Cross Mine Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Fig. 4. Looking northeast. A safety fence surrounded the shaft on Site T13/63 in 1997.
Golden Cross Mine Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

The Golden Cross Hotel (later moved to Waihi) was built in 1899 - a two storey wooden building of 17 rooms, the dining room catering for 50 guests.(Photograph from Staples' Collection)
Golden Cross Mine Sites
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Leila and Vic Alley reminisce as they look through a photograph album (Hauraki Herald photo).
Vic and Leila Alley - Diamond Wedding
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

New Zealand's Ambassador to Turkey, Mr Alan Cook (3rd from left), next to Colin Townsend, Author of "Gallipoli 1915 - A Tribute to Those Who Were There", Chunuk Bair, 8 August, 2000.
Gallipoli 1915 - A Tribute
Ohinemuri Regional History Journal 45, September 2001

Paeroa & District Historical Society trip to Wellington, February 2001.
From left: Reg Parker, Audrey Young, Arthur Reid, Mike Worthington, Ken Browett , Rae Jordan, Dorace Mason, Elspeth Vuglar, John Wind, Gray Vuglar, Ruth Worthington (obscured), Dale Wind, Brick Jordan, Joan Phillips, Mona Townshend, Pauline Bramble, Margaret Hasnip, Don Phillips, Marion Smith, Vera McMillan, Norman McMillan. Front: Barbara and Tom Carden. Absent: Ken Firth.